CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 2/2012 03 March 2012
YEAR B 2012
1 / 3 Thurs Ia T.Q. [I]
(Dioceses. TN: comm: B. Maria Giovanna Bonomo, rod., † 1670)
4.17 East-n.p; Ps 137; 7.7 to 12 Mt
Anyone who asks receives 7.8 Mt
Sometimes we say, "But I'm too bad, the Lord cannot listen to me." This statement is not in harmony with the Gospel. The heart of the Father is always Father's heart, even when I moved away from him ... His ear is ever attentive to my voice, and more, and if it goes as far as a humble plea for help and for mercy.
2 / 3 Fri Ia T.Q. [I]
Ez 18.21-28, Ps 129, Mt 5.20-26
Unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees Mt 5.20
The Pharisees were meticulous in observing the precepts of the law: it was almost impossible to overcome. But Jesus speaks about another 'justice': the one that 'exceeds' the precept obeying with love to God. The precept says not to kill, but the Father calls me also to love, to forgive my brother and my enemy. The precept tells me abstinence from meat on Fridays, the Father's love prompts me to share food with those in need.
3 / 3 Sat Ia T.Q. [I]
Dt 26.16-19, Ps 118, Mt 5,43-48
Pray for those who persecute you 5.44 Mt
Have you ever tried to pray for that family member or neighbour or colleague who you have wronged? Try it today, now. Even if you feel so much resentment, say to the Father: "You, who love me so much, bless that person, so it can grow in your love." Try again tomorrow. Gradually, that resentment will fade and you find yourself with a free heart and experience the joy of being ... how God!
4 / 3 Sun IIa T.Q. Year B [II]
Gen 22,1-2.9.10-13.15-18, Ps 115, Rom 8.31-34, Mc 9.2 to 10
His clothes became shining Mc 9.3
Jesus, during this Lent you take us 'on the hill': we'll be closer to you, away from many distractions and worries: watching you, listening to you, welcoming you with the will of the Father. Even our 'look', our lives will shine with your glory, with your light. It will become with you a 'risen life'!
5 / 3 Mon IIa T.Q. [II]
Dn 9.4 to 10, Ps 78, Lk 6:36-38
Forgive and be forgiven Luke 6.37
What better preparation for the celebration of Easter, if not the attempt to remove the grievances and the reasons for hatred and division that I close my heart? Celebrating Easter is to celebrate Jesus' victory over death, the victory of forgiveness over sin. How can Jesus resurrect in me to forgive me if I prevent it?
Blood of Jesus, in which power is forgiving and free, come down on me and Renew!
6 / 3 MAR IIa T.Q. [II]
1,10.16-20 Is, Ps 49, Mt from 23.1 to 12
You are all brothers Mt 23:8
This word helps me to feel with all the right places and look at all the right way. It helps me in awe of those who did not see more 'up' to me: he has the same my Lord to whom to report and, like him I am loved by the same Father. It helps me not feel above anyone if I got a task, I got to serve the children. When I feel the hand above the other ... it's time to get off!
7 / 3 Wed IIa T.Q. [II]
(Comm.: Saints Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs, † 202/203)
Jer 18.18 to 20, Ps 30, Mt 20.17-28
My cup will drink Mt 20.23
It is a promise of Jesus that can bring fear. I think of all those living in the anguish of the results of medical examinations, or those who are in care, apprehensive about the outcome ...
Lord Jesus, I pray today for these brothers: let that I hear your love which is stronger than life and death, which is strongest at the very moment of pain. Give them to hear your voice comforting and reassuring: courage, fear not, you're not alone; you're drinking with me from my cup. "
8 / 3 Thurs IIa T.Q. [II]
(Comm.: St. John of God, religious, † 1550)
Jer 17.5 to 10, Sal 1; Lk 16:19-31
They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them Lk 16.29
We often feel the temptation to sign any necessary overtime, to convert us or those near to us. But the Lord has spoken and still speaks to us in his Church the difficulty of believing, of obeying specifically to his word: this is the path that leads us to heaven!
Jesus, today I want to hear from you!
9 / 3 Fri IIa T.Q. [II]
(Comm.: S. Francesca Romana, religious, † 1440)
Gen 37,3-4.12-13.17-28; Ps 104; Mt 21,33-43.45
He sent again new servants Mt 21.36
Today we, the Church in union with Jesus, the 'vineyard' in the Father cares: his love means that we bring new fruit of love. And when he sends his servants - circumstances of life, inspiration, words of the brothers - to collect some of these fruits, we will offer them to him with joy: it is thanks to him and for him to our humble life!
10 / 3 Sat IIa T.Q. [II]
I 7,14-15.18-20, Ps 102, Lk 15,1-3.11-32
Son, you are always with me Luke 15.31
Yes, Father, this is the most beautiful gift that I receive from you!
