CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 5/2012 05 May 2012
YEAR B 2012
1 / 5 MAR IVa T.P. [IV]
(Mf: St. Joseph the Worker)
At 11.19 to 26, Ps 86, Jn 10.22-30
My sheep hear my voice, John 10.27
Sometimes I cry because I cannot hear the voice of the Lord ... and then the moment of humility: humility to recognize that perhaps are not waiting for His Word, but rather attracted and distracted by other words; it is time for patience, patience to let my heart feel the dryness and to let open itself, hungry, to the life-giving word of the Risen One.
When I hear his voice, all my business, labour, pain is precious and bears the seal of his blessing.
2 / 5 Wed IVa T.P. [IV]
(M: St. Athanasius, Vesco. And dr., † 373)
At 12.24 13.5; Ps 66, Jn 12.44-50
I came into the world as light Jn 12.46
Jesus is truly the light that can illuminate even the darkest of situations, including situations in front of which human resources cannot anymore.
I adore you, Lord Jesus, because you really are safe on the road of life you're living, you're the Risen One, who have conquered death, including mine.
3 / 5 Thurs Ss Philip and James, Ap [P]
1 Cor 15.1-8, Ps 18, Jn 14.6-14
Christ died for our sins 1 Cor 15:3
Today I will try to keep this word: a truth that will help me to be conscious of what it cost Jesus to forgive me, and then to have contrition for my sins. It will help me to grow especially in the contemplation of his love, the joy of know myself loved it so much, so thanking him in the desire to live.
4 / 5 Fri IVa T.P. [IV]
At 13.26 to 33, Ps 2, Jn 14.1-6
God raised Him from the dead Acts 13.30
Jesus, you, you knew the Father, have given him greater confidence: you have entrusted to him even in death, accepting it with love, and you are not disappointed! I want to learn from you to trust my life in the hands of the Father, living and dying by his son, like you! The Father will also act in me with his almighty power of love! Alleluia!
5 / 5 Sat IVa T.P. [IV]
At 13.44 to 52, Ps 97, Jn 14.7-14
I am in the Father and the Father is in me Jn 14.11
Lord Jesus, now invite me to trust you and your words! Often the reasoning me away from you, from your ways, from accepting the will of the Father and simply what you want to donate. Today I want to lay eyes on you and look like you live in the Father, always doing what is pleasing, and as he lives in you, loving them and supporting them.
6 / 5 Sun Go T.P. Year B [I]
At 9.26-31, Ps 21, 1 John 3.18-24, Jn 15:1-8
Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, John 15:5
The image of the vine is very eloquent. If I want the fruit, but not joined the rest of you, I did not realize what I want. If you try, if you force me to stay, if I let your Spirit guide me, you remain in me and then bear fruit. Much fruit for your kingdom: the fruit that glorifies the Father.
7 / 5 Mon T.P. Go [I]
At 14.5 to 18, Ps 113, Jn 14.21-26
If anyone loves me, keep my word, John 14:23
When I love Jesus, I can live up to his word, even when it costs me. Love means to give precedence to him instead of to my desires, plans, feelings, ideas ..., it means considering him and his wisdom more important than myself and my true, real or fake, "needs."
Thank you, Jesus, for the many opportunities that you give me to show my love and above all for the help of your Spirit in this effort!
8 / 5 MAR should T.P. [I]
At 14.19 to 28, Psalms 144, John 14.27-31
I go and I come to you Jn 14:28
You, Jesus, you know that we can do nothing without you! When you say you go at the same time promise to come back ... You go to the Father, that's all for you, and we are happy. But equally you expect, because without you we cannot really do anything that is useful to your Kingdom.
9 / 5 Wed T.P. Go [I]
At 15.1-6, Ps 121, Jn 15:1-8
Without me you can do nothing John 15:5
Jesus, I stand up for your love with you and prepare lunch for my children.
Jesus, help me smile to this person that yesterday made me a snub: he needs the love of the Father!
It is no exaggeration! Jesus is pleased to have this in us: that's the beauty and fruitfulness of our lives.
10 / 5 Thurs should T.P. [I]
At 15.7 to 21, Ps 95, Jn 15.9-11
Moses who preached in every city At 15.21
This statement was made by the Apostles who prayed for an important decision. In stating this, Moses did not want to despise, but wanted to clarify the announcement an essential, indispensable and imperative entrusted to the Church, through Jesus, and to him alone, salvation is offered to all men. The Christian values and supports all that is good, but does not allow any value occupying the first place, the place of the Lord and Saviour of all.
11 / 5 Fri T.P. Go [I]
At 15.22 to 31, Ps 56, Jn 15.12-17
You are my friends John 15:14
What God is as good as our God?
A God who calls himself Father calls us sons;
a God who became man and let himself be nailed on the cross to conquer death;
a God who gives us his Spirit so that we remain in communion with him as friends.
