CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 05/2013 05 May 2013
YEAR May 2013 C
1/5 Wed fifth T.P. [I]
(Mf: St. Joseph the Worker)
At 15.1-6, Ps 121, Jn 15:1-8
I am the true grapevine and my Father is the farmer Jn 15.1
Our God, the Father is a God ... that works! Yes, and also works with care: he strives to develop us as his children. Not only created the universe to put it there available, but has also given us his Son, in whom "grafted" our life. United to Jesus we receive the life of love of the Father and become able to manifest it in everyday relationships.
S. Joseph, help us to leave "work" from the Father.
2/5 Thurs fifth T.P. [I]
(M: St. Athanasius, Vesc. And dr., † 373)
At 15.7 to 21, Ps 95, Jn 15.9 to 11
Remain in my love Jn 15.9
Your love, Lord Jesus, is truly the greatest gift, one that fills all my life. I will try with all our strength to live there, night and day! I trust in the Holy Spirit, you will present to me moment by moment, and make me sensitive to Your voice, your words, your desires, the love you bestowed on me! Alleluia!
3/5 Fri Sts Philip and James, App [P]
1 Cor 15.1-8, Ps 18, Jn 14.6 to 14
I am the way, the truth and the life John 14:6
Jesus, you just take us to the God who loves us, who is our Father: you are the way!
Jesus, you are the light that makes us see the Father's love in every event, you are the Truth!
Jesus, you make us live in the heart of the Father: You're Life!
Thank you, Holy Apostles Philip and James, for your witness to the Lord Jesus!
4/5 Sat fifth T.P. [I]
At 16.1 to 10, Ps 99, Jn 15.18-21
If they persecuted me they will persecute you also Jn 15.20
Jesus, love of the Father, we can share your trials, loneliness and hostility of those who do not accept, if we will live your intimacy with the Father.
Come, Holy Spirit, grant that we may joyfully say: "Father, you fulfil me!"
5/5 Sun VI T.P. Year C [II]
At 15,1-2.22-29; Ps 66, Rev 21,10-14.22-23, Jn 14.23-29
Whoever loves me, will keep my word Jn 14.23
This statement of Jesus shows me that love is not sentimental to have some kind of transport or special sensations during prayer, and then gives me peace to remain even in my dryness. On the other hand, encourages me to love him in a very concrete way: by living according to his word. Love it, rather than feelings, commits the will, and becomes a communion of life with Jesus and the Father.
6/5 Mon sixth T.P. [II]
At 16.11-15, Ps 149, Jn 15.26 to 16.4
You also are witnesses, because you are with me from the beginning Jn 15.27
To witness to Jesus is the responsibility and prerogative of the Holy Spirit, the apostles and every true disciple give testimony. Even you who live united with Jesus and you offer him, in the Church, time, energy, confidence and love, and receive from him joy and peace, you too can tell someone that Jesus is alive and can give real life: the Holy Spirit will work with you!
7/5 ° Mar is T.P. [II]
At 16.22-34, Ps 137, Jn 16.5 to 11
Sirs, what must I do to be saved? At 16.30
Paul's answer to this question was: "Believe on the Lord Jesus", you think he can save you, receive Him as your saviour, let soak yourself in his life, open yourself to His Spirit that shapes your life and makes you, son of the Father.
8/5 Wed sixth T.P. [II]
Acts 17,15.22 - 18.1, Ps 148, Jn 16:12-15
All that the Father has, is mine Jn 16.15
The Father wants to give all of himself, and that through Jesus, for this has put everything into his hands. Above all, the Spirit of the Father is the Spirit of Jesus, like S. says John, Jesus "gives the Spirit without measure", he breathed on the Apostles on the evening of Easter, and the right of the Father, with him on the day of Pentecost the Church has sent her on to become an announcer of his love to all peoples.
9/5 Thurs sixth T.P. [II]
At 18.1 to 8; Ps 97, Jn 16.16-20
You will weep and groan, but the world will rejoice Jn 16.20
For us Christians, from time to time, feeling the "fatigue" of being children of our heavenly Father to get up in the morning before the others to hear the word of Jesus, do not change often car, sunglasses, clothing ... to give that that of "our", it is for those who suffer ...
Come, Holy Spirit, grant us the love of Jesus! We will enjoy our little - big sacrifice, knowing that it will benefit to the world that perhaps we do not understand us, maybe even derides us!
10/5 Fri sixth T.P. [II]
At 18.9 to 18, Ps 46, Jn 16.20-23
Do not be afraid, keep speaking and do not be silent Acts 18.9
Thank you, Jesus, for the task you gave to the Apostles to announce you. How many times the Word, that you inspired in the Apostles, gave to my heart life, peace, joy and renewed strength to believe in love!
Come, Holy Spirit, sustain with your strength and your gentleness ministers of the gospel!