When I forgive to my brother, when I keep my heart in peace and confidence, when I do of my life, of my time, talent of which you have enriched me, a gift, I know I'm with you. Thank you, good Father!
11 / 3 Sun IIIa T.Q. Year B [III]
Eg 20.1 to 17; Ps 18; 1 Cor 1.22 to 25, John 2.13-25 (Opp. the readings of the Year A)
Jn 2:13 Jesus went to Jerusalem
Jesus goes to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover, the real Easter.
We learn from you, Jesus: we will not pass 'our' Easter in some prayer or practice that doesn’t touch our heart. It instead by the dedication of Lent, will be the Feast for us to be closer, more united with you, enjoy life and give the love of the Father.
12 / 3 Mon IIIa T.Q. [III]
2 Kings 5.1 to 15; Ps 41-42; Lk 4.24-30
They kicked him out of the city Lk 4.29
The town is Nazareth, where Jesus grew up.
Lord Jesus, I thank you for me and for all, without complaint, you have suffered rejection, misunderstanding, loneliness. Humbly I ask the light to be able to recognize and accept: I know you visit me and talk to me every day.
13 / 3 MAR IIIa T.Q. [III]
Dn 3,25.34-43; Ps 24, Mt 18.21-35
He cancelled the debt Mt 18.27
His master not only hears the prayer of the servant debtor, but goes further: it gives him a little 'time to enable it to pay off the debt, but even condones it to him at all. This is the 'justice' that saves, Justice of redeeming love.
I want to be 'right' as my Father!
14 / 3 Wed IIIa T.Q. [III]
Dt 4,1.5-9; Ps 147; 5.17 to 19 Mt
I came to fulfil Mt 5:17
Looking at You, Jesus, a wonderful example that you gave me in your earthly life, coming to you and humbly ask for strength and light, behold, I am sure you can be always before the Father in the light of the child. Jesus, you are the fulfilment of Scripture, you're all that the Father has always wanted to give myself! Thanks!
15 / 3 Thurs IIIa T.Q. [III]
Jer 7.23 to 28; Ps 94, Lk 11.14-23
The dumb man spoke Lk 11.14
What a life change for the man who now can speak! Probably, as Zachariah, even for this man will be the first words were words of thanks and praise. Maybe I am dumb, often in the sense that I cannot thank, or are not grateful to God or to those around me ...
In order that my life will become new, this time in my prayer I will give priority attention to the word 'thank you'!
16 / 3 Fri IIIa T.Q. [III]
Os 14.2 to 10, Ps 80, Mk 12.28-34
Not far from the kingdom of God Mc 12.34
Jesus says these reassuring words to the scribe who had questioned him: he saw that he had understood what is the fundamental desire of the Father, he understood what is the purpose of any divine command and what should be the motive for any religious observance and for each action: love, love as a grateful response to God and as a concrete step towards his brother.
17 / 3 Sat IIIa T.Q. [III]
(Comm.: St. Patrick, bishop, ca † 461)
Os 6.1 to 6, Ps 50, Lk 18:9-14
O God, have mercy on me, a sinner Lk 18.13
Every day I have occasion to make my own the prayer of the publican, and when, in weakness or sin, now I run to Jesus and ask for the mercy of his speech, then I feel relieved and renewed, and I even trust that he knows how to bring the good also my misery. And when this happens in the Sacrament of Confession, the word of the priest gives certainty to my confidence. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
18 / 3 Sun IVa T.Q. Year B [IV]
2cr 36,14-16.19-23; Psalm 136, Ephesians 2.4 to 10, John 3.14-21 (Opp. the readings of the Year A)
Whoever believes in him is not condemned John 3:18
Lord Jesus, today and throughout this week, we bring those men who do not recognize that they need you: do not see their sin, do not realize the sentence that hangs over them. May come to you; accept your salvation, to know true peace!
19 / 3 Mon S. Joseph, husband of B.V. MARIA [P]
2 Sam 7,4-5.12-14.16, Ps 88, Rom 4,13.16-18.22; Mt 1:16.18-21.24
You name him Jesus, Matthew 1:21
Thank you, Jesus, for your name, thanks for the gift of being able to say within his heart and in front of others.
Thank you, you're God, you let yourself be educated by a man. Thanks to S. Joseph, who was father to you. Thanks to my dad and how he sent me of your love.
20 / 3 MAR IVa T.Q. [IV]
Ez 47,1-9.12, Ps 45, Jn 5,1-3.5-16
Jesus knew that was so long ago ... John 5.6
Jesus, you see all my poverty. You see for how many years I drag a life of superficial faith, you see all of my infidelity, my little effort, my weak love for you.
With that we turn your gaze on me and ask me: "Do you want to get better?" With that, the power of your love, I can begin to move new steps, not tomorrow, but now, immediately.
