CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 08/2013 08 August 2013
2013 Year C
1/8 Thurs seventeenth T.O. [I]
(M: M. S. Alfonso de 'Liguori, Vesc. And dr., † 1787)
Ex 40,16-21.34-38; Ps 83, Mt 13.47-53
Collect the good fish in baskets and throw away the bad Mt 13.48
The fishermen are well observed by Jesus. And Jesus translates into a parable the work of fishermen. Eventually, when all we will be arrived, the angels will present to God only those of us who are "good", ie those who resemble the Son of God in love!
2/8 Fri seventeenth T.O. [I]
(Mf: St. Eusebius of Vercelli, Vesc., † 372, St. Peter Julian Eymard, priest., † 1868)
Lv 23,1.4-11.15-16.27.34-37; Ps 80, Mt 13.54-58
A prophet is not without honor except in his native homeland Mt 13.57
Jesus quotes this proverb. Those who had lived with him in a normal life could not recognize his divine origin. This still happens, simply because we are hasty in our relationship. Judge, criticize, evaluate all superficially. We are not enough attentive to what God wants us to communicate through those around us.
3/8 Sat seventeenth T.O. [I]
Lv 25,1.8-17; Ps 66, Mt from 14.1 to 12
None of you shall oppress his neighbour Lev 25.17
A command decision. It is God who created all men, and that is what he wants to protect. He who loves God finds many ways to love everyone, who is selfish in many ways hurts his neighbour.
4/8 Sun XVIII T.O. Year C [II]
Qo, 1.2, 2.21 to 23; Ps 89; Col 3,1-5.9-11;
Luke 12.13-21
What you have prepared, whose will be? Lk 12.20
The reflection on what we're doing is always useful to avoid the risk of toil in vain. Jesus is telling us today that we labor in vain when we build on and not to be an instrument of God's love really if we loved God, our eyes would see a lot of poverty where to invest our assets. We’ll be rich in the kingdom of heaven, rich in the wealth of the Father!
5/8 Mon XVIII T.O. [II]
(Mf: Dedic. Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore)
11.4 to 15 nm, Ps 80, Mt 14.13-21
He felt compassion for them and healed their sick Mt 14.14
Jesus feels compassion for those who, while listening to him, they take time and make the effort to follow him away from home. His compassion becomes healing for the sick and satiety to the hungry. Today we join ourselves to the compassion of Jesus: who knows how many ways they grow!
6/8 MAR Transfiguration of the Lord [P]
Dn 7,9-10.13-14 opp. 2pt 1.16 to 19; Ps 96, Lk 9.28 to 36
This is my Son, the Chosen. Listen to Him! Luke 9.35
Jesus went up the mountain to pray, his prayer is a strong desire to be united to the Father to spread his love for men! This desire is the more pleasing prayer to God. The disciples must know, therefore, the Father revealed to them who Jesus is and commands them to listen to him and to know his will.
7/8 Wed XVIII T.O. [II]
(Mf: SS Sixtus II, pope, and his Companions, martyrs, 258 †, S. Gaetano, sac., † 1547)
Nm 13,1-3.25 - 14,1.26-30.34-35; Ps 105, Mt 15:21-28
Lord, help me! Mt 15.25
How many times I cry so to Jesus! And he heard my prayer, even if it makes me wait, although it seems that he likes the offer of my suffering more than what I ask.
You know, Jesus, what is best for me and how I can contribute to your Kingdom. Do as you wish. Your will be done!
8/8 Thurs XVIII T.O. [II]
(M: St. Dominic, priest., † 1221)
20.1 to 13 nm, Ps 94, Mt 16.13-23
But who do you say that I am? Mt 16.15
Jesus and the disciples are located near a new city founded at the headwaters of the Jordan, where there are also several pagan temples. There the river, that remembers the faithfulness of God, quenches the people who worship demons. Here the disciples have to say if they want to be like everyone or if they are willing to stand out. When you say who Jesus is for you, you put yourself out of many environments, but you become a source of life for those seeking the truth.
9/8 Fri S. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein, † 1942), Verg. and Tues., Patroness of Europe [P]
Os 2.16 b.17b.21-22, Ps 44, Mt from 25.1 to 13
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour 25.13 Mt
This command of Jesus sums up the life of St. Teresa Benedicta and points the way for the Christians of Europe, of which she was proclaimed patron saint. Watch ... is a word that says: be mindful of where you are, of the meaning of what you do, of the consequences of the words you hear. Who sleeps does not recognize either of good nor evil. Who watches, on the other hand, knows the difference.
S. Teresa Benedicta filled immediately realized that salvation comes only by Jesus, so she turned from Judaism for him. Europe in order not to disappear needs awaken people.
10/8 Sat S. LAWRENCE, Deacon and mart., † 258 [P]
2 Cor 9.6 to 10; Ps 111, Jn 12.24-26
Whoever loves his life loses it, Jn 12.25
San Lorenzo was able to offer himself for the good of the poor, to be witnesses of Jesus in this way the time of the persecution has continued to love his Lord, though conscious that it would cost him his life. The poor have continued to love him and love him still: his life is in God, which rewards him for eternity.
