CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 4/2012 04 April 2012
YEAR B 2012
1 / 4 PALM SUNDAY Year B [P]
11.1 to 10 Mc (Opp.: Jn 12.12-16) Is 50.4-7;
Ps 21, Phil 2:6-11; Passio: Mk 14.1 15.47
The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak Mc 15.38
Jesus had heard the promises of Peter, but now realizes that is not able to keep them. To follow Jesus requires much prayer, because otherwise the temptations are many and very strong. This next week will take advantage of various possibilities of prayer that I will be proposed. I do not want to run the risk of denying Jesus, like Peter.
(Comm: S Francesco da Paola, hermit, † 1507)
Is 42.1-7, Ps 26, Jn 12.1-11
They made a dinner for him Jn 12.2
I am Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Mary, who invited Jesus to dinner, to thank him. Lazarus was indeed dead, but Jesus called him out of the tomb. I also have much gratitude to Jesus every day! The Eucharist is our due, the dinner which Jesus is present with us: he has called us!
Is 49.1-6, Psalm 70, John 13,21-33.36-38
I will make you light of the nations Is 49.6
Jesus, sent by God the Father, with his earthly life of man and God, it's really light to every man and every people. Under his guidance, the men love and seek the good of one another. Without him, it is the selfishness that hurts people.
(M, Isidore, Vesco. And dr., † 636)
Is 50.4-9, Sal 68; Matthew 26:14-25
Prepared the Passover Mt 26.19
The disciples, following the instructions of Jesus, what is required to prepare the celebration of the Passover lamb, bitter herbs, unleavened bread, wine ... Jesus will realize what these things mean giving himself as the Lamb of God and opening the passage from death to life. So it is with every Eucharistic celebration and for every sacrament, we make bread, wine, water, oil, but it is Jesus who makes these signs with the effective action of his Spirit.
Es 12,1-8.11-14; Ps 115; 1Cor 11,23-26;
Jn 13.1-15 (Mass the Lord's Supper)
He loved them until the end of John 13:1
How great is your goodness, Lord Jesus! You are forever faithful, we're close in every situation in your word, when we gather in your name at any brother who loves you in your ministries and in their service, the Eucharist, which today have given us. Thank you, Jesus!
6 / 4 FRIDAY 'HOLY [P]
Is 52.13 53.12, Ps 30, Heb 4:14-16; 5.7 to 9;
Jn 18.1 19.42
Never opened his mouth Is 53:7
The word of the prophet describes the behaviour of Jesus during the two processes it has undergone. He has not tried to defend himself; he continued to pray, leaving it to God for his defence. And God has answered in a way that we would never be able to imagine: it was raised from the dead, indeed, it has greatly enhanced.
He has torn, he will heal us Os 6.1
On this day the Holy Church presents to us this word of hope after the test there will be a relief, after the death of Jesus, the resurrection with him.
8 / 4 Easter resurrection of the Lord Year B [P]
At 10,34.37-43, Ps 117, Col 3.1-4 (Opp.: 1 Cor 5.6 to 8), John from 20.1 to 9 (Opp.: Mc from 16.1 to 8)
Christ our Passover is sacrificed! 1 Cor 5.7
Today the mystery of the love of God the Son is offered in a complete act of love! This means for us 'Easter', i.e. transition to another way of being: we are no longer driven to death, but the new and eternal life in which he joined those who believe Jesus discovers the joy. Alleluia!
9 / 4 LUN EASTER (Angel) [P]
At 2,14.22-32, Ps 15, Mt from 28.8 to 15
You will fill me with joy with your presence At 2.28
Everyone who believes in Jesus can make their own words, in hope. Even those who live every day moments of tribulation, he knows that will cause bursts of consolation to the faithful love of the Lord in whom I trust and who will one day face to face!
10 / 4 EASTER MAR [P]
At 2.36-41, Ps 32, John 20:11-18
They said: "Woman, why are you crying?" John 20.13
The angels are amazed that Mary crying, because the reason why she is crying because of joy for the entire world! But Mary still does not know, do not realize that your Lord has risen and is also a source of new life for her! Often, our tears are a sign that we do not know what God is doing or has already done for us!
11 / 4 EASTER EEW set [P]
(M: St. Stanislaus, Vesco. And mart., † 1079)
Acts 3:1-10; Ps 104, Lk 24:13-35
In the name of Jesus Christ, get up and walk! At 3.6
The apostles know that the name of Jesus, living in heaven, is strength and victory. They call upon Him in all circumstances, and are never disappointed. I've learned to rely on it with his brothers: it is always a source of peace and ability to love.