Thank you, Jesus because you want me as your friend!
12 / 4 Sat T.P. Go [I]
(Mf: Ss Nereus and Achilleus, martyrs, † sec III, St. Pancras, mart., † 304)
At 16.1 to 10, Ps 99, Jn 15.18-21
Meanwhile the Church were strengthened in the faith At 16.5
Holy Spirit, still visit the church, please visit our family, our community! Thanks to the personal commitment of each one, like the early Christians, grew together in faith in Jesus, thank him together, we will work together for His Kingdom, along with the waiting, we will live in your joy, Jesus!
13 / 5 Sun VIa T.P. Year B [II]
At 10,25-26.34-35.44-48, Ps 97, 1 John 4.7 to 10, Jn 15.9-17
You did not choose me, but I chose you John 15:16
This word gives us peace, confidence and consolation: peace, because ... those doubts and second thoughts about decisions made by us! The choices of Jesus, however, we can be sure, are always right, trust, because if he has chosen us, we will also give what is necessary to follow him and to the tasks entrusted to us; consolation, because we feel seen, loved, appreciated, despite all our smallness and fragility.
14 / 5 Mon S. MATTA, Ap. [P]
At 1,15-17.20-26, Ps 112, Jn 15.9-17
I command you: love one another John 9.17
Enough to remember only this command of Jesus! But they are easy to get lost in many secondary rules, forgetting the essentials.
Come, Holy Spirit, you who have given birth to the choice of the Apostle Matthias always remember the love that Jesus has for me and let me know, moment by moment, how I can give it to others with wisdom and truth.
15 / 5 MAR VIa T.P. [II]
At 16.22 to 34, Ps 137, Jn 16.5-11
Believe in the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved Acts 16.31
Faced with the request of the warden about his salvation, Paul gives a simple and safe: "Do you believe ...."
Yes, Jesus, I believe in you,
I believe in your love,
I believe that you are resurrected,
I think that only you forgive me.
Only from you is the fullness of life.
16 / 5 Wed VIa T.P. [II]
(Just dioceses. TN: m: St John of Nepomuk, sac. And mart., † 1383)
17,15.22 Acts 18:1; Ps 148; Jn 16:12-15
He made from one blood all nations Acts 17:26
S. Paul is telling, in short, the history of salvation in the Areopagus, the political, religious and cultural heart of the pagan Athens. The large crowd listens to the announcement of the death and resurrection of Jesus, however, almost all retire ... only few people believe, adhere to Jesus
Thank you, Jesus, we have chosen, among many, to be part of your flock! It is still small, but you guide him: therefore it is valuable to all people.
17 / 5 Thurs VIa T.P. [II]
At 18.1-8, Ps 97, Jn 16.16-20
I'm going to the Father John 16.17
The disciples of Jesus, after the pain of the passion and death of the Lord, they have quickly received the fruit: the gift of the Holy Comforter. Jesus, who sits at the right hand of the Father, continues to send to the Church his gift, so it does not fear the night, even the most obscure: every disciple of Jesus, comforted by his love, he becomes an instrument for the world.
Come, Holy Spirit!
18 / 5 Fri VIa T.P. [II]
(Mf: St. John I, pope and martyr., 526 †; Bartholomew Capitanio and Vincenza Gerosa † 1833, † 1847))
At 18.9 to 18, Ps 46, Jn 16.20-23
Do not be afraid, speak and do not be silent At 18.9
Paul has been busy as a few others to spread the Gospel, since he knew Jesus took advantage of every opportunity to talk to him. Even he, however, was free from discouragement and inner difficulties ... Jesus has supported, encouraged and confirmed in the will of the Father.
Thank you, Jesus that you don’t leave alone those who work for your kingdom! You are next to me, I do not fear me and let you "use" as your instrument.
19 / 5 Sat VIa T.P. [II]
Pentecost Novena
At 18.23 to 28, Ps 46, Jn 16.23-28
The Father himself loves you because Jn 16.27
The only way to be pleasing to the Father is to love Jesus, keep his word. In fact, when we accept Jesus, the love of the Father, all addressed to the Son, also surrounds us: our life is so full, and enjoy the Father of our joy.
20 / 5 Sun ASCENSION of the Lord Year B [P]
At 1.1 to 11; Psalm 46, Ephesians 4.1 to 13, from 16.15 to 20 Mc
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved Mark 16:16
Lord Jesus, today we contemplate in your glory!
Thank you for the gift of believing in you! Thanks for the practical and effective sign of baptism, through which we become living members of your Body, the Church! Thanks to you we can live in joy. It also makes us an instrument of your love!
21 / 5 Mon VIIa T.P. [III]
(Mf: SS Christopher Magallanes, priest, and companions, martyrs, † 1927)
At 19.1-8, Ps 67, Jn 16.29-33
In the world you have tribulation, but take courage Jn 16:33
The problems and difficulties are part of the commitment to Jesus and living for him. Jesus himself did not deceive me about it. Even shows me a way to avoid the difficulties ... It makes me courage. It starts with me to guide me in every situation.
