CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 03/2013 03 March 2013
YEAR 2013 C March
1/3 Fri II ° T.Q. [II]
(Just Dioc. TN: comm: Giovanna Maria Bonomo B., Verg., † 1670)
January 37,3-4.12-13 a.17b-28, Ps 104, Mt 21,33-43.45-46
They will respect my son! Mt 21.37
Good Father, when you sent your Son into the world you could not think of how much hatred and rejection would be upon Him, the Beloved! Yet even the darkest of darkness you have been able to raise the light. Always win in my heart with the light of your love, Father!
2/3 Sat II ° T.Q. [II]
I 7,14-15.18-20; Ps 102, Lk 15,1-3.11-32
He got up and returned to his father Luke 15.20
The conversion to which they are called in this time of Lent is just that: to return to my Father. Do not forcibly return from a landowner to continue to be his servant, a master who will punish me, but back to a father, a father who does not oblige me to love him. He made me turn away and continues to meet me with open arms and welcomes me to forgive me and like a son.
3/3 Sun III ° T.Q. Year C [III]
Ex 3,1-8.13-15; Ps 102; 1Cor 10,1-6.10-12; Lk 13.1 to 9 (or the readings of the Year A)
Unless you repent you will all likewise perish Luke 13.3
How many accidents, natural disasters, wars, today as then! They give you another chance to repeat your recommendation; Jesus will always reach the man's death as a misfortune, if he will accept you, only you can turn in a moment of grace: that branch of the embrace with the Father, who loves us and awaits us!
4/3 Mon III ° T.Q. [III]
(Comm: St. Casimir, † 1484)
2Kings 5.1 to 15; Ps 41-42, Lk 4.24 to 30
Bathe and you will become clean 2Kings 5.13
Naaman did not want to obey the command of the prophet Elisha so simply: he thought that something so ordinary, like bathing in the water of a river, could not cure him of leprosy. After some resistance, however, he obeyed: it was his obedience to make that action and that water healthy. Obedience to the Lord!
5/3 MAR III T.Q. [III]
Dn 3,25.34-43; Ps 24, Mt 18.21-35
There's no disappointment to those who trust in You Dn 3.40
We, who have accepted Jesus and believe that God is Father, we do not lose heart when we fall in our sins, but we continue to trust in his mercy. Grateful for this gift, today we stand before the Father with the desire that someone, by receiving from Jesus the true light, can call Him Father, so finally finding life and peace.
6/3 Wed III T.Q. [III]
4,1.5-9 dt; Ps 147, Mt 5:17-19
I have not come to abolish but to give fulfilment Mt 5.17
The Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the God in whom we believe, is not a God who makes and breaks at will. Otherwise, how could we trust Him? He is a God who from the beginning has designed a way to get known and to restore to communion what Adam had ruined. A walk in small steps, according to the forces of sinful man, a journey full of patience on his part, a path that Jesus brought to fulfillment.
7/3 Thurs III ° T.Q. [III]
(Comm: Saints Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs, † 202/203)
Ger from 7.23 to 28; Ps 94, Lk 11.14 to 23
Hear my voice Jer 7.23
Thank you, Father, for you, we've created for love, you are faithful and guide us on the way! In this season of Lent we want to give more room for you, your voice, your instructions to us are mature, giving joy to our lives and for this we want to cut some unnecessary activities ...
8/3 Fri III ° T.Q. [III]
(Comm: St. John of God, religious, † 1550)
Os 14.2 to 10, Ps 80, Mk-34 12.28 b
You shall love your neighbor as yourself Mk 12.31
Love your neighbor as myself does not mean I love me and equally I love him too. Today, Friday, I look to Jesus on the cross and see that Jesus loved me more than himself, he preferred me to him. Blood of Jesus, come down on me and grant me the ability to love my neighbor as you love me, and then giving him precedence.
9/3 Sat III ° T.Q. [III]
(Comm: St. Frances of Rome, religious, † 1440)
OS 6.1 to 6, Ps 50, Lk 18:9-14
Make haste to know the Lord Os 6.3
How can I now obey to this your word, Lord? Unfortunately they are so ignorant, even in matters of faith ... I'll try to actually live your own word, just one: "Be merciful!" Then you will know from the inside, because I will have lived your own life!
10/3 IV T.Q. Sun Year C [IV]
Gs 5,9.10-12; Ps 33, 2 Corinthians 5.17 to 21;
Luke 15,1-3.11-32 (or the readings of the Year A)
Son, thou art ever with me and all that is mine is yours Lk 15.31
Father, make me now close to your love and gratitude! I realize, in fact, that when I make out of your mercy and your presence in my life, my treasure, I accept my brothers, rejoice in the cover up their mistakes and offer them my hand, weak and empty hand that Yours strengthens and fills.