11/5 Sat sixth T.P. [II] Pentecost Novena
At 18.23-28, Ps 46, Jn 16.23-28
Ask and you shall receive, that your joy may be full Jn 16.24
My joy will not be full because I get comfort, health, wealth, success and anything else I can selfishly desire. The full joy I get from asking and accept what is most beautiful and precious to the Father and Jesus want me to give: their Spirit of love.
12/5 Sun ASCENSION of the Lord Year C [P]
At 1.1 to 11, Ps 46, Heb 9.24 to 28, from 10.19 to 23, Luke 24.46-53
I send upon you the promise of my Father Luke 24.49
Lord Jesus, the joy of your parents, that you have seen you rising to heaven, is also our joy. You do not have forsaken us! Sit at God's right hand, that crowns your love with his love, and pour on us your love, the Holy Spirit! Alleluia!
13/5 Mon VII T.P. [III]
(Mf: B. V. Mary of Fatima, 1917)
At 19.1 to 8; Ps 67, Jn 16.29-33
In the world you have tribulation, but take courage: I have overcome the world Jn 16.33
Jesus, you do not hide that as your disciples we will have tribulation in the world. However you assure us your victory over the world. We will keep close to you, Jesus, and nothing ever tear us from the love of the Father!
14/5 MAR S. MATTHIAS, Ap. [P]
At 1,15-17.20-26; Ps 112, Jn 15.9 to 17
I command you: love one another Jn 15.17
The passage today, the feast of an Apostle, the Church proposes to us, resonates twice the commandment of Jesus: as a delivery that he makes his first to suffer, die and rise again, it is the way to stay in it.
Because I wish above all things be united to you, Jesus, I will try with all my strength to love my brother, be patient, kind, generous to him.
15/5 Wed VII T.P. [III]
At 20.28-38, Ps 67, Jn 17.11-19
It is more blessed to give than to receive Acts 20.35
It's a new happiness, no flowers on the mountain, but from the heart, from the living experience of a true disciple of Jesus!
Come, Holy Spirit, grant us also to know Jesus and his joy, loving and living his words!
16/5 Thurs VII T.P. [III]
(Just Dioc. TN: m: St John of Nepomuk, sac. And mart., † 1383)
At 22.30, 23.6 to 11, Ps 15, Jn 17.20-26
Father, I want those you gave me are also with me Jn 17.24
Interesting this "I want" on the lips of Jesus. Jesus "wants" because he knows that is the joy of the Father, and, for this to happen, he offers himself, without reserve!
Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Son, come! Alleluia!
17/5 Fri VII T.P. [III]
At 25.13-21, Ps 102, Jn 21:15-19
Lord, thou know that I love Jn 21.15
Come, Holy Spirit, grant me the joy and courage to always say: "Jesus, I love you." I'll tell you how the child repeats it safe ... And the Dad, who knows his whims, welcomes his kisses welcome and, with his love, he makes him grow.
18/5 Sat VII T.P. [III]
(Mf: St. John I, pope and mart. 526 †, † 1833 Ss Bartolomea Capitanio, Vincenza Gerosa, † 1847)
At 28,16-20.30-31; Ps 10, Jn 21.20-25
Lord, who is going to betray you? Jn 21.20
Lord Jesus, it is not me today to "deliver you to" ... preferring to you my comfort, my pride, my desire to please men. Guard me and strengthen me, Jesus. I expect from you the gift of your Holy Spirit!
19/5 Sun Pentecost Year C [P]
Acts 2:1-11, Psalm 103, Roma 8.8 to 17; John 14,15-16.23-26
Whoever loves me will keep my word Jn 14.23
How do I see your Word, Jesus? I love you, but I’m very weak. Now give me your Spirit, the same gifts to all thy Church. The Spirit will give me strength and loyalty to give you an active love, effective. The Spirit also gives me the will to live in communion with all of your disciples, so that your church will grow and continue the mission to carry your every word in the world.
20/5 Mon VII T.O. [III]
(Mf: St. Bernardine of Siena, priest. † 1444)
Sir from 1.1 to 10, Ps 92, Mk 9.14 to 29
All things are possible to him who believes Mark 9:23
In amazement I watched a woman no longer young and proven by a serious disease, who offered herself with generosity, for various services, both in the family to help their children and relatives, and in the parish community for the Missions. I understood that force could only coming from Jesus, in which she trusted, and she used to live in simple familiarity.
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21/5 MAR VII T.O. [III]
(Mf: SS Christopher Magallanes, priest, and companions, Tue., † 1927)
Sir from 2.1 to 11 (1-13), Ps 36, Mk 9.30 to 37
Trust in him and he will help Sir 2.6
When I met Jesus, I realized with great joy that God is a Being far away, but the person who is nearer, that the more we love, who cares for us all. I needed a little thing? A handkerchief, a sunny day, a word to donate? I went to him certainly, confidently, like a child goes to his dad.
22/5 Wed VII T.O. [III]
(Mf: St. Rita of Cascia, religious, † 1447)
Sir from 4.11 to 19 (12-22); Ps 118; 9.38 to 40 Mc
Whoever is not against us is for us Mc 9.40
Even this time, Jesus, do you think is taller, more open, more "good" than ours! I always leave it up to you to judge! To me, freedom and joy of loving and serving all in your name!
