CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 06/2013 06 June 2013
YEAR June 2013 C
1/6 Sat VIII T.O. [IV]
(M: St. Justin, Tue., † 165 approx)
Sir 51.12-20 (17-27), Ps 18, Mk 11.27-33
By what authority are you doing all these things? Mk 11.28
Everyone understands that what Jesus has accomplished is a gesture of profound truth: the merchants, making the temple a large supermarket, forbade the people to pray and to know God as Father. This appeared as a trader. The authority with which Jesus has cast them out is the very authority of God in truth and love for God. Those who do not love God, do never recognize his work. They had not even recognized John the Baptist.
2/6 Sun SS.MO Body and Blood of Christ Year C [P]
January from 14.18 to 20; Ps 109, 1 Cor 11.23 to 26;
Lk 9.11 to 17
They all ate their fill and were taken away the pieces they advanced Luke 9.17
Jesus had compassion on the crowd: first He has educated the crowd revealing the Father's love and now continues to love it giving it bread. That bread is the prophecy of what we now eat together and that is the source of communion with Jesus and one another. This bread, which is the Body of Jesus, we adore: the reality of love with which we are loved and is the source of that love that we distribute to others.
3/6 Mon ninth T.O. [I]
(M: Ss Charles Lwanga and Companions, martyrs, † 1886)
1.3 Tb, 2.1 to 8; Ps 111; Mk 12,1-12
They will respect my son! 12.6 Mc
We would be able to say that God is naive: the servants, who killed the prophets, may suddenly become good arrival of his son? But Jesus wants us to see how far the love of the Father reaches. Sending the Son gives us all his love even though we are not able to accept it. The Son himself will transform us.
4/6 MAR ninth T.O. [I]
Tb 2.9 to 14; Ps 111; Mk 12,13-17
Is it lawful or not to pay taxes to Caesar? Mk 12.14
Jesus answers this question trap with wisdom. Money makes us slaves, it should be no sorrow to get rid of it. God, for his part, treats us as children: we give him everything, starting from our hearts. Besides, everything we got from him, we owe all. He does not expect us to impose the taxes, we present our life!
5/6 Wed ninth T.O. [I]
(M: St. Boniface, Vesc. And mart., † 754)
Tb 3,1-11.16-17; Ps 24, Mk 12,18-27
Lord, order that I may be freed from this test Tb 3.6
Tobias wants to die rather than see the punishment of God for our sins and to bear his misfortune as a punishment. The only way he thinks he can be freed, in fact, is death. But God will have some unexpected resources, which the man cannot imagine or predict. We do well to approach him, even when any solution will seem impossible.
6/6 Thurs ninth T.O. [I]
(Mf: St. Norbert, Vesc., † 1134)
6.10 to 11 TB; 7,1.9-17; 8.4 to 9; Ps 127;
12.28 to 34 Mc
What is the first commandment of all? Mk 12.28
Jesus did not show surprised to this question. He responds immediately with confidence. God is our Father and loves us: the first is certainly our duty to respond to his love. We love our God if we obey. All of his commands and all his exhortations lead us to have concern for others as his children and our brothers.
Ez 34.11 to 16; Ps 22, Rom 5.5 to 11, Luke 15.3-7
Full of joy, He carry her on his shoulders if Luke 15.5
Jesus is telling a parable to show us what can the love of the Father do. He himself is a carrier of such Love. The emphasis is on joy. The Father has to recover a sinner. I want to give joy to my God: I will return to him, ask him forgiveness, and offer him my life again.
8/6 Sat ninth T.O. [I]
(M: Immaculate Heart of Mary
Tb 12,1.5-15.20; song: Tb 13,2.7-8, Mk 12.38-44
(Or Is 61.10 to 11, by Psalm 1 Samuel 2, Lk 2.41 to 51)
Ideally, practice almsgiving that accumulate gold Tb 12.8
It is the angel Raphael that makes its recommendations to Tobi and his son Tobias. The goal of eternity is in view. If that is forgotten then everything dramatically changes. We understand that it is better to love than to be selfish. To love I’ll open my eyes, I’ll realize the poor around me, then I'll open my heart and finally my hands. If accumulation is a sign that my eyes are closed and my heart locked.
9/6 Sun X ° T.O. Year C [II]
1 Kings 17.17-24, Ps 29; Gal 1.11 to 19, Lk 7.11 to 17
Boy, I tell you, arise Luke 7.14
Jesus is touching the coffin of a boy and speaks to him. Even the dead hear the voice of Jesus.
Speak again, my Lord, you see that I am dead too, that I have to be taken from the hands of others who see no reason to cry for them. Tell me and let me get up, because you begin to love and pray!