Thank you Jesus, you are the light and strength. In you is victory.
22 / 5 MAR VIIa T.P. [III]
(Mf: St. Rita of Cascia, religious, † 1447)
At 20.17 to 27, Ps 67, Jn 17.1-11
I served the Lord with all humility At 20.19
Paul was truly a great servant in your Kingdom and has spent all his might to spread your word. He did so with humility, convinced that your grace was at work.
Today I can be an instrument of your love, but I think this is just for you, for the glory of the Father.
23 / 5 Wed VIIa T.P. [III]
At 20.28 to 38, Ps 67, Jn 17.11-19
I have given them your word, Jn 17.14
Every day you talk to me, Jesus Every day you have to tell me about the Father. I close my ears so your word is life, is salvation for me. I do not want to waste opportunities to listen to you.
24 / 5 Thurs VIIa T.P. [III]
At 22.30, 23.6 to 11, Ps 15, Jn 17.20-26
I made known to them your name, Jn 17.26
So Jesus sums up his life on this earth! Thank you, Jesus! Thanks to him to continue every day to tell us that we have a God who is Father, who wanted us and loves us for ever! Like you, I'll say who I will be close today, I'll say it with my smile!
25 / 5 Fri VIIa T.P. [III]
(Mf: Venerable Bede, Vesco. And dr., † 735, St. Gregory VII, Pope, † 1085; S. Maria Maddalena de 'Pazzi, rod., † 1607)
At 25.13 to 21, Ps 102, Jn 21:15-19
Simon, son of John, do you love? John 21:17
Jesus was going to give Peter a special task: to support and guide the rest of his disciples and asks only for three times if he loves him ... I, too, to do the small things that Jesus I trust in His Church I will try first to keep alive my love for him to be attentive to his presence, to his will.
26 / 5 Sat VIIa T.P. [III]
(M: Philip S. Blacks, sac., † 1595)
At 28,16-20.30-31, Ps 10, Jn 21.20-25
Follow me Jn 21.22
Thank you, Jesus! You have a relationship with each of us unique, including: an exclusive love! I do not compare it with the gifts, with the service, with the journey of my brothers, I will look only to you, Jesus, happy only in your love, trust your guide!
27 / 5 Sun PENTECOST Year B [P]
At 2.1 to 11, Ps 103, Gal 5.16 to 25; Jn 15:26-27; 16.12 to 15
Even you bear witness Jn 15.27
Jesus promised the Holy Spirit and now sends him to his apostles: it will also give us every time we offer to him to obey. And the Holy Spirit with His gifts, we will witness the goodness and beauty of the Son of God
28 / 5 Mon VIIIa T.O. [IV]
1 Pt 1, 3-9, Ps 110, Mk 10, 17-27
You love him, having not seen 1 Pet 1.8
S. Peter praises so those who had come to faith for the proclamation of the Apostles, without having seen the Lord directly. We too are delighted the hearts of the Apostles, and the same of the Father, with every act of love to Jesus, with all obedience to his word, founded on faith in this way we can enjoy here on earth the joy that, in its fullness, is preserved for us by the Father in heaven!
29 / 5 MAR VIIIa T.O. [IV]
1 Peter 1.10-16, Ps 97, Mk 10.28-31
A Trento: SISINE Saints, Martyrs and Alexander, Martyrs, † 397, patrons of the diocese [P]
Rev 7.9-17 (Opp.: 2Cor2, 2.14 to 3.3), Ps 125, Jn 12.24-26
You shall be holy, for I am holy 1 Peter 1.16
We must not frighten us in front of the word: being holy does not mean being amazing people! We are holy when we let Jesus live in us: he is the Son who lives in the fullness of the life of the Father's love.
Ss Sisinio, Martyrdom, and Alexander, thank you because you have accepted Jesus and have given us!
30 / 5 Wed VIIIa T.O. [IV]
1 Peter 1.18-25, Ps 147, Mk 10.32-45
What do you want me to do for you? Mk 10.36
I, too, Jesus, from time to time I come to you with a request: you listen to me, sometimes, the wise and prudent in your love, feel good not to give me what I ask of you ... In approaching, however, I have already received from you the Holy Spirit, life and love as child of God Thank you, Jesus!
31 / 5 Thurs VISITATION of B.V. MARIA [P]
Sof 3.14-18 (Opp.: 12.9 to 16 Rm) Ps: Is 12.2-6, Lk 1.39-56
Love each other Rom 12:10
Mary, you are living according to the heart of the Father, listening to the voice of Jesus have always operated in humble, helpful and hidden love. We, too, when we believe the love of the Father, we become humble, happy to serve his brethren, and so you look like, Mary, as true sons!
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
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