OMELIE / Omelie EN
26/6/2016 01/11/2015 - All Saints
01/11/2015 - All Saints
1st Reading Ap 7,2-4.9-14 * from Psalm 23 * 2nd reading 1Jn 3,1-3 * Gospel Mt 5,1-12
Today’s celebration is a massive gift of God! It is a family feast in that we can look at one another in the face we who are baptized in order to be aware of the light and the beauty of the Father who shines on our faces. Every time infact that we have tried to obey to Jesus, every time that we have listened to him, every time that we have made some kind of sacrifice to follow him, the Holy spirit has changed us, he has made us witnesses of the glory of God. Usually, when we meet, we underline our defects which in turn impede us to enjoy one another. But if underline and remember the sins, we succeed in turning to the other side. But not today: today we look at one another, we meet one another, we salute one another, fixing our attention on that which the Lord has operated in us. He already with the Baptism, took our side and he entered into our soul and accepted us, notwithstanding everything, because with this we can Introduce ourselves into the love of the Trinity who is divine love. Today it is a feast.
Among us there are those who more than others, illumine with his obedience to God, the ways of others in the World. The shepherds of the Church make us note some of them and invite us to call them blessed or saints. Their way of following and serve Jesus, their way of being in the Church, of giving themselves for the salvation of the world, is exemplary and beautiful. It is a way that certainly gave and gives joy to God before us, we who always become aware late. Infact we succeed also to make suffer those who help us to be Christians: they can help us with their example, but also with their won exhortations, sometimes also with their corrections. We have made others suffer like for example Mother Theresa or John Paul II or Padre Pio or Paolina Visintainer, for example to cite a few. If you read the life of the saint, they all have had to suffer misunderstandings and in comprehensions of the same church. And it is not surprising that the world itself, benefitting from their own life, have rejected them, accused them, psychologically anf physically treated. The world does not recognize neither Jesus nor the Father. And thus neither its own children! We must recognize that our road is the road of the cross. Jesus have told us in many occasions. We follow him and he always carries the cross before us.
Blessed, says the Lord! Let us stop on this word, that of Jesus which he has repeated many times. It refers to those persons who in their life they realize its imitation even with a lot of work. Our attention however, must not be turned to the fatigue or suffering, but to the joy and fullness of life which we receive and enjoy. Choosing poverty or being patience in affliction is tiring, but it gives joy, a joy which no one can imagine. Also, being and staying in humbleness and lowliness, suffering derisions of those who try to live the will of God, conserving the purity of the heart and living in mercy, they are all difficult attitudes but their fruits are marvelous. You can see the light on the face of those persons who persevere in these attitudes. And not withstanding everything, notwithstanding the fact that they suffer injustices and persecutions for the love of Jesus. It is he who is the life. He! Saint John testifies to us that the joy of those who oney Jesus and follow him, continue to eternity without interruption. They do not stop to sing and dance infront of the Lamb and in front of the throne of God.
Oggi è la festa della Chiesa, di tutta la Chiesa, quella dei secoli passati e quella del secolo presente! I Santi, con la S maiuscola, sono nostri fratelli e nostre sorelle, e noi godiamo della loro gloria, cioè di vedere nella loro vita la bellezza dell’amore di Dio. Sostenuti dalla loro obbedienza e dalla loro carità continuiamo il nostro cammino. Lo continuiamo cercando di vedere le piccole e grandi obbedienze al Signore dei nostri fratelli cui diamo la mano durante l’Eucaristia, e di goderne. Ci sosteniamo a vicenda nell’obbedire a Gesù e nel dar gioia al Padre nostro, che è nei cieli sì, ma ci tiene per mano qui sulla terra. Per questo siamo santi anche noi, benché con la s minuscola. Ci sopportiamo nei difetti e peccati, ma anche ci incoraggiamo a vicenda con piccoli esempi quotidiani di fede e di quella carità che ci permette di sorridere e anche di cantare la nostra speranza.
Today it is the feast of the Church, of all the church, that of the past centuries and of the present century! The saints, with S capital letter, are our brothers and sister, and we enjoy their own glory, that is to see in their own lives the love of God. Sustained by their own obedience and their own charity, we continue our own journey. We continue it seeking to see the little and big obedience’s to the Lord of our brothers and sisters to whom we give help during the Eucharist and enjoy them. We sustain and help one other in obeying Jesus and to give joy to the Father who is in heaven, who is in heavens and who sustains us on earth. In this sense we too are saints with the small s. We are patient with one another in our defects and sins, but we sustains one another in the everyday examples of faith and charity which give us the possibility to smile and sing our hope.
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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