CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
01 lug 2024 07 July 2024
English translation, July 2024
1/7 MON 13th Week in Ordinary Time [I]
Am 2:6-10,13-16; Ps 49; Mt 8:18-22
The Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head Mt 8:20
A scribe would like to follow Jesus. Instead of rejoicing in his intention, Jesus puts him to the test. What do you hope for? Perhaps to gain something? The only gain will be spiritual, certainly not material. To follow Jesus, it is necessary to be willing to give up everything, even life.
2/7 TUE 13th Week in Ordinary Time [I]
Am 3:1-8, 4:11-12; Ps 5; Mt 8:23-27
You were like a burning stick... but you have not returned to me Am 4:11
The prophet is tasked by God to speak sternly to the people, who believe they can live without obeying Him. That is not life, it is a disaster! If the sufferings we have brought upon ourselves so far have not served us, what will God have to do to awaken in us the will to return to Him, to listen to Him and love Him?
3/7 WED FEAST OF ST. THOMAS, Apostle [P]
Eph 2:19-22; Ps 116; Jn 20:24-29
Do not be unbelieving, but believe Jn 20:27
In Thomas, we see both doubt and faith. He came to faith thanks to the mercy of Jesus, who benevolently satisfied his request. The apostle could indeed reach out his finger, but faith came as an unexpected gift. It is given to us when we humble ourselves to consider others more capable than ourselves, believing in the testimony of their joy.
4/7 THU 13th Week in Ordinary Time [I]
(Optional memorial: St. Elizabeth of Portugal, † 1336)
Am 7,10-17; Ps 18; Mt 9,1-8
Take heart, son, your sins are forgiven Mt 9,2
Who knows how the paralyzed man felt when he was called "son" by Jesus! The love of the Lord reached him at the roots of life. He had wanted to meet Jesus at all costs: this is faith that brings us closer to God, faith that obtains forgiveness. And this is the truest miracle, so much so that now that man could live even without healing.
5/7 FRI 13th Week in Ordinary Time [I]
(Optional memorial: St. Antonio Maria Zaccaria, priest, † 1539)
Am 8,4-6.9-12; Ps 118; Mt 9,9-13
Follow me Mt 9,9
Just one word, encompassing three: you follow me! Is it a command? Is it an invitation? Matthew perceived love, love that captured his soul. And there he is, following Jesus, with such joy that he organizes a banquet like a wedding for his colleagues and friends.
6/7 SAT 13th Week in Ordinary Time [I]
(Optional memorial: St. Maria Goretti, virgin and martyr, † 1902)
Am 9,11-15; Ps 84; Mt 9,14-17
I will restore the fortunes of my people Am 9,14
Prophets should not only announce punishments. They threaten them so that no one seeks to hinder the will of God, which is the salvation and well-being of the people. To encourage obedience and conversion, they make known God's true desire: the joy of all His people.
7/7 SUN 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B [II]
Ez 2,2-5; Ps 122; 2 Cor 12,7-10; Mk 6,1-6
What is this wisdom, which has been given to him? Mk 6,2
The people of Nazareth realize that Jesus' words are rich in life, light, tenderness, and everything that brings joy and satisfies the heart: his words are true wisdom. They had never heard such rich words from a man before. They could have recognized that they came from God, the God who loves mankind.
8/7 MON 14th Week in Ordinary Time [II]
Hos 2,16-18.21-22; Ps 144; Mat 9,18-26
Courage, daughter, your faith has saved you Mt 9,22
She was fearful because she had touched Jesus' cloak without saying anything to anyone, without asking for permission. Her faith, although hidden, was pleasing to God, but now she must profess it to everyone, so that the glory of God, which is Jesus, may be revealed.
9/7 TUE 14th Week in Ordinary Time [II]
(Optional memorial: Sts. Augustine Zhao Rong and companions, Chinese martyrs, † 1648-1930; St. Paulina Visintainer, virgin, † 1942)
Hos 8,4-7.11-13; Ps 113B; Mat 9,32-38
Pray to the Lord of the harvest, to send out laborers Mt 9,38
The once mute demoniac, now liberated, speaks freely. How much sufferings of this kind paralyze the people! How much work in the kingdom of heaven! Jesus is thinking about the future, when he will no longer be able to act: what will the disciples do? They will ask the Father to send those who love as he loves!
10/7 WED 14th Week in Ordinary Time [II]
Hos 10,1-3.7-8.12; Ps 104; Mat 10,1-7
First, Simon, called Peter
Mt 10,2
The first workers in the kingdom of heaven are called by Jesus himself. He chooses twelve, like the sons of Jacob. Among them there is order and clarity: there is one, called first, who will always remain first. His name is Simon, like the son of Jacob whom Joseph held back in Egypt as a hostage. He will be steadfast, like the rock upon which a building can be founded.
11/7 THU FEAST OF ST. BENEDICT, († 547), Patron Saint of Europe [P]
Prv 2:1-9; Ps 33; Mat 19:27-29
He will inherit eternal life
Mt 19:29
Whoever leaves everything to follow Jesus freely has a guaranteed inheritance, eternal life. But what kind of life is it? Today, we can receive the answer from St. Benedict. Eternal life is one that does not rely on money and riches. It doesn't need them, and if they exist, they will be used to love and free people from misery. Eternal life is the tender and strong heart of God, the Father.