12 / 4 Thurs of Easter [P]
At 3.11 to 26; Psalm 8, Luke 24.35-48
Of this you are my witnesses, Luke 24:48
Thank you, Jesus! I also testify that the name in your sins are forgiven, and forgiven because your life and your death is pleasing to the Father in it all the promises of Scripture have been fulfilled. Your life, death and resurrection make the Father's love for us poor sinners. We love you and sing to you: Alleluia!
13 / 4 Fri of Easter [P]
(Mf: St. Martin I, pope and martyr., † 655)
At 4.1 to 12, Ps 117, Jn 21.1-14
In no one else there is salvation Acts 4:12
Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, can only say that in Jesus there is the certainty of the resurrection from the dead. It is through the merits of the Risen Christ we can, even now, to enter into eternal life to be liberated from the bondage of hedonism, of arriving, wasting the life of the vices of alcohol and drugs and sex. In Jesus we experience something instead of paradise, of communion with God
14 / 4 EASTER SAB of [P]
At 4.13-21, Ps 117, 16.9 to 15 Mc
Hearing that he was alive, did not believe Mc 16.11
To believe in the resurrection of Jesus was not easy for his apostles did not trust a woman who claimed to have seen him. Jesus resurrected several times by showing them, healed their unbelief.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, given to us to believe without seeing!
15 / 4 DOM "Divine Mercy" TP IIa Year B [P]
At 4.32-35, Ps 117, 1 John 5.1 to 6, John 20.19-31
Jesus came and stood among them and said to them: "Peace be with you! Jn 20:19
On the evening of Easter and eight days after, Jesus shows His infinite mercy. The disciples were imprisoned there, fearful, incredulous, one more than the other. A few days earlier had fled abandoning the Garden of Olives Jesus, and yet he did not rebuke them. It gives them his presence, brings peace that is in full communion with him, and gets touched by those who were faithless.
Merciful Jesus, my Lord and my God!
16 / 4 Mon IIa T.P. [II]
At 4.23-31, Ps 2, John 3.1 to 8
You must be born again John 3.7
To enjoy the full life, truly happy, you must accept the love that God the Father offers to all, Jesus His Son. To this must be humble, recognize our limitations, our poverty, the need for salvation and love we have.
17 / 4 MAR IIa T.P. [II]
At 4.32-37, Ps 92, Jn 3.7 b-15
A heart and soul Acts 4:32
Come, Risen Lord, 'blows' yet your spirit so that my family, my community, my parish is 'one heart and one soul'. Also helps me to do my part: to forgive, not to my views, to speak only good of others ... to live in a new light, that of your resurrection.
18 / 4 Wed IIa T.P. [II]
At 5.17-26, Ps 33, Jn 3.16-21
Whoever believes in him is not condemned John 3:18
Thus we understand this word, he who believes in Jesus "is not" convicted. Who entrust themselves to him, in fact, is no longer in the dark of the distance from the Father and overcome by this darkness, the love of Jesus heals his life, free from the domination of so many evil inclination, the orientation to peace and joy to live as a child loved by the Father.
19 / 4 Thurs IIa T.P. [II]
At 5.27-33, Ps 33, Jn 3.31-36
The Father loves the Son and has given everything over Jn 3:35
Jesus, the Son of God, the Father loves listening with love and obey always, in everything he does, which is why, for him, the Father is pleased and confers his kingdom with full confidence and full powers.
Jesus, help us also to bring joy and glory to the Father in obedience to you with love!
20 / 4 Fri IIa T.P. [II]
At 5.34-42, Ps 26, Jn 6.1 to 15
Pick up the pieces left Jn 6.12
This is the invitation of Jesus to the disciples who witnessed the multiplication of the loaves stunned donated by a boy. Who wants to satiate even the "Bread", a sign of the bread of life which is Jesus, enters the Church, the Twelve Apostles, who guard the twelve baskets of fragments left over, it will have enough for all who will hear the Son of God
21 / 4 Sat IIa T.P. [II]
(Mf: San Anselmo, Vesco. And dr., † 1109)
At 6.1 to 7, Ps 32, Jn 6.16-21
It was now dark Jn 6.17
The disciples did not accept that Jesus gave up to become king after the multiplication of the loaves, which is why it is dark even in their hearts: Jesus himself is seen by them as a ghost. Jesus, in His mercy, love them and comes to their aid, saying: "I am not afraid." So she gives them courage and makes them come to the place where they were going.
