CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
01 gen 2024 01 January 2024
English translation of Tavodo 2024 Calendar
1/1 Mon Mary, MOTHER OF GOD [P]
NUM 6,22-27; Psalm 66; GAL 4,4-7; LK 2,16-21
He was called Jesus LK 2,21
Mary and Joseph give their baby the name suggested by the angel, “Jesus”: God Saves.
How much peace comes from praying using your sweet Name! Thank you, Jesus, for your holy Name wins over our temptations thanks to your cross! Thank you: your Name is keeping us close to your Most Holy Mother, Queen of Peace!
Let us begin the new year like children in her lap!
2/1 TUES Christmas Time [P]
(SS Basil the Great M, † 379, and Gregory of Nazianzus, † 390, B(s) Dr(s))
1JN 2,22-28; Psalm 97; JN 1,19-28
Now, little children, abide in Him 1JN 2,28
This will be my and your task today, and throughout all our life. Yes, because in Jesus we find the fullness of the Father’s love, on Him lies His blessing. And we, in Him, can be part of it. Thank you, Jesus, Gift of the Heavenly Father!
3/1 WED Christmas Time [P]
(The Holy Name of Jesus)
1JN 2,29 3,6; Psalm 97; JN 1,29-34
I have testified that this is the Son of God JN 1,34
John the Baptist, enlightened by the Father, gives us this testimony, he who was already ready to give up his life for Him. I believe that Jesus is God’s only Son. Can I testify this too? Yes, in fact when I am close to Him I can give others the love I receive from Him, a gratuitous love, which I give to everyone too, to my enemies too.
4/1 THUR Christmas Time [P]
1JN 3,7-10; Psalm 97; JN 1,35-42
He brought Simon to Jesus JN 1,42
Andrew, the future apostle, after spending the day with the “Master”, cannot help bringing his brother Simon there too. I will thank Jesus as well for having met Him, thankful for those Christians who have made me fall in love with His Name. I thank the priest who has introduced me to the small group of faithful people who were intensely living community in the name of the risen Jesus!
5/1 FRI Christmas Time [P]
1JN 3,11-21; Psalm 99; JN 1,43-51
Little children, let us love, not in word but in truth and action 1JN 3,18
Jesus, by coming among us, by becoming flesh, is teaching us to donate our life like He did, to love through action. My mother, when she was young, taking part in the Catholic Association, was always reminded to be generous with the poor. In agreement with the Catechist and her parents, she was putting away part of her salary to give to the poor. So, faith was growing in her, coming from living the Word which is truth.
6/1 SAT The EPIPHANY of the LORD [P]
IS 60,1-6; Psalm 71; EPH 3,2-3a.5-6; MT 2,1-12
Out of you will come a Leader who will shepherd my people MT 2,6
Today the Gospel is telling us that Jesus has come for all peoples, represented by the Wise Men. He is sent by the Father as “leader”, a leader who is “shepherd”: in fact, He will spend time and energies, His whole being, for His flock. All peoples will enjoy His attention. All peoples are able to adore Him!
7/1 SUN The BAPTISM of the LORD Year B [P]
IS 55,1-11; IS 12,2.4b-6; 1JN 5,1-9; MK 1,7-11
The one who is more powerful than I is coming after me MK 1,7
In the Sacred Scriptures the “powerful” is only God. And John introduces Jesus using this title. He will come as follows: strong in meekness, strong in humility under the hand of the Baptist, strong in the holiness He receives from heaven and which comes upon Him like a dove.
Thank you, Jesus, because I can enjoy your strength too: I am shielded by it and I am saved by it.
8/1 MON 1st in O. T. [I]
1SAM 1,1-8; Psalm 115; MK 1,14-20
Immediately they left their nets and followed Him MK 1,18
Jesus, passing by the lakeshore, had “seen” the two brothers Simon and Andrew casting the nets in the water. He had “seen” them and loved them with God’s love, and with that love He has called them. The two of them have felt in His calling the Father’s voice.
