OMELIE / Omelie EN
25/12/2011 - CHRISTMAS Sunday 25/12/2011 - CHRISTMAS Sunday
25/12/2011 - CHRISTMAS Sunday
Night Isaiah 9,1-3.5-6 Ps 95/96 Titus 2,11-14 Luke 2,1-14
Morning Isaiah 62,11-12 Ps 96/97 Titus 3,4-7 Luke 2,15-20
Day Isaiah 52,7-10 Ps 97/98 Heb 1,1-6 John 1,1-18
The prophet Isaiah offer us his joy in the Readings of all the three Masses. “for unto us a child is born”. This is the reason of a ever lasting new joy, multiple joy, which is similar to a far that enfolds all the peoples. The child is one who bring together all the most beautiful names, for he is the fullness of that peace that all men and all peoples long for from ever without never seeing and end to wars and dangers. He is and shall be Counsellor, Wonderful, Mighty God, the ever lasting Father, Prince of peace! Men are a danger to one another, until that child comes who is able to change the hearts and fil them with joy, and shape them in a way that no one would want anyone except him.
When he is Lord of man’s heart, man is not any more greedy for money, would not want to be a harsh ruler over others, would not feel brought low by the someone who is proud at heart, is not anymore sad by any news, because he is the news, the Good News. All messengers compete to give news, but that which spreads peace and joy, consolation and health, they cannot give, because they dont even know it themselves. The messengers that spread joy and life are heavenly, are the angels, starting as from Bethlehem, in the country side, during the night. Lets us not wait upon human beings to be messengers of this joyful news to men, because they do it to enrich themselves. Do not look in the news paper and not even of the TV for the news that come from the angels. Do you want to be trained? Come here, where the heavenly messengers sing. Stay here. Return here. Here, where the news is always fresh, new, strong, permanent. Here that child who is a son given to us, stays, here he continues to receive others and make himself available to all those who welcome him. Here his mother gives him also to you, like she did to the shepherds. Here his mothers welcomes you in her silence, so that facts become object of your reflextion and sustain your living. Mary gives you her faith, letting you see that child whom he clothed. Her faith is not hidden: you can read it on her face and then understand its weight looking at her hands. Mary believed, like Elisabeth had witnessed. She took seriously the Word from the angel, as Word of God, and offerred herself so that this Word could be fulfilled, and now she is the first one to be surprised by seeing its fruit.
We look at the child and we are here for the child who is presented to us by Mary. On him heavens and earth turn their eyes. Now the angels and the shepherds are the ones to represent the visible and the invisible world. The shepherds join the angels in witnessing the mystery of God. The shepherds are not worthy, but...find me one who is worthy! Because of their unworthiness the shepherds deserve more our trust. For the fact that they are always outside, out of the cities and out of time, away from the talks of the wise and from the aims of the powerful, because of this they are retained to be close to that God at whose side there are no preferences of any kind, on the contrary, he prefers those who others would not want to meet with. They will not know how to express with eloquent words the mystery they witnessed, but their joyful life will do that for them.
Today’s mystery is life, is light, is Word, the mystery is a Man who starts now to live in a manger. He brings heaven on earth, that’s why it is a mystery. Next to him we are not anymore earthly, we are heavenly too, even though we are sinners. In fact, he came for us. For us he is Light, for us he is Life, for us he is Grace and Truth.
Today we too start to be a mystery to ourselves, if we just get closer to him. And if we persever to stay close to him, the world around us changes. Let us not give to others the transformation of the terrible world that surrounds us. We become heaven on earth when we remain close to the child who Mary presents us. It might be a cross and pain to seed around us light and peace, consolation and forgiveness, but we can live this with joy. We, with him, become the glory in heaven and peace on earth. This day is not to be something in between, by a true begining. For someone today is just a little more goodness, but is already decided to be away from the Child, like before, and away from listening to his Word and be a brother with others. Not you: you live this day as a new begining and a new contiuation to love and adore, listen and obey the Word made flesh.
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
- Kalender für das laufende Jahr
- Kleinschriften
- Kleinschriften „Fünf Gerstenbrote“
- Einleitung
- Übriggebliebene Stücke
- Abbà
- Befreiungsgebet
- Vater unser - Band 1
- Vater unser - Band 2
- Vater unser - Band 3
- Wie der Tau
- Die Psalmen
- Siebzig mal sieben mal
- Die Hingabe
- Notizen von Vigilius, dem heiligen Bischof von Trient
- Ich gehe zur Messe
- Glaube und Leben
- Du bist mein Sohn
- Er nannte sie Apostel
- Sie fordern Zeichen, sie suchen Weisheit
- Kalender 2008-2011