10/6 Mon X ° T.O. [II]
2 Cor 1.1 to 7; Ps 33, Mt 5:1-12
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven Mt 5.3
Jesus begins to teach the disciples and thus be known by the crowds. Poverty is a curse, is no longer a sign of distance from God, how wealth is no longer a sign of blessing and be pleasing to him. Bliss is being in the kingdom of heaven: there comes who does not have desires for things of the earth.
11/6 MAR S. Barnabas, Ap. (M) [P]
At 11.21 b-26; 13.1 to 3, Ps 97, Mt from 10.7 to 13
Freely you received, freely give 10.8 Mt
We celebrate St. Barnabas, a man full of the Holy Spirit, who won the title of apostle, he accompanied St. Paul in the first missionary journey, after having presented to the Church of Jerusalem. Of him we know that he has donated his property to the Church, for assistance to the poor. Donated free of charge, because he knew that everything we have is a gift we received.
12/6 ° X Wed T.O. [II]
2 Cor 3.4 to 11; Ps 98; Mt 5:17-19
Our strength comes from God 2Cor 3.5
Whatever I do know is a gift received. I cannot brag about anything. Self-praising is great foolishness and seek applause too! The gifts we have received, they have been given to give glory to God, because they are really his gift. Humility is never enough!
13/6 ° X Thurs T.O. [II]
(M: St. Anthony of Padua, priest. And dr., † 1231)
2 Cor 3.15 - 4,1.3-6; Ps 84, Mt 5.20 to 26
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty 2 Cor 3.17
The Spirit of God is great wealth. He makes us grow in love, joy, peace, patience, loyalty. One of the consequences of its presence is also freedom: nothing and no longer be able to condition, which prevented us to love and to rejoice, to hinder us in following Jesus
14/6 ° X Fri T.O. [II]
2 Cor 4.7 to 15; Ps 115; Mt 5:27-32
Do not commit adultery Mt 5.27
Adultery is one of the gravest sins, for it destroys the ability of marriage to be prophetic, it takes the characteristic of being a message of God. Is a very serious sin as it is a source of great suffering. From it depends too much inability to resist to many other temptations that draw men and women away from God. You want a healthy and peaceful life? Want to be a friend of God and men? Do not commit adultery! Live the fidelity of love!
15/6 Sat X ° T.O. [II]
2 Cor 5.14 to 21, Ps 102, Mt 5:33-37
Be reconciled with God 2 Cor 5.20
This exhortation of St. Paul is strong. Although we had not quarrelled with God, we are always tempted to hand away from him, to resist his desires and to turn from his ways. "Be reconciled to God ..." also means that there must be someone else who reconciles: the minister of the Church gives us the word of forgiveness and blessing to start over. Today is Saturday in the church, a priest who is waiting for you. Go, confess and be reconciled!
16/6 Sun XI T.O. Year C [III]
2 Sam 12,7-10.13; Ps 31; Gal 2,16.19-21, Lk 7.36 to 8.3
Her many sins are forgiven, for she loved much Luke 7.47
When you confess it is important that you repent of your sins, and earnestly desires not to repeat them, but more importantly regain the love of Jesus is the love of him that brings you closer to the Father who gives you strength to meet the brothers, which increases in you want holy and pure, which makes you a joyful witness.
17/6 Mon XI T.O. [III]
2 Cor 6.1 to 10, Ps 97, Mt 5.38 to 42
Give to everyone who asks you and do not turn your back to who want to borrow from you 5.42 Mt
Jesus presents some examples of love to the neighbour. We must decide our generosity not in accordance with the wishes of men, but according to the grace that God gives us: we depend on him alone. If someone slaps you do not become sad, but continue to smile with her cheek that was not hit, because you know they are still loved by God. If someone asks you something, ask your God what to do, and not be impulsive or nor to deny everything to give you everything you asked.
18/6 MAR XI T.O. [III]
2 Cor 8.1 to 9; Ps 145, Mt 5.43 to 48
Pray for those who persecute you Mt 5.44
You, Jesus, you prayed to the Father for those who have put you on the cross. Today, with you I pray to the Father for those who persecute Thy Church, for those who persecute with the word, by slander, with the temptation to spread to small and simple, with lies, by proposing idols instead of you. Give them your light and they may be converted and live!
19/6 Wed XI T.O. [III]
(Mf: St. Romuald, Abbot, † 1027)
2 Cor 9.6 to 11; Ps 111, Mt 6,1-6.16-18
He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully 2Cor 9.6
St. Paul quotes this proverb to encourage believers to be generous in the collection of money that is collecting for the poor Church of Jerusalem. The Father takes into account what you do, and because he sees in secret will reward you.
20/6 Thurs XI T.O. [III]
2Cor 11.1 to 11, Ps 110, Mt from 6.7 to 15
In praying, do not babble 6.7 Mt
Jesus prepares his disciples to accept the prayer that he will give them, the Our Father. It is not words that are pleasing to God, but desires. You must not try to convince God to listen, because he already knows what you need to be holy. Do not throw away words, instead immerse yourself in his love. Put your heart in his desires, concerning his kingdom, his will and his glory.