22 / 4 Sun IIIa T.P. Year B [III]
At 3,13-15.17-19, Sal 4, 1 John 2.1 to 5; Luke 24.35-48
Look at my hands and my feet, that's me! Lk 24.39
Think of the Risen Jesus reminds me of one of the signs that Jesus asked, before going to follow him. I asked to see a community similar to that of the first Church of Jerusalem, to be sure of his presence. But now I know that in any meeting of the Eucharist, he still shows signs of wearing his cross. In the Eucharistic, in fact, the plight of the brothers are not scandal, but evidence of the presence of Jesus
23 / 4 Mon IIIa T.P. [III]
(Mf: St. George, mar., † AC 303, St. Adalbert, Vesco. And mart., † 997)
At 6.8 to 15, Ps 118, Jn 6.22-29
What must we do to do the works of God? Jn 6.28
Jesus asked in these words, he replied: "This is the work of God you believe in Him whom He sent." God the Father expects of us who believe in Jesus Christ his Son. This faith, then, becomes the source of every good deed, and will be a source of life and peace.
24 / 4 MAR IIIa T.P. [III]
(Mf: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, priest. And mart., † 1622)
7.51 at 8.1, Ps 30, Jn 6.30-35
What sign you casts so that we see and believe you? Jn 6.30
Those who have asked this question to Jesus had seen the sign of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. To them however, it was not enough.
If you're not humble enough to not anything. That is Jesus' answer does not provide another sign, but only the gift of his life: he that receives it will have more of a sign, will have eternal life!
25 / 4 Wed S. MARCO, Ev. [P]
1 Peter 5.5-14, Ps 88, Mk 16.15-20
Put all humility 1 Pet 5.5
Saint Peter so recommends to the faithful and their pastors. In humility, in fact, there is mutual willingness to listen to understand the intentions of one another. Young people, therefore, be more cautious and more attentive to priests discern what is best suited to lead them to the demands of Christian life. With all the humility that Jesus will receive strength to resist the enemy that wants to take life.
26 / 4 Thurs IIIa T.P. [III]
At 8.26-40, Ps 65, Jn 6.44-51
I am the bread of life Jn 6:48
Jesus, I believe in you, my Lord and my God, your word nourishes my heart and my mind and purifies them. You are my safety and my peace, thank you, Jesus!
27 / 4 Fri IIIa T.P. [III]
At 9.1 to 20, Ps 116, Jn 6.52-59
Who eats this bread will live forever Jn 6.58
It is Jesus who speaks to us this word, after saying that he is the bread that came down from heaven. I think, Jesus, accepting that you get the full life that my heart waits. I want to be with you always, giving you full confidence!
28 / 4 Sat IIIa T.P. [III]
(Mf: St. Louis Marie de Montfort, priest., † 1716, St. Peter Chanel, priest. And mart., † 1841, St. Gianna Beretta Molla, † 1962)
At 9.31-42, Ps 115, Jn 6.60-69
Among you there are some who do not believe John 6.64
Attending S. Mass, attend meetings of a parish or church movement, part of a religious community does not always means having a faith to be true disciples of Jesus. Oh Holy Spirit, purify our hearts so we can follow Jesus with faithful love, on 'example of the saints!
29 / 4 Sun IVa T.P. Year B [IV]
At 4.8 to 12, Ps 117, 1 John 3.1 to 2; Jn 10:11-18
The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep John 10:11
The Good Shepherd is Jesus, he gave his life to death on the cross for us to know the Father and bring us to him. Moved by the Spirit many in the Church were true "pastors." Do not forget the Bishop Luigi Padovese, who gave his life as a zealous pastor of the Church. Today we remember well St. Catherine, who is consumed for the sanctity and unity of the Church. Thank you, Jesus, witnesses who have completed their "Easter" and now sing with you the eternal Alleluia!
30 / 4 Mon IVa T.P. [IV]
(Mf: St. Pius V, Pope, † 1572; Just dioceses. TN: m: S. Massenza)
At 11.1 to 18; Sal 41-42, Jn 10.1-10
To the pagans too, God has granted repentance At 11.18
This exclamation of joy from the mouth of the hearers of Peter is valid today. Instead of dropping arms in the face of our weakness or inability of our neighbour, we renew our faith in the power conversion contained in the death and resurrection of Jesus and our sharing in his sufferings, and find courage and joy.
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
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