21 / 3 Wed IVa T.Q. [IV]
Is 49.8-15, Ps 144, Jn 5.17-30
Called God his Father Jn 5:18
For the Jews this was the 'fault' of Jesus being so close to God! They did not understand, or unwilling to understand that Jesus was standing next to the Father as the Son, to respond to His love and manifest it, not Satan, who would have liked to dominate the place of God.
The Father tells us: "If there was a woman who forgets his own son, I will never forget you." He wants us too close to it as children: in fact, Jesus told us that we can call him Father.
22 / 3 Thurs IVa T.Q. [IV]
Eg 32.7 to 14; Ps 105, Jn 5.31-47
You do not want to come to me to have life Jn 5.40
Lord Jesus, that's what hurts you: not to give us life! When in my thirst for light, forgiveness, love and joy, I do not turn to you, I remain unfulfilled without life ... And you, just waiting for me to talk to you with confidence, suffer more! Forgive me, Jesus!
23 / 3 Fri IVa T.Q. [IV]
(Comm.: S. de Turibio Mongrovejo, Vesco., † 1606)
Sap 2,1.12-22; Ps 33, Jn 7,1-2.10.25-30
I did not come from myself Jn 7.28
With joy which Jesus acknowledges that he has come in the name of the Father! He is truly the Son lives because of the Father, let her feelings, in his words, his gestures and steps to materialize the Father's love!
Jesus, are the joy of the Father while we know you do!
24 / 3 Sat IVa T.O. [IV]
Jer 11.18-20; Ps 7; Jn 7.40-53
No one laid hands on him Jn 7.44
This word, Jesus, give me peace throughout the day! My life is in your hands together with the Father, nothing will happen if he did not want or does not allow it, and everything in you and through you, you will just love!
25 / 3 Sun Go T.Q. Year B [I]
Jer 31:31-34, Ps 50, Heb 5.7 to 9, John 12.20-33
(Or the readings of the Year A)
When I am lifted up from the earth will draw all to me John 12:32
Jesus is responding to his disciples, had told him that the Greeks, pagan people, I was looking for. Jesus understands that it is close to its 'now', the time of the cross: in fact, the answer is his sacrifice of his love of waiting for salvation of all men!
26 / 3 Mon Annunciation of the Lord [P]
Is 7.10 to 14, Sal 39; Heb 10.4 to 10, Luke 1:26-38
Hail, full of grace, Luke 1:28
In the greeting of the angel to Mary recalls the invitation to messianic joy addressed repeatedly by the prophets to the people is the announcement of the greatest joy, the only true joy that the Father has prepared for every man! This joy is you, Jesus, thou near us, you are in ourselves, to love us, protect us, save us!
Thank you, Mary, for having taken first, with pure faith and pure love, the gift of the Father!
27 / 3 MAR should T.Q. [I]
Nm from 21.4 to 9, Ps 101, Jn 8.21-30
I was not left alone Jn 8.29
From what you know, Jesus, the Father was always with you? You sure had the certainty, because I felt his love to live in your heart and your hands, your eyes, your voice were instruments of this love!
28 / 3 Wed T.Q. Go [I]
3,14-20.46-50.91-92.95 Dn, Dn 3.52 to 56, John 8.31-42
If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, Jn 8.31
For many years I have been trying to follow Jesus and each day I realize that being his disciple is not the decision of a moment or a goal achieved once and for all. It is rather a decision still has a 'stay', is the loyalty of today, now, to Jesus
29 / 3 Thurs T.Q. Go [I]
Gen 17.3-9, Ps 104, Jn 8.51-59
Who glorifies me is my Father Jn 8.54
I learn from you, Jesus for my life I leave all care to the Father, accepting everything from his hands, joy and pain, humiliation and praise. I am simply talking to him and his kingdom with love!
30 / 3 Fri T.Q. Go [I]
Jer 20.10 to 13, Ps 17, Jn 10.31-42
... Because I said: "I am the Son of God"? Jn 10:36
Teach me again, Jesus, your life as a child: that is life moment by moment from the heart of the Father, life is a continual self-giving, with humility! So as a child of God, leading from St. Baptism is not a source of pride, as the Pharisees thought it was for Jesus will be 'glory' of the Father!
31 / 3 Sat T.Q. Go [I]
Ez 37.21 to 28, from 31.10 to 13 Ger, John 11.45-56
Jesus had to die Gv11, 51
Jesus 'had' to die: it was, that is, God's will that Jesus by his death, transformed into an act of greater love, to become the Saviour of all men!
Jesus, as I prepare to live Holy Week, I love you, love you, thank you! I know, staying close, I receive your Spirit, I will learn to offer my 'dying' daily to the Father, with love!
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
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- 01/01/202501 January 2024 COPIA
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- Die Hingabe
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