Thank you, Jesus, for choosing your people in the world. Thank you, because your love makes them able to answer generously, so much so they leave everything right away and start living with you.
9/1 TUE 1st in O. T. [I]
1SAM 1,9-20; 1SAM 2,1.4-8; MK 1,21-28
At once His fame began to spread throughout MK 1,28
Jesus, You are the new man, in You there is the Father’s power, which is only love. This is why everyone is talking about You. When we celebrate the Eucharist You are there, You talk to us, You feed us, You free us from evil and many oppressions, so we trust You. Thanks for being there, God blessed throughout history.
10/1 WED 1st in O. T. [I]
1SAM 3,1-10.19-20; Psalm 39; MK 1,29-39
Everyone is searching for you MK 1,37
I am looking for Jesus too, but often I am looking for Him to ask for something, not for loving Him, not for making myself available to Him.
Holy Spirit, You help us look for Jesus to follow Him and cooperate with Him, offering our help to fulfil His plans in His Church.
11/1 THUR 1st in O. T. [I]
1SAM 4,1-11; Psalm 43; MK 1,40-45
Take courage, and be men! 1SAM 4,9
So they were telling themselves, in that battle, the Philistines, enemies of Israel. They really won, even if in the Israeli encampment had been brought the Arc of the Covenant! This is an example for us: God does not protect us when we carry with us only an external sign of faith, but when we obey His Word.
12/1 FRI 1st in O. T. [I]
1SAM 8,4-7.10-22; Psalm 88; MK 2,1-12
He was preaching the word to them MK 2,2
The Word! What was Jesus talking about, so He was able to gather around Himself wanting crowds, being busy with them for hours? The Word coming then from Jesus’s mouth and still coming today out of the mouth of the Church, His Mystical Body, is the very same coming from the Father’s heart, full of His love, which is life for us and for everyone.
13/1 SAT 1st in O. T. [I]
(S Hilary of Poitiers, B, Dr, T, † 367)
1SAM 9,1-4.17-19; 10,1; Psalm 20; MK 2,13-17
All the people came to Him and He taught them MK 2,13
Among the people listening to Jesus there was not only the anonymous crowd. There was also Levi, who, sitting at the tax-collecting desk, knew he was a “sinner”. He too, hearing Jesus’s news, has felt inner joy and new hope. As soon as he heard his name called, he promptly obeyed.
Thank you, Jesus: your word warms the heart up, so it is healed from the slavery to the money and to our interests.
14/1 SUN 2nd in O. T. Year B [II]
1SAM 3,3-10.19; Psalm 39; 1COR 6,13-15.17-20; JN 1,35-42
Therefore, glorify God in your body 1COR 6,20
When we think about the Word of the Father taking on flesh like ours and, even more, about the Holy Spirit living in us thanks to the Baptism, how thankful, how respectful, how joyful we are regarding our body: with it, we can praise the Lord and serve Him in our brethren, and with it we will also be able to look at His face forever.
15/1 MON 2nd in O. T. [II]
1SAM 15,16-23; Psalm 49; MK 2,18-22
New wine into old wineskin MK 2,22
Jesus answers the question of John’s disciples and the Pharisees: why do they have to fast, while His disciples do not? He is trying to open their eyes and their hearts: with Him we are always living new times; the time for waiting is over, the time for the presence of the Messiah has arrived. Life, with Jesus, is completely new, and new will be the way of praying as well! This is exactly what we mean: “new wine into new wineskin”: we can show our love for God by celebrating Jesus!
16/1 TUE 2nd in O. T. [II]
1SAM 16,1-7.10-13; Psalm 88; MK 2,23-28
The Son of Man is master even of the Sabbath MK 2,28
Jesus admires king David, to whom Abiathar the priest had promised he would be able to eat the bread of the sacred offerings reserved to the priests. So He, Jesus, son of David, allows His disciples to pick the wheat in the field on a sabbath. Now He Himself is the true sabbath of God, His deepest joy. In fact, the Father takes pride in Him, and He becomes the reason behind our every action.