11/8 Sun XIX T.O. Year C [III]
Sap from 18.6 to 9; Ps 32, Heb 11,1-2.8-19;
Luke 12.32-48
You also must keep ready Lk 12.40
Our life always brings with it many unknowns. The main one concerns the final moment, the moment when we will meet the One who gave us life itself and gave us the task of using it for love. At that moment will I still love? Will I have Jesus in my heat? Will I do everything for himself and for him alone?
12/8 Mon nineteenth T.O. [III]
(Mf: St. Jane de Chantal Br, relig., † 1641)
Dt 10.12 to 22; Ps 147, Mt 17.22-27
Love ye therefore the stranger Dt 10.19
God has always wanted to educate his people to live by loving, and loving all. The most important commands are the ones that we forget more easily, unfortunately, but they are. Love does not mean giving oneself to only those persons to whom we feel more connected, but to everyone, even those who know less, to those who are more difficult to understand. All proclaim that God is love, not with words but with deeds. The facts do not need interpreters!
13/8 MAR nineteenth T.O. [III]
(Mf: Ss Pontian, Pope, and Hippolytus, priest., Martyrs, † 235)
Dt 31.1 to 8; Psalm: Dt 32,3-4.7-9.12; Mt 18,1-5.10.12-14
The Lord your God goes with you; He does not leave you nor forsake you Deuteronomy 31.6
The Lord walks with me! Just as he walked with Adam before his sin. How do I see? I do not see it, but I know it. I know this because Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us, the God who walks with us like one of us. I am never alone, God walks with me. In the liturgy we are told many times: The Lord be with you. And that happens!
14/8 Wed nineteenth T.O. [III]
(M: St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, Sac. And mart., † 1941)
Dt 34.1 to 12; Ps 65, Mt 18.15-20
Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them Mt 18.20
Jesus, your promise is great! You are present with all your love and with the authority of God wherever we gather in your name. I want to help provide a place where you can be present: I joined my brothers, even if it means denying my taste, my views and my ideas. I can give it up, because nothing and nobody is more important than your presence in the family, the community, in the parish.
15/8 Thurs ASSUMPTION of B.V. MARIA [P]
Rev 11.19; 12,1-6.10; Ps 44, 1 Cor 15.20-27, Lk 1.39 to 56
Has done great things for me, the Almighty Luke 1.49
We praise and bless God for his works. All are nice and big, but especially those that are changing our lives and make the instrument of his love. Maria is conscious of having been chosen by God to collaborate in the salvation of men and then blesses God with a loud voice. And we bless him today because she has to participate in the glorification of her Son; she too is welcomed in heaven in all his humanity.
16/8 Fri nineteenth T.O. [III]
(Mf: St. Stephen of Hungary, † 1038)
24.1 to 13 Gs, Ps 135, Mt from 19.3 to 12
The man shall not divide what God has joined together, 19.6 Mt
Jesus is considering the life of the spouses. They must think only of being united and never to the possibility to be divided. This possibility would destroy the work of God's love. That’s why adultery is a serious sin: to believe love what instead is the destruction of love, to call love the infidelity. The love that comes from God is characterized by faithfulness.
17/8 Sat nineteenth T.O. [III]
24.14 to 29 Gs, Ps 15, Mt 19.13-15
Choose for yourselves today whom you will serve Gs 24.15
Once you have decided to be a Christian it is not enough. This choice must be renewed at every turn of life. The temptations are still there and often lead us to follow the movements of our selfishness, forgetting the Lord. Serve the Lord leads us to deny ourselves to be open to new steps, according to His love.
18/8 Sun XX T.O. Year C [IV]
Ger 38,4-6.8-10; Ps 39, Heb 12.1 to 4;
Luke 12.49-53
I came to cast fire upon the earth Lk 12.49
Jesus uses a vivid image that seems not much fun to us. The fire, for the Bible, was the image for a judgment of God. Jesus, then, came because this judgment is fulfilled. Before him, in fact, people are divided: there are those who welcome him with joy and there are those who reject him and lash out violently against those who love him. To this he adds that he does not bring peace but division. So is the judgment: those who reject Jesus can not be accepted into the kingdom of God, where he is the King!
19/8 Mon twentieth T.O. [IV]
(Mf: St. John Eudes, priest., † 1680)
Judges from 2.11 to 19; Ps 105, Mt 19:16-22
If you would enter life, keep the commandments Mt 19.17
The man who would enter into eternal life Jesus intended primarily to keep the commandments, and then he will make a proposal to follow. Keeping the commandments is the first step to walk with Jesus often met some Christians who do not even know the commandments, do not know what they are. For this I am confused and still far from Jesus.
20/8 MAR XX T.O. [IV]
(M: St. Bernard, Abbot and Doctor., † 1153)
Judges from 6.11 to 24, Ps 84, Mt 19.23-30
Hardly a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven Matthew 19.23
The wealth can easily lead to self-sufficiency, at the thought of how to invest it and manage it: so it can become the center of life, removing this place to one who is worthy, the Lord Jesus today. He warns us of this danger.
