CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
01 feb 2022 02 February 2022
English translation: Febbraio 2022
1/2 TUE IV° O.T. [IV]
2Sam 18,9-10.14.21a.24-25.30-19,3; Psal 85; Mk 5,21-43
Do not fear, only believe Mk 5,36
For Jesus there is no situation without a positive issue. Today he speaks these words to the father of a girl at the moment that he receives the news of her death. Now Jesus enters his house: he is life, healing, salvation, peace for all. And even the girl will obey Jesus’ voice!
Mal 3,1-4; or Heb 2,14-18; Psal 23; Lk 2,22-40
The Holy Spirit rested on him Lk 2,25
We hear about Simeon, the man who received the grace to hold in his arms the Child Jesus, when his parents, obedient to the Law of the Lord, brought him to the Temple. Today, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and Feast of the Meeting, we will pray full of trust: “Come, Holy Spirit, give to us as well the light to see and meet Jesus!”
3/2 THU IV° O.T. [IV]
(mf: S. Biagio, Bishop and mart., † IV century; S. Oscar, vesc., † 865; Dioc. Memory in Trento: m: B. Stefano Bellesini, priest, † 1840)
1Kings 2,1-4.10-12; Psal: 1Cr 29,10-12; Mk 6,7-13
He ordered them to take nothing for their journey except a staff Mc 6,8
Jesus sends his Apostles in mission, as witnesses to the faith in God the Father and in his Providence. Thus they will go without any human security, in a new style of life, to the service of all those they will meet. Having abandoned themselves to the will of the Father, they will be credible witnesses: it will be easier to believe their proclamation.
4/2 FRI IV° O.T. [IV]
Sir 47,2-11(2-13); Psal 17; Mk 6,14-29
David sang praise with all his heart, and he loved his Maker Sir 47,8
Ben Sirach praises King David, who is thought of as the author most of the Psalms, the very same we ourselves pray still today. Indeed, he gave himself wholeheartedly to the liturgy in the Temple, by forming the service of the choir, providing musical instruments and ensuring worthy, solemn celebrations. David loved his God with all his strength, even risking his life by fighting against the giant Goliath. The Lord counted all this as a credit against his sins.
5/2 SAT IV° O.T. [IV]
(m: S. Agathe, verg. and mart., † 250 ca)
1Kings 3,4-13; Psal 118; Mk 6,30-34
Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while Mc 6,30
As it was then, today too, the disciples of Jesus need to go with him to a “ a deserted place”. As it was then, today too… we never find the time, for so many demands press us! Still, we must find this time in the same way that Jesus found it, whether early that morning in Capharnaum, or by going away and climb Mount Tabor, or to gain strength in the Garden of Olives.
6/2 SUN V° O.T. Year C [I]
Is 6,1-2.3-8; Psal 137; 1Cor 15,1-11; Lk 5,1-11
Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man Lc 5,8
The new teaching of Jesus convinces Peter to trust in his Word. The miraculous catch of fish, which is a fruit of that obedience full of trust, opens Peter’s eyes on the reality of Jesus, and therefore of himself. Jesus, however, does not go away from sinners who kneel before him: instead, he draws them still nearer to him and makes them his precious cooperators.
7/2 MON V° O.T. [I]
1Kings 8,1-7.9-13; Psal 131; Mk 6,53-56a gi
All who touched him were saved Mk 6,56
“All who touched him were…” “ healed”, it comes to us spontaneously as final verb. Instead, the Gospel does not say “healed”, but “saved”. Jesus is not happy – it isn’t even his priority – just to heal us. When we approach to him, especially when in the holy Sacraments we “touch” him, he saves us: he gives us the joy of feeling fully loved and capable of growing in love, by making of one’s life a gift. Even when we are sick.
8/2 TUE V° O.T. [I]
(mf: S. Jerome Emiliani, † 1537; S. Josephine Bakhita, verg., † 1947)
1Kings 8,22-23.27-30; Psal 83; Mk 7,1-13
This people honours me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me Mk 7,6
Jesus, you know the depths of each heart, you see whether we live in accordante with the love of the Father ot rather according to rules which we ourselves have created, for our comfort or to make a good impression on others. Purify me, I pray you, from every hypocrisy, and give me a new heart!
9/2 WED V° O.T. [I]
1Kings 10,1-10; Psal 36; Mk 7,14-23
From the human heart come the evil intentions Mk 7,21
Jesus wants to defend us from the wrong ways of thinking that affect us today as it happened in the past. It is not what we eat, he says, that makes people impure. It is what comes out from the heart as evil intention that ruins one’s life, and other lives likewise. Come, Lord Jesus, save me!
