CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 01/2013 01 January 2013
YEAR 2013 C
6.22 to 27 Nm, Ps 66; Gal 4:4-7, Lk 2:16-21
God sent forth into our hearts the Spirit of his Son Ga 4.6
Earlier this year we turn again to thee, Mother of God and our Mother. The Father sent His beloved Son so that you receive him, protect and make you grow up to give it to us. It also helps us to grow in his Spirit day by day. We shall be able to donate and pour plenty on those around us.
2/1 Wed T.N. [P]
(M: Holy Basil M., 379 † and Gregory N., 390 †, bishops and doctors)
1 John 2.22 to 28, Ps 97, Jn 1.19 to 28
Whoever denies the Son, doesn’t have neither the Father 1 Jn 2.23
Right faith is to recognize in Jesus the Christ sent to us by God, His only begotten Son, and therefore also believe that God is Father. Those who deny this truth is not in the true faith, not in the true knowledge of God
3/1 Thurs T.N. [P]
(Mf: Holy Name of Jesus)
1 John 2.29 to 3.6, Ps 97, Jn 1.29 to 34
Behold the Lamb of God Jn 1.29
These are the words with which John the Baptist indicates Jesus
He is very meek and humble of heart, is the one who offers himself as a sacrifice pleasing to God. He is a great gift of God the Father to the world, because every man, believing in him, becomes a child of God. Come, Jesus, into my life !
4/1 Fri T.N. [P]
1 Jn 3.7-10, Ps 97, Jn 1.35 to 42
What are you looking for? Jn 1.38
The two disciples of John the Baptist, whom Jesus addressed this question, trying to find a true relationship with God. And they got it right: just to be with Jesus would fulfill their research, would give them real life! I, too, now, Jesus, want to stay close to you. You are the answer of the Father to my need for life, love and peace.
5/1 Sat T.N. [P]
1 John 3.11 to 21, Ps 99, Jn 1.43 to 51
Come and see Jn 1.46
Philip speaks those words to Nathaniel, who had doubted what had been said of Jesus, led him, then, to meet him personally. After this meeting, Nathanael confesses that Jesus is the Son of God.
O Holy Spirit, grant me also to help someone meet Jesus!
Is 60.1-6, Ps 71; Eph 3.2-3rd .5-6, Matthew 2:1-12
We saw his star tick and we have come to worship him 2.2 Mt
Anyone who seeks God with a pure and sincere heart receives its light, mysterious and glorious, necessary to find it. That is what happened to the "Magi" and it still happens. I also knew that the young people of other religion, the gospel reading and listening to those who explained it to him, they exclaimed: "This is the God we were looking for since childhood!"
Thank you, Jesus, for the gift to get to know you, listen, I could bow down to you, recognizing you Lord of my life!
7/1 Mon T.N. [P]
(Mf: St. Raymond of Peñafort, sac., † 1275; Just Dioc. TN: mf: Valentine Vesc.)
1 John 3.22 to 4.6; Ps 2; Mt 4,12-17.23-25
Repent 4.17 Mt
"Repent", ie: given a new direction to your life. It is the invitation of Jesus at the beginning of his preaching, is the call of Jesus for me today, at the beginning of this new day.
Yes, Jesus, I wish that both you and try to orient and enlighten me in the affairs of today, in dealing with others, the choices to be made ...
8/1 MAR T.N. [P]
1 Jn 4.7-10, Ps 71, Mk 6.34 to 44
Let us love one another 1 John 4.7
In keeping with Jesus, his apostle John exhorts us with these words. With the love I receive from you, Jesus, today I want to love our brothers and those I will meet. Thank you that make me able to love and receive love!
9/1 Wed T.N. [P]
1 John 4.11 to 18, Ps 71, Mk 6.45 to 52
Courage, that’s me Mc 6.50
We are experiencing a difficult situation, in which even the Lord "scare us"! We hear this word of Jesus with faith, yet we trust in Him, experience that he is the Savior, the source of true peace.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, you're there!
10/1 Thurs T.N. [P]
1 John 4.19 to 5.4, Ps 71, Lk 4.14 to 22
Whoever loves God must also love his brother, 1 Jn 4.21
Loving God, receive his spirit beneficent and merciful. This leads us to see our neighbor in need, like us, help and mercy. Will we then accept, forgive and pray for his life and future.
11/1 Fri T.N. [P]
1 Jn 5.5-13, Ps 147, Lk 5.12 to 16
Lord, if you want, you can purify me Luke 5.12
From these words, addressed to Jesus by a leper, I can learn humility and faith alive. Well I learn to accept the will of God
Holy Spirit, help me to go to Jesus in this simple and true!
