CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 11/2013 11 November 2013
2013 Year C
1/11 Fri ALL SAINTS [P]
Ap 7,2-4.9-14; Ps 23, 1 John 3.1 to 3; Mt 5:1-12
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy Matthew 5.7
Today we celebrate All Saints: they are the merciful who have already received mercy! On this land they had faith in Jesus, they let the mercy of God to become their life, giving love to all, in many ways, this time to have mercy for ever! All Saints of God, yet give mercy of our heavenly Father!
2/11 Sat COMMEMORATION of all the Faithful Departed [P]
Mass 1: Gb 19,1.23-27; Ps 26, Rom 5.5 to 11; Jn 6.37 to 40
Mass 2: Is 25,6.7-9; Ps 24, Rom 8.14 to 23; Mt 25,31-46
Mass 3: Sap from 3.1 to 9; Ps 41, Rev 21,1-5.6-7; Mt 5:1-12
God tested them and found them worthy of himself Sap 3.5
Today we pray for the many brothers who have preceded us in meeting the Father and that now he is preparing to enable them to fully enter into his glory. We too are on their way to the Father's house and we are preparing so that he will find us worthy of himself. Thank you, Father, for your mercy that clothes us and makes us worthy of your embrace!
3/11 Sun XXIIIrd T.O. Year C [III]
Sap from 11.22 to 12.2; Ps 144; 2Th 1.11 to 2.2;
Lk 19:1-10
Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must abide at thy house Luke 19.5
Jesus, the Father will send you to each of his children, to bring his love, his peace, his life. And you, with love obedient, you let yourself to be sent, you give yourself: like to Zacchaeus, so to me, to my brothers ... You've got to meet everyone, you have to give you all ... if not, they will not live! Behold, I want to help you, Father, send me too along with Jesus!
4/11 Mon XXIIIrd T.O. [III]
(M: St. Charles Borromeo, Vesc., † 1584)
Rm 11.29 to 36; Psalm 68 and Luke 14.12-14
Who has ever known the mind of the Lord? Rm 11.34
True, no one can know what God thinks ... unless you do not listen to Jesus.
In fact, Jesus thought of as the Father sees us, and every reality through the eyes of the Father. Listening to him we know what brings joy to the Father or the sad, we can see beyond appearances and the immediate, we know what is good or bad, what the love of the Father has prepared for us.
5/11 MAR XXIIIrd T.O. [III]
Rm 12.5 to 16, Psalm 130, Luke 14.15-24
Anyone who gives aid, do it with simplicity Rom 12.8
In his hands I have only what the Father has put in: what is love can only serve to love! When I open my hands to give, do, therefore, only what is my duty as a son of God. I will do it so with such ease and naturalness ... My brother receiving my gift, will not blush!
6/11 Wed XXIIIrd T.O. [III]
Rm 13.8 to 10; Ps 111, Lk 14.25 to 33
He who loves another has fulfilled the Law Rom 13.8
Today, first of all, I will fulfil my duty with fidelity to prayer, listening, worshiping. So, in fact, that the union with thee, Jesus, I receive the gift of the Holy Spirit: He will help me to really love, to love according to the heart of the Father who wants to give real life to every man!
7/11 Thurs XXIIIrd T.O. [III]
(Just Dioc. TN: m: S. Prosdocimo, Vesc., † sec. II)
Rm 14.7 to 12; Ps 26, Lk 15.1 to 10
Rejoice with me ... I have found my sheep which was lost Luke 15.6
These are the words full of joy, almost; I could hear my cry from the Heavenly Father, when he can finally hug me through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
It is the joy that the Father is waiting and I remember when I meet someone who seemed lost: so I will be urged not to judge, but rather to love, accept and help to listen to Jesus, the saviour of all.
8/11 Fri XXIIIrd T.O. [III]
Rm 15.14 to 21; Ps 97, Lk 16.1-8
Give an account of thy stewardship Luke 16.2
Thank you, Lord Jesus, who by this word calls me, too! I can easily, in fact, enjoy your gifts of salvation that works in my life, without remembering that you also call me to share your work of love on earth. I now dedicate myself to it with devotion to his son, help me!
Ez 47,1-2.8-9.12 opp. 1 Cor 11:16-17-c 3.9, Ps 45, Jn 2.13 to 22
You do not know that you are the temple of God 1 Cor 3.16
Today we thank the Father for the first basilica built by Emperor Constantine, the mother church of all churches of the city and the world. This festival is a sign of love and union to the chair of Peter, who "presides in charity" (St. Ignatius of Antioch). A nice way of saying thank you will make us more loving and tireless workers of the unity of love, the Church, which is the true place of abode of our God.
10/11 Sun XXXII T.O. Year C [IV]
2 Macc 7,1-2.9-14; Ps 16; 2Th 2.16 to 3.5; Luke 20.27-38
God is not of the dead, but of the living Lk 20.38
Your words, Lord Jesus, are the secret of the serenity of us Christians facing death. Our loved ones, of which we have seen faith, from which we received the signs of your love, they are still getting their lives away: for them so we can pray, they can still be accompanied and supported. What infinite grace is being yours, Lord Jesus!