21/6 Fri XI T.O. [III]
(M: St. Aloysius Gonzaga, religious, † 1591)
2Cor 11,18.21-30; Ps 33, Mt 6.19 to 23
Where your treasure is, there also will your heart 6.21 Mt
"My darling," is what I consider more valuable and useful. If my baby was the fleeting things of the world, my heart would become schizophrenic, of course, having to divide between ambition and riches and pleasures. If my baby is union with Jesus, will join him my desires, my thoughts and my energies.
22/6 Sat XI T.O. [III]
(Mf: St. Paulinus of Nola, Vesc., † 431; Ss John Fisher, Vesc., And Thomas More, martyrs, † 1535)
2Cor 12.1 to 10; Ps 33, Mt 6.24 to 34
So do not worry about tomorrow Mt 6.34
Lord Jesus, I thank you because we know the characteristics of the Father. You assure us that he does not need to be informed of our clothes and food, and even in our portfolio. In his love, he provides what we need: we can devote to more important things, such as your kingdom, the spread of the gospel, love to the poorest, and the harmony of families.
23/6 Sun XII T.O. Year C [IV]
Zech 12.10-11, Ps 62; Gal 3.26 to 29, Lk 9.18 to 24
Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it Luke 9.24
Jesus, because of you ... Yes, you are worth more than anything. "Your love is better than life," says a psalm. So I do not want to miss your friendship. Instead of missing your appointments, those of confession and Mass, the risk of colds, losing a few friends, to spend some effort and some money.
Is 49.1-6, Ps 138, Acts 13.22-26, Luke 1,57-66.80
I will make light of the nations Isaiah 49.6
This prophecy is about Jesus, but also those involved in his life and share his mission. John the Baptist, who lives for the Messiah, is such a light for all: the light that allows us to see the Son of God as "the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world", as the bridegroom who gives the love of God to the people, as one who carries out the will of the Father. Let's party for his birth: he is given the name of John, I announce that God is love and mercy.
25/6 MAR XII T.O. [IV]
January 13,2.5-18; Ps 32, Mt 7,6.12-14
Enter through the narrow gate Mt 7.13
You are the one that accompany me, so I'm not afraid to leave anything to pass by. Do you suppose I can wait outside, so I come with joy! Jesus, you're already past: behold, I come.
26/6 Wed XII T.O. [IV]
January 15,1-12.17-18; Ps 104, Mt 7.15 to 20
At Trent solemnly: S. VIGILIO st. and m., † 400, patron of the diocese [P]
Ez 34.11 to 16; Ps 39; Eph 2.11 to 22; Jn 10:11-16
I am the good shepherd Jn 10.11
Jesus, you are the pastor, I am one of your sheep. You know me and call me by name, and I want to answer, as I replied St. Vigil. He gave up his life to make you known to people rude and idolatrous. Here I am, to express your love to those who still do not know or has forgotten you.
27/6 Thurs XII T.O. [IV]
(Mf: St. Cyril of Alexandria, Vesc. And dr., † 444)
January 16,1-12.15-16; Ps 105, Mt 7.21 to 29
The rain came down, floods rose, gales blew ... Mt 7.27
Occurrence of the same things for the house built on rock and one founded on sand. The builders of these houses were different: some thought to the future and know that there's always the sun, others have tried to hurry, without providing proof. You, where you built your life? Are you on the rock of the Word of God or you're on the sand of your feelings?
This gospel is often read at weddings ...
28/6 Fri XII T.O. [IV]
(M: St. Irenaeus, Vesc. And mart., † c.202)
January 17,1.9-10.15-22; Ps 127, Mt from 8.1 to 4
Lord, if you want, you can purify me 8.2 Mt
I tell myself, I need Jesus to be purified because the leprosy of sin has begun to weaken and ruin. You certainly want to purify. It's me that I need to strengthen my will. Purify my heart, and I will praise you with my life, manifesting your kindness to sinners, that they may return to you!
29/6 SS PETER and PAUL App [P]
At 12.1 to 11, Ps 33, 2 Tim 4,6-8.17-18; Mt 16.13-19
Thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church Mt 16.18
The faith that Simon has expressed a firm belief: you can build on it. Jesus offers him, although he knows that his apostle still needs to learn and develop. Peter, our guide to love the Lord, and together with Paul continues to teach it and to draw us to him, because we grow towards its full stature.
30/6 Sun XIII T.O. Year C [I]
1Kings 19,16.19-21; Ps 15; Gal 5,1.13-18; Lk 9:51-62
No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God Luke 9.62
As I cannot turn around while I hold the plow, so I cannot look back when I work for Jesus. Do not look back nor to please of what I did and even to complain of fatigue endured. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, always, and the tasks that he has me day by day. I have no time for either praise me nor to flatten me.
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
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