17/1 WED 2nd in O. T. [II]
(S Anthony of Egypt, H, Abt, † 356)
1SAM 17,32-33.37.40-51; Psalm 143; MK 3,1-6
I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts 1SAM 17,45
How great an example is given by the young David who has the courage to fight the giant Goliath, fully trusting only in his God! And how great a trustworthiness the Lord shows by acting in defence of they who trust in Him to the point of risking their own life!
18/1 THUR 2nd in O. T. [II]
1SAM 18,6-9;19,1-7; Psalm 55; MK 3,7-12
Great crowds followed Him MK 3,8
Jesus, you did not look for the crowd. You were with the Father, offering your life to Him. He was sending blessings for you to the many people you were attracting to yourself. They who come to you experience unity, the one about being in the same love for you, the one coming from you!
19/1 FRI 2nd in O. T. [II]
1SAM 24,3-21; Sal 56; Mc 3,13-19
He appointed Twelve... to be sent out to preach MK 3,14
By being close to Jesus, the Apostles will be in a position to be sent by Him to preach the good news: the Father loves men and saves them thanks to His beloved Son. Today too Jesus sends His Apostles, the bishops: by listening to their word we walk united towards Him.
20/1 SAT 2nd in O. T. [II]
(S Fabien, P, M, † sec. III; S Sebastian, M, † 288)
2SAM 1,1-4.11-12.19.23-27; Psalm 79; MK 3,20-21
He was out of His mind MK 3,21
Jesus’s relatives did not understand Him, they did not have the light to see the Son of God in Him, they could not catch from His lips the Word of God. Instead, the “little”, the humble, those who had freedom in their heart, could understand Him.
Father, you join together, make “one thing”, every person who welcomes Jesus!
21/1 SUN 3rd in O. T. Year B [III]
JO 3,1-5.10; Psalm 24; 1COR 7,29-31; MK 1,14-20
He called them MK 1,19
Jesus is starting His mission: to announce and build on earth the Kingdom of Heaven. He could not accomplish this alone. For the very reason He was Son of God, who is love, He chooses the apostles to live with them His communion, the divine life which is unity!
22/1 MON 3rd in O. T. [III]
(S Vincent, D, M, † 303)
2SAM 5,1-7.10; Psalm 88; MK 3,22-30
David became greater and greater 2SAM 5,10
“…and the Lord was with him”: this is the secret!
We are praying for Christian Unity: is this miracle going to be granted to us? God takes advantage of our small, daily, victories over our selfishness, which would be more than happy to close us to the brethren. We will try to keep always in our heart Jesus and to practice reciprocal forgiveness.
23/1 TUE 3rd in O. T. [III]
2SAM 6,12-15.17-19; Psalm 23; MK 3,31-35
That person is my brother and sister and mother MK 3,35
If Jesus considers those who obey God’s will His brother, sister and mother, how can I do otherwise? How can I reject the possibility of communion with those who believe in Him and love Him, even if they do so in different ways?
Thank you, Jesus, for the many brethren and sisters who believe in you: bring us all closer to you, so all of us can become closer to one another too.
24/1 WED 3rd in O. T. [III]
(S Francis de Sales, B of Geneva, Dr, T, † 1622)
2SAM 7,4-17; Psalm 88; MK 4,1-20
Listen! Imagine a sower going out to sow MK 4,3
Jesus today wants to sow in my heart His Word. I want to listen to it carefully: it is a source of new life, God’s life. I will treasure it, also by repeating it as a prayer and trying to live it, every chance I get. Thank you, Jesus, for the way your word repeated and lived is keeping us all united among ourselves and to you.
ACTS 22,3-16 or ACTS 9,1-22; Psalm 116; MK 16,15-18
In my name they will cast out devils MK 16,17
By believing in Jesus, Saint Paul has changed his life, so much so he can say: “It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me”. He has announced His name frankly and firmly, and with His example has helped many people live united to Him, winning over inclinations to be divided, jealous, envious, vain and to act in impure ways. Come, Holy Spirit: you help us live according to Jesus’s heart, to become a single heart and a single soul, so the world may believe.