12/7 FRI 14th Week in Ordinary Time [II]
Hos 14:2-10; Ps 50; Mat 10:16-23
It is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you Mt 10:20
The Twelve are given a special task that easily attracts enmity. They are to carry out their mission in a world where people are like wolves to one another. Instead, they will be like innocent lambs who do not think about defending themselves. This is not a problem, says Jesus, because "the Spirit of your Father" will be in you to support your testimony.
13/7 SAT 14th Week in Ordinary Time [II]
(Optional Memorial: St. Henry, † 1024)
Is 6:1-8; Ps 92; Mat 10:24-33
You are worth more than many sparrows Mt 10:31
If sparrows are valued by God - after all, they are His creatures - how much more valuable are those who answer the call to follow the Son! These peoples know, therefore, that God is on their side, their ally, who loves them, and therefore they will leave all fear outside the door. They will proclaim the Word that they have received, a Word that gives life to those who do not yet have it.
14/7 SUN 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B [III]
Am 7:12-15; Ps 84; Eph 1:3-14; Mk 6:7-13
Jesus began to send them out two by two Mk 6:7
Jesus gives the work program to the Twelve. The toil that Jesus sees as necessary in the kingdom of heaven is not the kind that produces wealth, but one that is sustained in living as brothers, without discord or selfishness. It is a work that frees people from spirits of selfishness and enmity, strengthening the will to love. In this way, life truly becomes rich! This is the work entrusted to the Twelve.
15/7 MON 15th Week in Ordinary Time [III]
(Memorial: St. Bonaventure, bishop and doctor, † 1274)
Is 1:10-17; Ps 49; Mt 10:34-11:1
Whoever gives only a cup of cold water... to one of these little ones... because he is a disciple... Mt 10:42
Jesus tells us that loving him is dangerous, it has a cost. Yet it is the only thing to do to change the world. Those who love Jesus find themselves on another level, living a life that is not only human but divine. Even those who, without knowing anything about him, benefit his followers, will partake in the beauty and tenderness of God's heart.
16/7 TUE 15th Week in Ordinary Time [III]
(Memorial: Our Lady of Mount Carmel)
Is 7:1-9; Ps 47; Mt 11:20-24
Be calm, do not fear Is 7:4
The prophet encourages the king in a time of grave danger. The enemies are at the gates, but there is more than just the enemies: he can rely on his alliance with God. If he obeys Him, he will have nothing to fear. Only if he disregards Him will he be defeated: "If you do not stand firm in faith, you shall not stand at all."
I trust in you, my Lord!
17/7 WED 15th Week in Ordinary Time [III]
Is 10:5-7, 13-16; Ps 93; Mt 11:25-27
Everything has been handed over to me by my Father
Mt 11:27
The Father has nothing left, for He has given everything to the Son. Therefore, we will be united with the Son, in order to enjoy the Father's goods and live a divine life. And what is that "everything" that the Son now possesses? That "everything" is the fullness of selfless love. The Father has nothing else to give!
18/7 THU 15th Week in Ordinary Time [III]
Is 26:7-9, 12, 16-19; Ps 101; Mt 11:28-30
Come to me Mt 11:28
What a generous invitation! Jesus knows that we are tired and burdened, weakened by our sins and oppressed by the sins of the world we live in. That is why He wants us with Him. We will not disturb Him, but on the contrary, it will be Him with His tenderness and mercy, who will change our lives. Thank you, Jesus!
19/7 FRI 15th Week in Ordinary Time [III]
Is 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8;
Ps: Is 38:10, 11, 12, 16; Mt12:1-8
The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath Mt 12:8
If He is the "Lord of the Sabbath", He can dispose of this day as He sees fit. He uses it to give glory to God, who has given the Sabbath as a day where man can enjoy freedom from the burden of work and fullness of life. The effort of preparing food is not a burden, but a joy to bless God!
Jesus, be the Lord of all my time!
20/7 SAT 15th Week in Ordinary Time [III]
(Optional memorial: St. Apollinaris, bishop and martyr, 2nd century)
Mic 2:1-5; Ps: Ps 9B; Mt 12:14-21
I will put my Spirit upon him
Mt 12:18
It is the Word of the prophet Micah that Jesus, with his actions, is revealing. It is about him that the prophet speaks. It is he who heals all and does not boast about it. He lives with humility and hiddenness, just as the prophet says. In him, no other spirit acts than that of the paternal love of the God of peace and love.
21/7 SUN 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B [IV]
Jer 23:1-6; Ps: Ps 22; Eph 2:13-18;
Mk 6:30-34
Come away by yourselves to a deserted place Mk 6:31
Jesus, you know that true refreshment and rest come from spending time with you. By being with you without distractions, we regain strength to continue loving. I accept your invitation and come. From you always come a light and a strength that renew everything.
