CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
01 ago 2022 08 August 2022
English translation, August 2022
1/8 LUN XVIII° T.O. [II]
(m: S. Alphonse Mary de’ Liguori, Bishop and Doct., † 1787)
Jer 28,1-17; psal 118; Mt 14,13-21
He had compassion for them and cured their sick Mt 14,14
Lord Jesus, your compassion is a great gift. I know it, for you extended many times for me. You used it to grant me forgiveness whenever I disobeyed you and to give me peace, serenity and abandon to the Father when I was sick. Thank you. I am certain that you continue to have compassion for all.
2/8 TUE XVIII° O.T. [II]
(mf: S. Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop, † 372; S. Peter G. Eymard, priest, † 1868)
Jer 30,1-2.12-15.18-22; Psal 101; Mt 14,22-36
He went up the mountain by himself to pray Mt 14,23
Today we see Jesus who, instead of satisfying the desires of the people who wanted to keep him for themselves, goes away to be alone. He wants to please the Father, that is to live the intimacy with him. Look, he is praying; his is a true prayer, for he plunges in the Father’s heart so as to be filled and covered by his love.
3/8 WED XVIII° O.T. [II]
Jer 31,1-7; Psal: Jer 31,10-13; Mt 15,21-28
The Lord has saved his people Jer 31,7
The prophet Jeremiah invites the people to have hope, and to recognize the faithful love of their God. A love that will be fully manifested in Jesus Christ, not only to Israel, the chosen people, but for all the peoples. The Gospel today confirms this. The pagan woman, in fact, whose faith fills Jesus with admiration because it is a “great”faith, is immediately granted her wish.
4/8 THU XVIII° O.T. [II]
(m: S. John Mary Vianney, priest, † 1859)
Jer 31,31-34; Psal 50; Mt 16,13-23
But who do you say that I am? Mt 16,15
Essential question, this one, and always new. My knowledge of Jesus must be different from what the world may know of him, but also different from the knowledge I myself had yesterday. Every time I meet him, I see him getting bigger and more beautiful. You are my life, Jesus!
5/8 FRI XVIII° O.T. [II]
(mf: Dedic. Basilica of S. Mary Major)
Na 2,1.3; 3,1-3.6-7; Psal: Dt 32,35-41; Mt 16,24-28
… let them deny themselves, take up their cross and follow me Mt 16,24
These are the conditions to accompany you, Lord Jesus. They are demanding, but possible. They require humility and detachment from everything.. and it is a liberation. Thank you that you are not ashamed of my crosses, thank you that you do not expect me to be a superman, that you are happy of who I am, while you still want that I grow with you.
Dn 7,9-10.13-14; Psal 96; Lk 9,28-36
The appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became dazzling white Lk 9,29
Today, feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord: he is on the mountain, together with three disciples only. What surprise for them! That light was the fruit of his prayer: the light of God was reflected in him. He was really immersed in his Father’s heart! When I truly pray, I change too, not outside but inside, in my heart!
7/8 SUN XIX° O.T. Year C [III]
Wis 18,6-9; Psal 32; Heb 11,1-2.8-19; Lk 12,32-48
Sell your possessions, and give alms Lk 12,33
We would say that one who give this counsel is crazy, if it were not Jesus proposing it. But Jesus knows what he is talking about: whoever starts leaving behind the things of this world and uses them in order to love, starts looking like the Father who is in heaven. He starts already moving into the final home, dreamt about since the beginning.
8/8 MON XIX° O.T. [III]
(m: S. Dominic, priest, † 1221)
Ez 1,2-5.24-28; Psal 148; Mt 17,22-27
On the third day he will be raised Mt 17,23
Before sending Peter to the lake so as to find a silver coin in the mouth of a fish, Jesus announces his own death, to be followed by the resurrection. He never speaks of his death only, otherwise we should be scared and afraid. When he speaks of death, he speaks also of the good news and beauty of the resurrection: it it the latter that we desire, though it has a price.
9/8 TUE S. THERESA BENEDICTA of the CROSS, (Edith Stein, † 1942), virg. and mart., Patroness of Europe [P]
Hos 2,16b.17b.21-22; Psal 44; Mt 25,1-13
I will take you for my wife in faithfulness Hos 2,20
This promise is from God, for his people. Thus he manifests his love, though the people has been unfaithful. It is a beautiful promise, which can be valid for each one of us. They receive it as a confidence of personal love those who, like St Theresa Benedicta, offer to the Lord all their life.
10/8 WED S. LAWRENCE, deacon and martyr, († 258) [P]
2Cor 9,6-10; Psal 111; John 12,24-26
If the grain of wheat dies, it bears much fruit John 12,24
It is the feast of St Lawrence, today, and we receive as a gift these words of the Gospel. Jesus speaks about himself, and also about whomever wants to be united to him. The grain that, fallen into the earth, dies to give life to very many other grains of wheat, is Jesus himself!
The martyr Lawrence followed him firmly, without fear, and his death too, bore much fruit in the Church.