11/11 Mon XXXII T.O. [IV]
(M: St. Martin of Tours, Vesc., † 397)
Sap from 1.1 to 7; Ps 138, Lk 17.1-6
Increase our faith Lk 17.6
Jesus had just recommended to his disciples, a love that forgives without limit. Almost as an echo to this recommendation, they: "Increase our faith!" I can forgive only when, by the light of Jesus, I see the face of the Father, that is, when I realize that he loves my brother!
12/11 MAR XXXII T.O. [IV]
(M: St. Josaphat, Vesc. And mart., † 1623)
Sap from 2.23 to 3.9, Ps 33, Lk 17.7 to 10
For the devil's envy death entered the world Wis 2.24
The why of evil, of death, so many situations remains a mystery for us really. It is, however, a mystery lit by a certainty: God loves us, and everything he does or allows it for our own good, perhaps for a greater good that still we do not see. In fact, even the mystery of death has illuminated with the love of her Son Jesus, who lived it and we won.
13/11 Wed XXXII T.O. [IV]
Wis 6:1-11; Ps 81, Lk 17:11-19
Your faith has saved Luke 17.19
The finest fruit of faith in you, Jesus, is not health, nor is any other benefit related to the earth, however, the gift of salvation. You recognized this gift in the poor leper in today's Gospel: he, alone among the others, well healed by you, knew how to worship you, thank you and praise you. He granted to you the most precious good, dearer than life itself!
14/11 Thurs XXXII T.O. [IV]
Sap from 7.22 to 8.1; Psalm 118, Luke 17.21-25
The kingdom of God is among you, Luke 17.26
The attitude of a person made me suffer and I was inclined to judge evil. One day, during the morning prayer, I felt in my heart that that brother was in need of love and mercy, and I rejoice to think that I could offer them, in the name of Jesus! It seemed that the kingdom of the Father had come among us!
15/11 Fri XXXII T.O. [IV]
(Mf: St. Albert the Great, Vesc. And dr., † 1280)
Sap from 13.1 to 9; Ps 18, Lk 17.26 to 37
Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it Luke 17.33
Jesus, in this thy word you may want to tell me that when I search myself, when I get busy for my welfare, I'm not in love, so I'm out of life. Teach me to love, teach me to die, you teach me to really live! Thank you, Jesus!
16/11 Sat XXXII T.O. [IV]
(Mf: St. Margaret of Scotland, † 1093, St. Gertrude, Verg., † 1302)
Sap from 18.14 to 16, 19.6 to 9; Ps 104, Lk 18:1-8
When the Son of Man will come, will he find faith on earth? Luke 18.8
Remember that your desire, Lord Jesus, moves us! Yes, you care always and only about our good, our peace. You're just as good a father who knows the smallness and poverty of his children! You only want that, throughout life and in every moment of it, we preserve the trust in you: you, then you can do everything for us! Thank you, Jesus!
17/11 Sun XXXIII T.O. Year C [I]
3.19 to 20 ml (Heb. 4,1-2); Ps 97; 2Th 3.7 to 12;
Luke 21.5-19
Not a hair of your will get lost Lk 21.18
Is there a contradiction between your words and the reality of martyrdom, Lord Jesus? The body of our brothers was horribly mangled and ruined before his death ... No, there is no contradiction! You, Lord Jesus, at your return you will re-build the body of yours, you’ll give back as much beauty as much ruin it experienced for your love! It will be a body that can stand with dignity next to yours in heaven forever! Thank you, Jesus!
18/11 Mon XXXIII T.O. [I]
1Mac 1,10-15.41-43.54-57.62-64; Ps 118, Lk 18:35-43
(In Trento: Dedication of the Basilica Cathedral [P]
1 Kings 8.22-23 opp. 1pt 2.4 to 9; Ps 83, Lk 19:1-10)
What do you want me to do for you? Lk 18.41
Jesus, you know me better than myself, and know better than I what is good you do for me: why do you ask? I do not even know where to begin to answer ...
"What do you want me to do for you?" Thank you, Jesus, you ask me: so I awake from my slumber, awaken my will and also treat me as a free person, without amounts. Jesus, make me yours for real!
19/11 MAR XXXIII T.O. [I]
2 Macc 6.18 to 31; Ps 3, Lk 19:1-10
Today for this house the salvation has come Luke 19.9
I realize more and more, Lord Jesus, that salvation is you, you who keep coming to my rescue! I could not forgive ... I did not give in to my idea ... I felt connected to anything on this earth and I was sad ... I always felt your help, I have tasted the joy and freedom of love: thank you, Jesus, my Saviour!
20/11 Wed XXXIII T.O. [I]
2 Macc 7,1.20-31; Psalm 16 and Luke 19.11-28
Sir, your gold coin has yielded ten of them Lk 19.16
It will be a great joy, when I meet the Lord, being able to donate some of his gifts and the fruit of my labour! Even today, I'll keep my eyes before the meeting, picking up something to offer: I do this with ease and joy, because I already know a little the heart of the Lord!