Songs of Solomon 3:1-4 or 2Cor 5:14-17; Ps 62; Jn 20:1-2.11-18
Jesus said to her, 'Mary' Jn 20:16
Mary of Magdala had tears in her eyes and her hands filled with fragrant oil, when your voice, speaking her name, awakened her. Now she sees you, Jesus, and recognizes you.
I too also share in her joy, as she, the first on earth to proclaim that you are risen and live forever.
23/7 TUE FEAST OF ST. BRIDGET († 1373) Patroness of Europe (P)
Gal 2:19-20; Ps 33; Jn 15:1-8
I am the true vine Jn 15:1
St. Bridget, like St. Catherine, her contemporary, is a branch of the same vine. A branch different in language, country, and experiences, but producing the same fruit that nourishes joy among people. Those who abide in Jesus have a life to give to their brothers and sisters! That is why she is also the patron saint of Europe: a arduous task that will bear abundant fruit!
24/7 WED 16th Week in Ordinary Time [IV]
(Optional memorial: St. Charbel Makhlouf, priest, † 1898)
Jer 1:1.4-10; Ps 70; Mt 13:1-9
The sower went out to sow
Mt 13:3
Your Word, Jesus, even when I speak or write it, who knows where it falls! Not all of it will bear fruit, not all will nourish people. Yet, if I were to stop sowing, it would give life nowhere. Your joy, Jesus, sustains me to continue without getting discouraged, because at least a quarter will fall on good soil.
2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 125; Mt 20:20-28
You will drink my cup Mt 20:23
This promise of Jesus has been fulfilled. James drank the cup of suffering, both when he was imprisoned with all the apostles and when he was later beheaded alone.
Shall I also drink your cup, Jesus? How? I will drink it when on the last day I surrender myself to you, but even now, by handing over to you the things and strengths that seem precious to me.
26/7 FRI 16th Week in Ordinary Time [IV]
(Memorial: Sts. Joachim and Anne,
parents of B.V. Mary)
Jer 3:14-17; Ps: Jer 31:10-13; Mt 13:18-23
I will give you shepherds after my own heart Jer 3:15
While Jesus explains the parable of the sower, the prophet Jeremiah gives us a comforting promise. We cannot expect much from men, but God does not abandon His people, He does not abandon His Church. We will have shepherds after His own heart! Will I be humble enough to let myself be guided and guarded by them, to accept that they keep me united with all His sheep?
27/7 SAT 16th Week in Ordinary Time [IV]
Jer 7:1-11; Ps 83; Mt 13:24-30
Hear the word of the Lord, all you of Judah Jer 7:2
How often have we heard this invitation: Listen! God speaks because He wants us to live in relationship with Him; immersed in His love, enjoying communion. Listening is important for us. Jesus Himself is the Word, the sure and wise Word of the Father. Listening is the first and true love with which we respond to what we receive from Him.
28/7 SUN 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B [I]
2 Kngs 4:42-44; Ps 114; Eph 4:1-6;
Jn 6:1-15
Make the people sit down
Jn 6:10
Jesus responds to the disciples, disconcerted by the situation they must face. A crowd of people, filled with the Word of the Master, are now hungry for bread. They have so little of it that they are ashamed to say it. Jesus is not concerned. He knows that the Father sees. He obeys His love and asks for obedience from the disciples and the crowd. The disciples will make the crowd sit down, and the crowd will obey: those who are seated will receive the bread!
29/7 MON Memorial of Sts. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus [P]
1 Jn 4:7-16; Ps 33; Jn 11:19-27 or
Lk 10:38-42
I am the resurrection and the life Jn 11:25
Standing in front of Lazarus' tomb, Jesus reveals His identity. Until now, He was known as the friend of the two sisters and the dead man, but now everyone will know a surprising, shocking, even incomprehensible truth. He is for us that life which lifts us above this world, which makes us be 'in', but not 'of' the world. We will have to partake of Him to understand, indeed, to embrace the mystery.
30/7 TUE 17th Week in Ordinary Time [I]
(Optional memorial: St. Peter Chrysologus, bishop and doctor, † 450)
Jer 14:17-22; Ps 78; Mt13:36-43
Just as the weeds are collected and burned up with fire, so... Mt 13:40
The parable is simple and describes the situation in which we find ourselves. We have the grace of being compared to the good wheat, but accompanied and surrounded by those who would like to prevent us from bearing fruit for the kingdom. With humility and charity, we await the harvest. Then, purified, we too will shine like children of God.
31/7 WED 17th Week in Ordinary Time [I]
(Memorial: St. Ignatius of Loyola,
priest, † 1556)
Jer 15:10,16-21; Ps 58; Mt 13:44-46
I am with you to save you
Jer 15:20
God consoles the prophet, not abandoning him in the hands of the wicked who want to eliminate him. It is a prophecy of the death and resurrection of Jesus, whom all the prophets announce the coming of. He will remain hidden, like a treasure in a field of no value. Whoever discovers the treasure, like the one who seeks and finds the pearl, sells everything he has: nothing can equal its value!
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
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- 01/06/202406 June 2024
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- 01/09/202409 September 2024
- 01/10/202410 October 2024
- 01/11/202411 November 2024
- 01/01/202501 January 2024 COPIA
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