11/3 IV Mon T.Q. [IV]
Is 65.17 to 21; Ps 29, Jn 4.43 to 54
'Go, your son lives Jn 4.50
This answer of Jesus was a word of great consolation to the father who had a dying child. However, it has also totally committed and challenged his faith. If that man had not believed and had not walked back home, who knows if that son would get better ... Thank you, Lord, for this example of faith that today's liturgy gives me.
12/3 IV MAR T.Q. [IV]
Ez 47,1-9.12; Ps 45, Jn 5,1-3.5-16
Who is the man that said: "Take and walk '? Jn 5.12
The Jews ask this to the sick healed at the Pool of Bethesda. But they leave out an important detail: this man, Jesus, had said only "grab-and-walk", ie, takes away your mat, act prohibited on the Sabbath, first of all he had said "Get up", ie the rise again your situation. A man who can give new life is not to be condemned, but followed.
Jesus, you're the only man who has conquered death, because you are a true man and true God.
13/3 IV Wed T.Q. [IV]
Is 49.8 to 15; Ps 144, Jn 5.17 to 30
I will not forget you. Is 49:15
It is a love letter to each of us who listen to, each will know how to keep it! Comes from the Father and Jesus our Savior, we believe, we can enjoy, adore, thank you!
14/3 IV Thurs T.Q. [IV]
Eg from 32.7 to 14; Ps 105, Jn 5.31 to 47
You do not want to come to me for life Jn 5.40
Thank you, Jesus, you once said to me these words! It was the time when you started to hear your living presence in my life. Until then you do not know except in name only: it was a time of struggle between the bad habits before and the new holy inspirations that I felt in me. Thank you for your word that the Holy Spirit at that time and did I mention that he won the temptation to get away from you again.
15/3 Fri IV T.Q. [IV]
Sap 2,1.12-22; Ps 33, Jn 7,1-2.10.25-30
We tend to just pitfalls, which for us is in trouble Wis 2.12
Holy Spirit, put in the heart of every Christian a great love for Jesus, the joy of being his, the courage to live his word, so, when it encounters the refusal by those who are slaves of sin, will, with God's forgiveness, give him the love of the Father!
16/3 Sat IV T.O. [IV]
Jer 11.18 to 20; Ps 7; Jn 7.40 to 53
No man ever spoke like that! Jn 7.46
It is the expression from the mouth of the guards who were to arrest Jesus, they did not know the Scriptures, probably due to their work, were not accustomed to long prayers, but the voice and words of Jesus have won ...
Your word, Jesus, delivered by your Church in the Holy Spirit has filled my heart too!
17/3 Fifth Sun T.Q. Year C [I]
Is 43:16-21, Psalm 125, Philippians 3.8 to 14; Jn 8:1-11
(Or the readings of the Year A)
Who among you is without sin cast the first stone at her Jn 8.7
With these simple words, Jesus has saved and the scribes and Pharisees by evil spirits of accusation and hatred, and the sinful woman from stoning.
How many times, Jesus, with the simple wisdom of love infused by you in your own minister or a brother, you brought salvation in my life, light and freedom to my heart, my home ... And to me it didn’t cost anything other than an act of faith and humility. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
18/3 Mon fifth T.Q. [I]
(Comm: St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Vesc. And dr., † 386)
Dn 13,1-9.15-17.19-30.33-62; Ps 22, Jn 8.12 to 20
I am the light of the world Jn 8.12
What would be the world, what would the people we love be, the works in which we toil, the suffering that we encounter, if the light of your word, the light of the Father did not shine on everything to give it a meaning, an eternal value! I accepted Jesus, and renew my adhesion to you.
19/3 MAR S. JOSEPH, Spouse of the BV MARIA [P]
2 Sam 7,4-5.12-14.16; Ps 88, Rom 4,13.16-18.22; Mt 1,16.18-21.24
Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife Mt 1.20
S. Joseph, the time of your life remembered in today's Gospel is a gift that you give to us all! What you have lived, in fact, assures us that if we seek the will of the Lord with humility and love, we will not remain disappointed, our darkness will soon leave the place in the light of love, for your Father and our God is.
S. Joseph, in the name of Jesus Bless all our fathers!
20/3 Wed fifth T.Q. [I]
3,14-20.46-50.91-92.95 Dn, Dn 3.52 to 56; Jn 8.31 to 42
My word, you are not welcomed by Jn 8.37
Thank you, Jesus, for the word that encourages me, makes me stop and think, that sheds light on my situation, which corrects me.
Thank you for your word today that spurs me to get more space, remain faithful to persevere in listening and trust in you.
21/3 Thurs fifth T.Q. [I]
In January from 17.3 to 9; Ps 104, Jn 8.51 to 59
I am John 8.58
"I am" is the name that God had made known to the people of Israel when he decided to release him from Egypt.