Thank you, Jesus! I would like to leave what prevents me from being with you.
21/8 Wed twentieth T.O. [IV]
(M: St. Pius X, Pope, † 1914)
Judges from 9.6 to 15; Ps 20, Mt from 20.1 to 16
The last shall be first and the first, last 20.16 Mt
For the Lord, first are those who, like children, let be loved from him and are grateful, but the last, in his own kingdom, become those who, while always serving, do not take his feelings, are jealous and have some claims against him and some resentment towards others.
22/8 Thurs twentieth T.O. [IV]
(M: B. V. Queen Mary)
Judges from 11.29 to 39; Ps 39, Mt 22:1-14
Many are called but few are chosen Matthew 22.14
God who is love, wants to invite everyone to enjoy his joy for his Son Jesus, who offers himself as the bridegroom of our souls. For various reasons, however, few are ready to accept his precious invitation.
Holy Spirit, open my heart to respond always: here I am!
23/8 Fri twentieth T.O. [IV]
(Mf: St. Rose of Lima, Verg., † 1617)
Ruth 1,1.3 - 6:14 to 16:22, Ps 145, Mt 22:34-40
Master in Law, which is the greatest commandment? Mt 22.36
Jesus is always ready to answer our questions, even when they are not placed with the right intention. He says that God asks us first to love him with all our might and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus, help us follow the example of your life!
24/8 Sat S. BARTHOLOMEW, Ap. [P]
Rev 21.9 to 14; Ps 144, Jn 1.45 to 51
From Nazareth can anything good come out? ... Come and see Jn 1.46
St. Bartholomew had a simple heart, sincere, but somewhat influenced by human logic. In contact with Jesus, however, he realizes the novelty of his person, his divine love and recognizes him: "You are the Son of God ..."!
Create in me too, Lord, a pure heart!
25/8 Sun XXI T.O. Year C [I]
Is 66.18 to 21; Psalm 116, Hebrews 12,5-7.11-13;
Luke 13.22-30
Lord, open to us! But he will answer: "I do not know where you are" Luke 13.25
Enter into the life of Jesus, the only gateway to knowledge and the heart of the true God, Father, is not within the reach of human efforts alone. Jesus himself tells us: "No one comes to me unless the Father draws him" and the Scripture says: "God gives grace to the humble." Send, O Father, your spirit of humility, humanity!
26/8 Mon XXI T.O. [I]
1Th 1,2-5.8-10; Ps 149, Mt 23.13-22
Woe to you, blind guides Mt 23.16
If we do not love Jesus and yet we want to lead others, he will address these hard words to us.
Jesus, keep us close to you, one teacher, that we may be in your love, faithful to your word, and we can be a real help for those who put next to us.
27/8 MAR XXI T.O. [I]
(M: Santa Monica, † 387)
1Th 2.1 to 8; Ps 138, Mt 23.23-26
We have found the courage in our God to announce the Gospel 1 Thessalonians 2.2
In some difficult situations when we are oppressed, afflicted and tired, only in our God and Father of Lord Jesus, we can find strength and courage. We will continue so to live in his love and we will be light and joy to those around us, in the wake of the saints.
28/8 Wed XXI T.O. [I]
(M: St. Augustine, Vesc. And dr., † 430)
1Th 2.9-13, Ps 138, Mt 23.27-32
Working night and day ... we have proclaimed the Gospel 1 Thessalonians 2.9
How to be night and day witnesses of the risen Jesus? Certainly contemplated in the Gospels, meeting him in prayer, loving siblings.
O Holy Spirit, guide and sustain us in this mission.
St. Augustine, pray for us!
29/8 Thurs Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist (m) [P]
Ger from 1.17 to 19; Ps 70, Mk 6.17 to 29
Stand up and tell them, all that I command thee Jer 1.17
The Holy Spirit helps us to always do the will of God, even when it costs us hostility or persecution, as was St John the Baptist and the prophet Jeremiah.
Jesus, intercede for me, because it is always docile to the Holy Spirit!
30/8 Fri XXI T.O. [I]
1Th 4.1 to 8; Ps 96, Mt from 25.1 to 13
Watch over therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour 25.13 Mt
What do you mean watch over? We can not go to sleep ever? No, watch it mean to be careful to understand what is happening. It means not being superficial, but to welcome the presence of the Father and his call to love our brothers. And again, remember that we are waiting for the coming Lord, to let him love and give him everything we do.
31/8 Sat XXI T.O. [I]
1Th 4.9-11, Ps 97, Mt 25,14-30
You have learned from God to love one another 1 Thessalonians 4.9
How beautiful is this remark of St. Paul! Those Christians have God himself as a master, God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. As the Father loves the Son and as the Son obeys the Father and as the Spirit praises the Father and Son, so the believers will listen themselves, give trust each other and esteem each other. They thus reveal the beauty of God!
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