10/2 THU V° O.T. [I]
(m: S. Scholastica, verg., † 542 ca)
1Kings 11,4-13; Psal 105; Mk 7,24-30
For saying that, you may go – the demon has left your daughter Mc 7,29
The word of that poor mother, who suffers for the situation of the daughter – a word that Jesus liked so much – was a word full of trust, humility and charity. When our life is animated by humility, though it may be very simple and hidden, drives away the enemy of man: humility is so precious in the Father’s eyes!
11/2 FRI V° O.T. [I]
(mf: B. V. MARY Immaculate of Lourdes - 1858)
1Kings 11,29-32; 12,19; Psal 80; Mk 7,31-37
He has done everything well; he even makes the deaf to hear and the mute to speak Mk 7,37
Immaculate Mother, at Lourdes, but in our houses as well, where we love you and pray to you, you share in your Son’s work, who “has done everything well”: you bring back your sons in the communion with the Father and with the brothers. I offer you, in thanksgiving, my task: I will listen to the voice of Jesus coming through my brothers, and I will tell them those words alone that come from him, from his Breath, which is Love.
12/2 SAT V° O.T. [I]
1Kings 12,26-32; 13,33-34; Psal 105; Mk 8,1-10
How many loaves do you have? Mk 8,5
Jesus is pleased when we welcome his spiritual nourishment, and takes care of our physical needs as well. He asks his disciples to share in this work and commits them to offer as a gift both services. Thank you, Jesus, good shepherd: nothing is lacking to those who stay with you.
13/2 SUN VI° O.T. Year C [II]
Jer 17,5-8; Psal 1; 1Cor 15,12.16-20; Lk 6,17.20-26
Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God Lc 6,20
Jesus, you are speaking to your disciples, who had begun to stay with you: they had left all behind, properties and loved ones, and followed you. You see that they’re poor, yet you proclaim that they are “blessed”: next to you and with you, they receive the tenderness and the loving gift of the Father. You too, as well as I, we are of Jesus: poor in heart and rich in the love of our Father in heaven.
14/2 LUN St CYRIL, († 859) and St METHODIUS († 885), Patrons of Europe [P]
Act 13,46-49; Psal 116; Lk 10,1-9
The Kingdom of God has come near to you Lk 10,9
Our Patron Saints Cyril and Methodius, truly enamored of Jesus and of his Word - a Word that grants again life to the dead and freedom to prisoners – found the way of how to make accessibile this huge gift to many. Powerful friends of the Lord, from your heavenly abode, now help us, European peoples, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, to be joyful and faithful servants of our brethren still immersed in darkness!
15/2 TUE VI° O.T. [II]
James 1,12-18; Psal 93; Mk 8,14-21
Noone, when tempted, should say: I am being tempted byGod Jam 1,13
Thank you, St James, apostle of Jesus; you know that he himself was tempted directly by the devil in the desert and, indirectly, through us men. Help us not to consent to the temptation that aims at pushing us away from the Father and from your teachings, all of them good and filling our hearts with peace.
16/2 WED VI° O.T. [II]
James 1,19-27; Psal 14; Mk 8,22-26
Be doers of the word James 1,22
It is easy to listen, and to listen to Jesus is beautiful. The real listening takes place in love, and therefore can obey, by doing what has been said. For this reason to listen and to obey are synonimous, true aspects of the same love.
17/2 THU VI° O.T. [II]
(mf: Ss. Seven Founders of the Servants of Mary)
James 2,1-9; Psal 33; Mk 8,27-33
Who do people say that I am? Mk 8,27
People were saying that Jesus was John the Baptist come to life again (but he had openly denied to be the Christ): they were also saying that he was Elijah –according to a rumour, Elijah was supposed to appear before the Christ -; again, that he was a prophet, as the two disciples of Emmaus had stated: “ a great prophet in words and deeds”. Faced with this confusion, from now on Jesus will announce more and more openly his passion, death and resurrection. Only those who will open the eyes of faith to these realities will understand his messianic secret.