12/1 Sat T.N. [P]
1 John 5.14 to 21, Ps 149, Jn 3.22 to 30
The world is in the power of the Evil 1 Jn 5.19
For S. John is clear that the world, ie all those who, deliberately, do not accept Jesus while having the opportunity, they are in sin, far from God, under the power of evil. This is also the situation of those who have targeted only their own interests, money and pleasure. To these Jesus even says not to pray, not to link to them that our lives before God To them we offer our lives to the Father, like Jesus, why leave the world and its terrible temptations.
Is 40,1-5.9-11; Ps 103; Tt 2.11 to 14; 3.4 to 7
Luke 3,15-16.21-22
Came a voice from heaven: "Thou art my Son" Luke 3.22
The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River illuminates our Baptism, which was called, in the early days of the Church, "Lighting". Baptism, the immersion in the wonderful life of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is the immersion in God, light of men is called to enter into the light of calm and loving God is the vocation to shine ever more before men.
14/1 Mon I ° T.O. [I]
Heb 1.1 to 6, Ps 96, Mk 1.14 to 20
Follow me Mk 1.17
Today, even you and me, Jesus spoke these words. The first disciples have accepted them promptly.
I agree that Jesus has first place in my heart and all my activities. I'll move every day according to his holy will.
15/1 Mar I ° T.O. [I]
(Just Dioc. TN: m: S. Romedio, hermit)
Heb 2.5 to 12; Ps 8; 1.21 to 28 Mc
I’ll proclaim your name to my brothers Heb 2.12
These words, from Jesus, according to the author of the letters to the Hebrews, express his love. He desires that all who believe in Him are partakers of his sonship to the Father in heaven.
Thank you, Jesus, you are my brother!
16/1 I ° Wed T.O. [I]
Hb 2.14 to 18; Ps 104; Mc 1.29 to 39
All are looking for! Mk 1.37
Increasing in the knowledge of Jesus we discover that he is the person that everyone seeks, consciously or unconsciously. We discover that Jesus himself, alive and risen, satisfaction of the Father, is also the dining and the bliss that everyone is looking everywhere, on all roads. Knowing this, we will also indicate to others!
17/1 Thurs I ° T.O. [I]
(M: S. Antonio Abate, † 356)
b 3.7 to 14; Ps 94, Mk 1.40 to 45
A leper came to Jesus Mk 1.40
The lepers were considered cursed by God and they were forbidden to approach others, indeed, remaining at distance, had to shout "Unclean!" If this leper came to Jesus is because he is sure that he would not be cursed, but He would have welcomed him, recovered, and purified: this only God can do.
I come to you, Jesus, you only can and want to cleanse the leprosy of sin.
18/1 Fri ° The T.O. [I]
START Octave of Prayer
for the Unity of Christians
b 4,1-5.11; Ps 77, Mk 2:1-12
Get up, take your mat and go home Mc 2.11
Jesus said this to a paralytic carried to him by faith, to help some who did not believe he had the power to forgive sins, in fact, had told him: "Son, your sins are forgiven."
Thank you, Jesus, for your love for all! Gives to Christians the unity you desire, the miracle of arousing faith in disbelief.
19/1 I ° Sat T.O. [I]
Octave of Prayer for UNITA 'of Christians
B 4.12 to 16, Ps 18, Mk 2,13-17
Follow me Mk 2.14
Thank you, Jesus, revealed before you as the only one who can lead us to the Father. Thank you for choosing Levi and calling him to follow you.
Thank you, Jesus, for having called me to follow you and the gift of being able to respond with joy.
We ask you to shift the consciousness of all Christians, because they realize that only grow in your love may contribute to the unity of your Church.
20/1 Sun II T.O. Year C [II]
Octave of Prayer for the unity of the Christians
Is 62.1-5, Ps 95, 1 Cor 12.4-11; Jn 2,1-11
Whatever he tells you 2.5 John
It is Mary who is said to the servants present at the wedding at Cana: they are immediately available for Jesus, who will give them an indication seemingly strange. Why fill the jars that held the water used for cleansing, if you missed the wine? They put their trust in Jesus as their master and can be shown by Jesus.
Come, Holy Spirit, to make us obedient to Mary and her Son, so that he can perform the miracle of unity!
21/1 Mon II T.O. [II]
Octave of Prayer for UNITA 'of Christians
(M: St. Agnes, Verg. And mart., † 304)
Heb 5.1 to 10; Ps 109; 2.18 to 22 Mc
New wine in new bottles Mk 2.22
The new wine will burst the old wineskins. The joy of knowing Jesus and to live in close he is in a list of precepts.
The precept of Sunday Mass? If I can, I go there every day!
Confession once a year? The forgiveness of Jesus is too valuable not to ask him more often!
A sign of the cross in the morning and evening? Every time his Word in your heart!