26/1 FRI SS Timothy and Titus, B(s), Companions of Paul [P]
2TM 1,1-8 or TIT 1,1-5; Psalm 95; LK 10,1-9
I am sending you out like lambs LK 10,3
Jesus sends the disciples to call men to take part in His kingdom, where there is mutual love, very much like among siblings. He sends them poor and humble, without a bag, trusting only in His name even when facing possible threats and violence. He sends them ready to be of service and heal sick people and people in poor health. All the Saints are giving us this example, which we strive to bring forward.
27/1 SAT 3rd in O. T. [III]
(S Angela Merici, Virgin, † 1540)
2SAM 12,1-7.10-17; Psalm 50; MK 4,35-41
Do you not care? We are going down! MK 4,39
These are words the Apostles are addressing Jesus, who is quietly sleeping on a pillow, while the waves of the lake are filling the boat. And Jesus tells them: “You still have no faith?”. When things bigger than us are towering over us, the only thing we will do is getting closer to Jesus, almost to hold on to Him, nay, to sleep by His side faithfully. He is the Lord!
28/1 SUN 4th in O. T. Year B [IV]
DEU 18,15-20; Psalm 94; 1COR 7,32-35; MK 1,21-28
A teaching that is new, with authority behind it MK 1,27
The author of the Gospel is not telling us today what Jesus is teaching. Instead, he notes for us His authority in giving it. He is teaching while loving the Father with all His heart and, consequently, His children. So, in front of Him the demons come out and He can get them away from men who have been created as God’s dwelling. Thanks, Jesus, you are attracting us to you irresistibly.
29/1 MON 4th in O. T. [IV]
2SAM 15,13-14.30;16,5-13; Psalm 3; MK 5,1-20
The man begged to be allowed to stay with Him MK 5,18
Jesus, you have loved and freed that poor soul, ravaged by the demons. Now he does not want to leave you… With your cross you have done way more than that for each one of us: you have saved us from death, the eternal one and the daily one, due to selfishness. Allow us to be with you! You are the Life, the true one!
30/1 TUE 4th in O. T. [IV]
2SAM 18,9-10.14.21a.24-25.30-19,3; Psalm 85; MK 5,21-43
She touched His cloak MK 5,27
That poor woman had touched with faith Jesus’s cloak and she found herself healed from a sickness which had been troubling her for years. When we go to confession, and we receive the Eucharistic bread, we can touch way much more than Jesus’s cloak!
His very body becomes our flesh. What a healing we will undergo!
31/1 WED 4th in O. T. [IV]
(S John Bosco, Pr, F of the Salesian Teaching Order, † 1888)
2SAM 24,2.9-17; Psalm 31; MK 6,1-6
Jesus made a tour around the villages, teaching MK 6,6
Jesus teaches using His words and His life. He was confirming what he said with the actions coming from His love. He is still carrying on this work through the people who love Him. Today we can enjoy His teachings given us by Saint John Bosco. These teachings allow young people to grow to achieve a healthy, joyful and holy spiritual status.
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
- 01/03/202403 March 2024
- 01/04/202404 April 2024
- 01/05/202405 May 2024
- 01/06/202406 June 2024
- 01/07/202407 July 2024
- 01/08/202408 August 2024
- 01/09/202409 September 2024
- 01/10/202410 October 2024
- 01/11/202411 November 2024
- 01/01/202501 January 2024 COPIA
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- Kleinschriften „Fünf Gerstenbrote“
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- Übriggebliebene Stücke
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- Befreiungsgebet
- Vater unser - Band 1
- Vater unser - Band 2
- Vater unser - Band 3
- Wie der Tau
- Die Psalmen
- Siebzig mal sieben mal
- Die Hingabe
- Notizen von Vigilius, dem heiligen Bischof von Trient
- Ich gehe zur Messe
- Glaube und Leben
- Du bist mein Sohn
- Er nannte sie Apostel
- Sie fordern Zeichen, sie suchen Weisheit
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