Now Jesus openly attaches itself to this name, for he has always decided to offer himself to free humanity from the dominion of sin and death. Soon we will contemplate the cross and then won over death, Jesus is truly the God who saves!
I adore you, Lord Jesus, my savior!
22/3 Fri fifth T.Q. [I]
Jer 20.10-13, Ps 17, Jn 10.31-42
To you I have committed my cause Jer 20.12
Jesus, you are for us the best example of trust in the Father: you have been able to rely upon him with love even in death, and you're not disappointed! I too have seen the Father's love to work for me "little miracles". Your word, Jesus, your life is light, rock us to live, helps us to die!
23/3 Sat fifth T.Q. [I]
(Comm: St. Toribio de Mongrovejo, Vesc., † 1606)
Ez 37.21 to 28; Jer 31.10 to 13; Jn 11.45-56
Among them will be my home Ez 37.27
It is the life-giving promise that the Word of God makes us the eve of Holy Week.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you suffered and you died on the cross, so that, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, you can still ask your dwelling among us, and we can live and witness to the world your holiness and your peace!
24/3 Sunday of the Year PALME C [P]
Lk 19.28 to 40, 50.4-7 Is, Ps 21, Phil 2:6-11, Lk 22.14 to 23.56
Pray that you enter not into temptation Lk 22.40
Lord Jesus, you have persevered in prayer, in contact with confidence to the Father, even when it cost a tough fight: your sweat became drops of blood. The Father has heard, has made you victorious even in the biggest test. Your disciples, however, although warned by you, you have not taken seriously, have not been able to pray that night. For your example and your grace this Holy Week can be a continuous real prayer!
Is 42.1-7, Ps 26, Jn 12.1 to 11
Let her Jn 12.7
Jesus intervenes to defend Mary, sister of Lazarus, whose act of love for him is criticized by Judas Iscariot. Jesus is about to shed his blood for the forgiveness of sins of all mankind, is it not worthy of this precious perfume poured over his feet, which will soon be pierced by the nails? Only those who love Jesus can not criticize an act of love for him, whatever it is.
Is 49.1-6, Ps 70, Jn 13,21-33.36-38
Judas took the morsel, went out. It was night Jn 13.30
"It was night": it was, in fact, the hours of darkness, the hour when Jesus allowed himself to be delivered, through Judas, in the hands of men. Jesus will let prevail upon himself the evil designs of men dominated by the prince of this world, you will leave even "swallow" the darkness of death, but thanks to his love, just from that darkness He will rise victorious.
Is 50.4 to 9; Ps 68, Mt 26.14-25
The Lord God is my witness Is 50.9
How often, Lord Jesus, you have entrusted to the Father in your life on earth! And, approaching the '"Now", you entrust your deepened, more and more suffering. Thank you, Jesus! We can not even allow to be extinguished in our hearts the desire of you and confidence to the Father, why on earth we are always on trial!
Ex 12,1-8.11-14; Ps 115; 1 Cor 11.23 to 26;
Jn 13.1-15 (Mass "in Cena Domini")
He loved them to the end Jn 13.1
Jesus, you love me 'till the end "! I love all the days of my life and for eternity, you love me to give all of yourself to me, as on the cross, as in the breaking of bread. You renew today your love, taking home in me: my heart can know your loyalty, your dedication, your humility, with joy and your brethren that you have given me. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
Is 52.13 to 53.12, Ps 30, Heb 4:14-16; 5.7 to 9;
Jn 18.1 to 19.42
Jesus stepped forward and said: "Whom do you seek?" John 18.4
It was up to me, Jesus, it was up to each of us to pay the price to the Enemy of our redemption, but we could not have ever done it. Thanks, you've had on you! My Love and My Savior on the cross for my sin: I adore you, thank you, I love you!
From the power of darkness, free my soul (Antiphon Ninth Time)
My Jesus, Lord of the universe, you remain in the grave, in silence I adore you, thank you, I love you! I stand close to you: you did not need my prayers. That’s me that from your death I get freedom from the dominion of darkness and new life. From your grave spreads the most beautiful scent: the Bridegroom who died loving, giving life to receive it, new life from the Father to us all, you’re Spouse!
31/3 Easter Year C [P]
At 10,34.37-43; Ps 117; With 3.1 to 4 opp. 1 Cor 5.6 to 8, Jn 20.1-9 opp. Luke 24.1-12
(At the evening Mass Luke 24:13-35)
Why do you look among the dead who is alive? Luke 24.5
To this question, addressed by the angel to the women, is not necessary to answer. No one is looking for a person living in the tombs.
We want to look for Jesus where life never fails, in the heart of the Father. There, too, and we will not stop our singing: "Alleluia!"
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
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