18/2 FRI VI° O.T. [II]
James 2,14-24.26; Psal 111; Mk 8,34-9,1
I by my works will show you my faith James 2,18
Here you will find an example of how the works can show the faith. Everybody had been ordered to stay at home: some obeyed out of respect for authority, some because they saw there the will of God. Unemployed after the closure of her activity, a woman made herself available to assist those with handicaps. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
19/2 SAB VI° T.O. [II]
Gc 3,1-10; Sal 11; Mc 9,2-13
Rabbi, it is good for us to be here Mk 9,5
Jesus took with him Peter and James and John on the mountain. His face became more shining than the sun and his clothes dazzling, whiter than the snow. Thank you, Jesus, since you have shown, during your prayer, your divine presence. Thank you for these sweet moments of your love. Thank you for making possible the experience of meeting you, the Risen One, an experience living strength and motivation to give you witness even in the hardest trials.
20/2 SUN VII° O.T. Year C [III]
1Sam 26,2.7-9.12-13.22-23; Psal 102; 1Cor 15,45-49; Lk 6,27-38
Do not judge, and you will not be judged Lk 6,37
It’s very easy to speak evil, and even easier to think evil, of a person. Jesus exhorts us not to do that: he is the only one who can see in depth the reasons why that person behaves that way. It may be that he was told to act thus, or he wanted to do the right thing, and he was not up to it … Judgment belongs to God alone! Thank you, Father, you who forgive the sins of those who do not judge their neighbours.
21/2 MON VII° O.T. [III]
(mf: S. Peter Damian, Bishop and Doct., † 1072)
James 3,13-18; Psal 18; Mk 9,14-29
When the spirit saw Jesus, immediately he convulsed the boy Mk 9,20
When facing Jesus, the evil spirits, present in men, feel that they are discovered and threatened. Thank you, Jesus, you have come to free us from them. Thank you, you have freed me as well, through your presence in the Eucharist of your Church.
22/2 TUE The SEE of SAINT PETER, Ap. [P]
1Pt 5,1-4; Psal 22; Mt 16,13-19
I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven Mt 16,19
Jesus addressed these words to Peter, who professed the true faith: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God”. Those keys are now in the hands of Peter’s successor, who continues using them in order to strengthen and keep our faith in Jesus.
23/2 MER VII° T.O. [III]
(m: S. Polycarp, Bishop and mart., † 155)
James 4, 13-17; Psal 48; Mk 9,38-40
Whoever is not against us is for us Mk 9,40
Jesus had just told his disciple John that no one could invoke him or drive out demons in his Name and later speak evil of him. A person who prays with faith, though maybe not yet his disciple, is certainly available to his call, and in due time to enter his Church. Thank you, Jesus, you open your arms to all who just make a step towards you.
24/2 THU VII° O.T.[III]
James 5, 1-6; Psal 48; Mk 9,41-50
Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another Mk 9,50
Today Jesus exhorts us to welcome in us his wisdom, his “taste”, which is a love as for a father or brother. He exhorts u sto control haert, eyes, mouth, the whole of our body, so a sto live according to his Word. Our body, too, will serve to sow peace and reveal the Father’s love and the Son’s beauty!
25/2 FRI VII° O.T. [III]
Gc 5,9-12; Sal 102; Mc 10,1-12
Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her Mk 10,11
Jesus gives this answer to his disciples, who ask him about marriage after having already answered on the same topic some Pharisees. It is not in the plan of God to divorce one’s wife and marry another. Those who do so – except a few special cases – refuse the blessing received from God, give a bad example and wound the whole of society, starting from their own children or those of other families.
26/2 SAT VII° O.T. [III]
James 5, 13-20; Psal 140; Mck 10,13-16
The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective James 5,16
St James speaks in this way to the brothers who ask forgiveness for their sins, pray for each other, and call the presbyters that they may anoint the sick with oil. A young couple without children, though they wanted them, after receiving the Anointing of the sick had two children. The most beautiful fruit of prayer is forgiveness and reconciliation.
27/2 SUN VIII° O.T. Year C [IV]
Sir 27,5-8; Sal 91; 1Cor 15,54-58; Lc 6,39-45
Each tree is known by its own fruit Lk 6,44
Jesus teaches us how to be humble, how not to judge anybody. He himself did not come on earth to judge, but to save all men. We will remain united to him and bring good fruits to the glory of God the Father. The good fruit is in helping someone to find Jesus and be united to him.
28/2 MON VIII° O.T. [IV]
1Pt 1, 3-9; Psal 110; Mk 10,17-27
For God all things are possible Mk 10,27
For God it is possible even that the rich people, who have their riches as the treasure of their heart, begin to love Jesus. Their treasure will be Jesus!
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
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