11/8 THU XIX° O.T. [III]
(m: S. Clare, virg., † 1253)
Ez 12,1-12; Psal 77; Mt 18,21-19,1
The lord of that slave forgave him the debt Mt 18,27
Thank you, Jesus, who have forgiven me many and many times; to do that you had to suffer your passion and your cross. I want to learn from you to suffer and to forgive, while listening, meekly and patiently, to the Holy Spirit.
12/8 FRI XIX° O.T. [III]
(mf: S. Joan Frances de Chantal, relig., † 1641)
Ez 16,1-15.60.63; Psal: Is 12,2-6; Mt 19,3-12
The two will become one flesh Mt 19,5
Jesus, when asked about the possibility of divorcing the wife, answers with utter certainty, since he knows how the Father has formed the heart of man. The plan of the Father is the best – actually the only – rule that can ensure the well-being of the person, the couple, the children and the whole society. God did not plan the divorce. It is a fake remedy willed or caused by selfishness.
13/8 SAT XIX° O.T. [III]
(mf: Ss. Pontianus, Pope, and Ippolitus, priest, martyrs, † 235)
Ez 18,1-10.13.30-32; Psal 50; Mt 19,13-15
Turn, then, and live Ez 18,32
Immediately after the speech on divorce, here we find the children. How is it that they were not taken into account by their divorced parents? Why do they declare their love for the children, while instead causing them atrocious suffering? It is always valid the call of the prophet: convert, carry the cross of Jesus, and you will find life, a true life you will bestow on your children.
14/8 SUN XX° O.T. Year C [IV]
Jer 38,4-6.8-10; Psal 39; Heb 12,1-4; Lk 12,49-53
I came to bring fire to the earth Lk 12,49
Jesus confides to his disciples how he will carry out the mission entraste to him by the Father. He came to bring a great change. After his passage men will be any longer as before: it is really like that. Wherever the knowledge of Jesus arrives, men are divided. On one side are those who do not want to hear about the cross and then often refuse the price of true love; on the other side are those who let their hearts be warmed up and purified by that fire of love.
15/8 MON ASSUMPTION of the Blessed Virgin MARY [P]
Ap 11,19;12,1-6.10; Psal 44; 1Cor 15,20-27; Lk 1,39-56
My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour Lk 1,47
Today is a great feast in heaven: the Queen comes, the Mother loved by all the Saints. It is a great feast on earth as well, since even here there are the children who rejoice for the joy and the glory of their mother. She herself calls us to partecipate in her great joy: the cause of her joy, is the God of love who asked her to commit all her life to accomplish his plan.
16/8 TUE XX° O.T. [IV]
(mf: S. Stephen of Hungary, † 1038)
Ez 28,1-10; Psal: Deut 32,26-28.30.35-36; Mt 19,23-30
For God all things are possible Mt 19,26
Jesus answers to his disciples, who are troubled. It is true, they are in real trouble, since even in them is always present the desire of being rich, a desire that does not allow entering the Kingdom of heaven. Only God can take away from our heart this temptation; do we ask him for it?
17/8 WED XX° O.T. [IV]
Ez 34,1-11; Psal 22; Mt 20,1-16
You also go into the vineyard Mt 20,7
Another image of the Kingdom, whose king is Jesus. It is a Kingdom that needs workers at any time. For everyone there is a work to do, even for those who arrive at the last minute. The owner never tires of inviting people. Let us not worry about our pay; it is already a gift that we can work for him.
18/8 THU XX° O.T. [IV]
Ez 36,23-28; Psal 50; Mt 22,1-14
The wedding is ready Mt 22,8
Another parable to know the Kingdom of heaven. We are all invited guests to the wedding banquet of the Son. All are invited, even those who were not invited at first. All receive a worthy dress. One can refuse it, but it would be foolish. It is better to be humble and accet the gift.
19/8 FRI XX° O.T. [IV]
(mf: S. John Eudes, priest, † 1680)
Ez 37,1-14; Psal 106; Mt 22,34-40
You shall know that I am the Lord Ez 37,14
The vision of Ezekiel lets us see the wonder of heaps of bones that, under the breath of a new wind, are covered again with flesh and stand on their feet. It is also the humanity of today that starts a real life by loving, following the coming of the Holy Spirit breathed by Jesus. A humanity that first loves God with all the heart and then spreads everywhere a holy love.
20/8 SAT XX° O.T. [IV]
(m: S. Bernard, abbot and Doct., † 1153)
Ez 43,1-7; Psal 84; Mt 23,1-12
The glory of the Lord filled the Temple Ez 43,5
In Jesus, who is the veritable Temple of God, we can contemplate his glory: the humble, the small ones can recognize this, since Jesus is the mercy, wisdom, peace, love without limits of the Father in heaven. I will look at him as the Gospel present him: a servant working for the salvation of all, till the total gift of his person.