23/5 Thurs VII T.O. [III]
Sir from 5.1 to 8 (1-10), Sal 1, Mk 9.41 to 50
Do not wait to turn to the Lord Sir 5.7
This word says the urge to escape from habits and behaviours that do not conform to the wisdom of the Father, and therefore do lead to harm. So Jesus also said that to "enter life" has absolute priority over everything else, however important it may seem.
Thank you, Father, make me even now enjoy the sweetness of your embrace and the fullness of that life which really 'worth' to enter!
24/5 Fri VII T.O. [III]
Sir from 6.5 to 17, Ps 118, 10.1 to 12 Mc
The man shall not divide what God has joined together, 10.9 Mc
Who is this word for? For the married couple firstly: they must not dwell on thoughts or feelings of affection toward other men or women who are not their spouse. But it is also addressed to everyone: no one speak ill of a man to his wife or a woman to her husband and no one tries to substitute for even five minutes to one or the other. They must be helped to stay together because they live the grace they have received from God.
25/5 Sat VII T.O. [III]
(Mf: St. Bede the Venerable, Vesc. And dr., † 735, St. Gregory VII, Pope, † 1085; S, Maria Maddalena de 'Pazzi, Verg., † 1607)
Sir from 17.1 to 13; Ps 102; Mk 10:13-16
Beware of all unrighteousness! Sir 17.12
In this world so confused and relativist is sometimes difficult to understand what is right and what is unjust. Not to be thrown off, we ask to the Father His light. What is according His love is at the right place and what is out of His love is injustice.
26/5 Sun SS. TRINITY 'Year C [P]
Pr 8.22 to 31; Ps 8; Rom 5.1 to 5; Jn 16:12-15
All that the Father has, it is also mine Jn 16.15
How wonderful communion of the Holy Trinity: the Father's love which flows into the Son and the Son returns to the Father, through the Holy Spirit! A communion of which we can not only be mere spectators, we participate in uniting ourselves to Jesus to say to the Father, the love which is the Holy Spirit: "Behold your son makes' me what you like!"
27/5 Mon VIII T.O. [IV]
(Mf: St. Augustine of Canterbury, Vesc., † 604)
Sir 17.19-24 (20-28), Ps 31, Mk 10.17-27
Return to the Lord and leave sin Sir 17.20
I can never despair, I cannot give in to discouragement, Jesus does not want it, because this would give glory to the Father! In fact, he is almighty love, His joy is welcome, always, give me life, his glory is real and deep, and make me an instrument of his love.
28/5 MAR VIII T.O. [IV]
Sir from 35.1 to 12 (1-15), Ps 49, Mk 10.28-31
Do not present yourself before the Lord empty-handed Sir 35.4
Belonging to Jesus also touches on the economic aspect of our lives. When, therefore, we present ourselves to the Lord in the Sunday celebration, our offer will give praise only when an offer is genuine and serious, not a game, a superficial gesture that touches our lives.
29/5 Wed VIII T.O. [IV]
Sir 36,1.4-5.10-17 (1.5-6.13-19) Ps 78, Mk 10.32-45
In Trento: Ss Sisinio, MARTYRDOM and ALESSANDRO, Martyrs, † 397, patrons of the diocese [P]
Rev 7.9 to 17 (or 2 Cor 2.14 to 3.3), Ps 125, Jn 12.24-26
Who wants to be first among you must be slave of all Mk 10.44
Lord Jesus, you know that my heart is thirsty for joy, of rest, of peace. Yet you are so sure, and insist, in the indication to make us servants of all. So, Jesus, that you love me and do not deceive me, and I think that really the way to know the true joy is to become a servant, a servant of love, like you. Thank you, Jesus! I want with you in sacrifice, you want me with you in joy. Here I am!
Holy Martyrs, the gift of Cappadocia to the Church of Trent, Pray for us!
30/5 Thurs VIII T.O. [IV]
Sir 42.15-25 (15-26), Ps 32, Mk 10:46-52
Courage! Get up, you are being called Mk 10.49
The crowd that was previously intimating the blind Bartimaeus to be quiet, now, at the request of Jesus, urging him to go to him. Maybe it does it reluctantly and with a touch of envy, no surprise that Christ will give much importance to a beggar. That beggar, however, had the courage to shout his faith. He was so ready to get up, to rise again and to follow the Messiah. It was probably the most ready of many sighted people who surrounded Jesus.
31/5 Fri Visitation of the BV MARIA [P]
Sof from 3.14 to 17 opp. Rm 12.9 to 16; Psalm Ct 2,8.10-14, Lk 1.39 to 56
Has done great things for me the Almighty Luke 1.49
Mary, the abode of the Father has given His Son: these, in you, love, help, comfort, remains close to us in the test. Jesus in you! Great is the Father's work!
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
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