22/1 Mar II ° T.O. [II]
Octave of Prayer for unity of the Christians
(Mf: St. Vincent, diac. And Tues.)
B 6.10 to 20; Ps 110; 2.23 to 28 Mc
The Son of man is lord even of the Sabbath Mk 2.28
The disciples of Jesus, were passing him on a wheat field on Saturday, hungry, and were eating of the corn harvested grains. The Pharisees watched Jesus that this was not allowed by the law of God. Jesus takes the opportunity to reveal that he was the Messiah, the Son of man, the true Sabbath of God, the holiday that brings joy to the Father and to men!
23/1 Wed II T.O. [II]
Octave of Prayer for unity of the Christians
B 7,1-3.15-17; Ps 109; Mk 3:1-6
Get up, come here in the middle Mk 3.3
Jesus, you live with love, always, even when people misunderstand the law of God would stop you. You're free, you are not locked by men but by your Father and ours. Thank you, Jesus!
24/1 Thurs II T.O. [II]
Octave of Prayer for unity of the Christians
(M: St. Francis de Sales, Vesc. And dr., † 1622)
B 7.25 to 8.6, Ps 39, Mk 3.7 to 12
Jesus withdrew with his disciples at the sea 3.7 Mc
Jesus began his public life recently and is already surrounded by many disciples. Now where they are, there he is, and vice versa. He is, however, that proclaims the love of God and healing the sick and possessed. Through these many signs receive the grace to open our eyes to him and recognize the Messiah.
Come, Holy Spirit, to keep your Church united, whole, because the world may believe!
END Octave of Prayer for unity of the Christians
At 22.3 to 16 opp. At 9.1 to 22, Ps 116, Mk 16.15-18
Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? At 22.7
S. Paul obtained the grace of conversion in the law, adherence to Jesus It's the fruit of the prayers of St. Stephen, who offered his life to the Father who forgives him and kicked him to death. We also have the opportunity to offer our lives to God for those who offend us and persecute us.
26/1 Sat Ss Timothy and Titus, bishops (m) [P]
2 Tim 1.1 to 8 opp. Tt 1.1 to 5, Ps 95, Lk 10.1 to 9 opp. 3.20 to 21 Mc
It is beside himself Mk 3.21
Relatives of Jesus can not be happening capacitarsi such a thing. In Nazareth, he was a simple carpenter, is now a Rabbi, which attracts crowds behind him. Only those, who listen to Jesus with love and open the heart, are able to recognize the mandate from the Father. For the others he is an exalted, beside himself, even one that prevents you from coming to God! Bishops Saints Timothy and Titus, pray for us!
27/1 Sun III T.O. Year C [III]
It .5-6.8-10 8.2-4a, Psalm 18, 1 Cor 12.12-30, Luke 1:1-4; 4.14 to 21
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Luke 4.18
Jesus returns in his Nazareth, after the forty days spent in the desert. The Word that is reading in the synagogue is realized in him: he is full of the Holy Spirit. We learn from Jesus Christ to dedicate generous spaces of our day to meet with the Father, we return to our jobs with a stronger presence of the Holy Spirit ... and we realize we will be more able to love and serve.
28/1 Mon III T.O. [III]
(M: St. Thomas Aquinas, priest. And dr., † 1274)
B 9,15.24-28; Ps 97, Mk 3.22 to 30
How can Satan cast out Satan? Mk 3.23
Wrongly accused, Jesus calls his detractors and, with love, tries to help them recognize their wickedness. Thank you, Jesus, your testimony of mercy towards your enemies.
29/1 MAR III T.O. [III]
(Just Dioc. TN: m: St. Joseph Freinademetz sac., † 1908)
Heb 10.1 to 10, Ps 39, Mk 3.31 to 35
Behold, I come to do thy will, Heb 10.9
This phrase, which expresses the attitude of Jesus coming into the world, makes us understand why he feels so much communion with whoever does the will of God, so many consider him to be brother and sister and mother!
Jesus, I want to bring your feelings in the heart of sonship and live with you according to the plan of the Father.
30/1 Wed III T.O. [III]
Heb 10.11 to 18; Ps 109; 4.1 to 20 Mc
A sower went out to sow Mk 4.3
Jesus, you are the sower went out from heaven, the Father, to sow your wisdom and your love of God among men! My, our hearts are able to receive your precious seed, a source of hope and peace, and watching it bear fruit! Thank you, Lord Jesus!
31/1 Thurs III T.O. [III]
(M: St John Bosco, priest., † 1888)
Heb 10.19 to 25; Ps 23, Mk 4.21 to 25
Let’s encourage one another b 10.25
This word calls us to be Christians to help one another to live in the will of God, obeying his word and guidelines received from those who guide us in faith. The good example is the strong support we can give.
In primo piano
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