21/11 Thurs XXXIII T.O. [I]
(M: Presentation of the Blessed Mary V.)
1Mac 2.15 to 29, Ps 49, Lk 19.41 to 44
God forbid that we abandon the law and traditions 1Mac 2.21
That said, Matthias and his sons expressed the desire to remain faithful to the laws given by God to his people. Now that God, after preparation made through the prophets, has sent his Son Jesus as saviour, with as much love and decision we can try to be faithful! Jesus, "to whom shall we go, you have the words of eternal life"! Certainly there will not miss the help of our heavenly Mother.
22/11 Fri XXXIII T.O. [I]
(M: St. Cecilia, Verg. And mart., † 250 approx)
1Mac 4,36-37.52-59; Psalm: 1Cr 29.10 to 12, Luke 19.45-48
My house shall be a house of prayer Lk 19.46
Lord Jesus, come into my heart, today, put order, please, in my affections, my thoughts: put in first place the Father! Enlighten me on its face, keep the branch alive and my relationship with him, then my heart will be his home and also my actions will give glory.
23/11 Sat XXXIII T.O. [I]
(Mf: St. Clement I, pope and martyr, 101 †, Columba, Abbot, † 615)
1Mac 6.1 to 13; Ps 9, Luke 20.27-40
God is not of the dead, but of the living Lk 20.38
Thank you, Jesus, grant me to know, love and serve the one true God, the Father! From him I get that life, at death, does not turn off, but only transformed, that life of love that receives from the Father and gives everything, in the fullness of joy, that life which is eternal. Thank you, Jesus, make me a child of God, for ever!
24/11 ° Sun XXXIV T.O. N.S. JESUS 'Christ the King Year C [P]
2 Sam 5.1 to 3; Ps 121; With 1.12 to 20;
Luke 23.35-43
Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom Luke 23.42
The eyes of the criminal condemned by men, watching you, Jesus, while hanging on the cross, have recognized you: Love, Saviour, God, King of heaven and earth! And his heart was open to unlimited confidence! Thank you, Jesus, whom you have prepared for your entire Kingdom!
25/11 ° Mon XXXIV T.O. [II]
(Mf: St. Catherine of Alexandria, Verg. And mart., † sec. III-IV)
Dn 1,1-6.8-20; Psalm: Dn 3.52 to 56; Lk 21.1 to 4
This widow, so poor, has thrown more than all the others Luke 21.3
Jesus, why did you like so much to offer this poor widow? Of course because it was the fruit of love: that cost in fact. It touched her life, was the result of confidence: it showed that she trusted in the Father alone, for today and tomorrow.
26/11 MAR XXXIV ° T.O. [II]
Dn 2.31 to 45; Psalm: Dn 3.57 to 61, Luke 21.5-11
Take care not to be deceived Luke 21.8
Lord Jesus, I now know my weakness and my ignorance. If you did not have you as a dad, who cares for my salvation, I would live forever in awe! And you recommend me to keep your words strong in my hearts and not ever get away from your church!
27/11 ° Wed XXXIV T.O. [II]
Dn 5,1-6.13-14.16-17.23-28; Psalm: Dn 3.62 to 67, Luke 21.12-19
By your patience your will save your life Lk 21.19
We Christians are concluding with a stretch our journey, a liturgical year. The Gospel invites us today to thank Jesus, who has helped us to persevere: none of us have missed the moments of trial, sometimes difficult to overcome. The experience of his help, of proximity, however, encourages us to trust, to persevere: he will sustain us until the end, because he loves us!
28/11 ° Thurs XXXIV T.O. [II]
Dn 6.11 to 28; Psalm: Dn 3.68 to 74, Luke 21.20-28
Jerusalem will be trampled by the pagans Lk 21.24
Jerusalem was the pride of the people of Israel, the election symbol of the Lord. Jesus now speaks of its destruction ... How many times also the disciple of Jesus sees something that is dear to him, because the Lord has given him ... maybe even life itself! But Jesus, the Father as Creator, will make new and fruitful that life lived in anguish, but handed over to him with confidence.
29/11 ° Fri XXXIV T.O. [II]
Dn 7.2 to 14; Psalm: Dn 3.75 to 81, Luke 21.29-33
Heaven and earth shall pass but my words shall not pass Lk 21.33
Lord Jesus, today I will try to guard the heart and mind your word. So I'll be stronger at moments when I feel attracted to follow ideas, behaviours, feelings, desires that are contrary to your word and that, in exchange of a passenger satisfaction, would leave a deep and lasting void.
You, Jesus, you are the most safe anchor!
30/11 Sat St. ANDREA, Ap. [P]
Rm 10.9 to 18, Ps 18, Mt 4.18 to 22
Faith comes from hearing and hearing comes through the word of Christ Rom 10.17
Today we are celebrating an Apostle, S. Andrew, in his heart and his mouth sounded alive the Word of Jesus! He support and bless the pastors that today, in the Church, offer to us the Word of God alive. We also want to welcome with faith and love this word that gives us life!
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
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