21/8 SUN XXI° O.T. Year C [I]
Is 66,18-21; Psal 116; Heb 12,5-7.11-13; Lk 13,22-30
Strive to enter through the narrow door Lk 13,24
Jesus knows that his road is climbing towards Calvary. His disciples will never find a better road than this. At once, they will have to start a fight inside themselves, against their ambitions and their whims, so as to succeed in entering through the door without any baggage, hand in hand with the others.
Save me from myself, o Lord Jesus!
22/8 MON XXI° O.T. [I]
(m: Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen and Mother)
2Ts 1,1-5.11-12; Psal 95; Mt 23,13-22
Blind fools! Mt 23,17
Do not get offended, do not think bad of Jesus. He uses these words, very much true by the way, when he addresses scribes and pharisees, namely religious and learned people. Still, they are wrong and cheat others, since they do not practise what they teach. Jesus loves them, therefore he rebukes them.
23/8 TUE XXI° O.T. [I]
(mf: S. Rose of Lima, virg., † 1617)
2Ts 2,1-3.13-17; Psal 95; Mt 23,23-26
God chose you as the first fruits for salvation 2Ts 2,13
I was listening to a man, a professed atheist, telling me about his search for the meaning of life. His priorities were the family formed by the union of a man and a woman to give birth to children, the value of work and of living while being able to give thanks. I thanked Jesus for his Church that, by sowing his Word, can reach unexpectedly even those who do not believe in him.
Ap 21,9-14; Psal 144; John 1,45-51
Rabbi, you are the King of Israel! John 1,49
Nathanael, son of Tolomeus, namely Bartholomew, speaks these words. He is one of the Twelve, and today we give thanks for his presence in the Church. Following the invitation by Philip, he could at once recognize Jesus as the king sent by God, so that Jesus himself was amazed. The Father rewarded him for his love of the Scripture. In fact, Jesus told him: “I saw you under the fig tree”, meaning that he saw him while Nathanael was trying to deepen his knowledge of the Word of God.
25/8 THU XXI° O.T. [I]
(mf: S. Louis, † 1270; S. Joseph Calasanz, priest, † 1648)
1Cor 1,1-9; Psal 144; Mt 24,42-51
He will strengthen you to the end 1Cor 1,8
Saint Paul writes to the Corinthians, and starts his letter by praising them, who after getting to know and welcoming Jesus, began to walk on a road that enriches them with God’s gifts. On this road temptations abound, therefore he prays that they remain firm. This is a gift to be asked to the Father
26/8 FRI XXI° O.T. [I]
1Cor 1,17-25; Psal 32; Mt 25,1-13
Truly I tell you, I do not know Mt 25,12
We have already heard these words, addressed to those who boasted of doing wonders. They were not aware that it is God who works wonders, and that we can just give thanks, every time. Today ‘the bridegroom’speaks in this way to those virgins who failed to keep him in their minds, while the time available to wait for him was growing short.
27/8 SAT XXI° O.T. [I]
(m: S. Monica, † 387)
1Cor 1,26-31; Psal 32; Mt 25,14-30
This worthless slave, throw him into the outer darkness Mt 25,30
The worthless slave is the man who hid the talent that was given him. He did nothing for his master. This means that his life self-centred. For Christians it is a frequent temptation to neglect the Gospel, the Kingdom of God, the life in the Church, and concentrate instead on their so-called interests.
28/8 SUN XXII° O.T. Year C [II]
Sir 3,17-20.27-28(19-21.30-31); Psal 67; Heb 12,18-19.22-24; Lk 14,1.7-14
Go and sit down at the lowest place Lk 14,10
How is the life in the Kingdom of heaven? Jesus wastes no occasion to give us some information about it. The new life will be humble, without any boasting, it will marked by service. It will be a life exactly like the life of the Son of Man, who came to give himself.
29/8 MON Martyrdom of St John the Baptist (m) [P]
Jer 1,17-19; psal 70; Mk 6,17-29
Herod feared John, knowing that he was a righteous and holy man Mc 6,20
We remember today the death of John the Baptist. Even Herod knew him as a“ righteous and holy man”, though he himself, the king, was tied, a prisoner of his own sin. He thought that he had conquered a treasure when he brought Herodias in his home. Instead, with her wickedness, she had mastered him.
30/8 TUE XXII° O.T. [II]
1Cor 2,10-16; Psal 144; Lk 4,31-37
A report about him began to reach every place in the region Lk 4,37
A man in the synagogue offends Jesus. He, however, has uncovered the evil spirit who forced that man to cry. Nobody else had been aware that the prayer in the synagogue had been disturbed by that presence. Therefore all are amazed and speak about this new event.
31/8 WED XXII° O.T. [II]
1Cor 3,1-9; Psal 32; Lk 4,38-44
And he laid his hands on each ot them and cured them Lk 4,40
“Sick with various kinds of diseases” are touched by Jesus. How come that he shows interest for these weak people, worse than useless, who not only are suffering, but make other people suffer? Jesus has such a name that always reminds him of his mission: God saves! Who should be saved, if not those who suffer?
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
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