OMELIE / Omelie EN
09 giu 2019 09/06/2019 - Pentecost - C
09/06/2019 - Pentecost - C
Reading 1 ACTS 2,1-11 * Psalm 103 * Reading 2 ROM 8,8-17 * Gospel JN 14,15-16.23-26
Today what Jesus has promised many times His apostles and disciples has been fulfilled. The Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, Spirit of truth, comes down from heaven and enters the life of whom have recognised and loved Jesus. They have been waiting for it, as the Lord had told them to do. They have been waiting for it as their Advocate, defendant, inner Master, advisor and encouraging presence. The word used by Jesus, Paraclete, means this but also much more than this. The Spirit is God’s Spirit, and therefore, entering a man's story, it transforms him to the point he can no longer be recognised, he becomes divine! In this way the Apostles have been transformed. They have become brave, wise, firm, able to create communion, attentive to the others' needs, joyful, strong, meek, humble. Above all they have become able to be the witnesses of Jesus’ death and resurrection, to talk about it with joy, to devote their life to this announcing. They have experienced how from the faith in the dead and risen Jesus come life, peace, communion, faithfulness, love, and therefore they are convinced that true and full love for men cannot be established without telling them about the love that God has given us in Jesus Christ!
In the two brief passages from the gospel we are reading, Jesus is reminding us that the Father sends the Holy Spirit in His name, He sends it because Jesus Himself asks for it in our behalf.
So, let us open the hearts to receive this gift that Jesus wants to remain forever with us. Its presence unites us, makes us children of God, makes us brethren. Its presence makes us a holy Church, the place in which God dwells, holy temple. In order to understand and appreciate this gift we need to distance ourselves from the materialistic, hedonistic and selfish way to see life, we need to get out of the tide the environment we live in is dragging us in. This environment is really similar to the closed room which the apostles were hiding in: a closed room, full of the ghosts of death, fear, solitude, worries for the future, for health and earthly things. May the prayer to the Spirit come out of our hearts: come, come Holy Spirit! He will let us out to meet the skeptical, the atheist, the pagans of the world.
We ask for it for us and for our brothers, for the Church, for unity among Christians, for the entire world.
Come Holy Spirit to make Christians firm witnesses of Jesus’!
Come to give to Christian spouses faithfulness and joy, faithfulness to each other and joy in giving their life.
Come to clad young people with simplicity, truth, generosity, to make them strong to be ready to start their families with purity and decision.
Come to reveal them the Father’s plans, to make known to them the beauty to live listening to your suggestions and God's calls!
Come to put on the children's lips your words, in order for proud men to be silenced.
Come to purify the rich’s heart from the desires that generate suffering around them and inside them!
Come, Holy Spirit, to suggest the Lord’s words to whom are open to live them, come to console whoever is feeling the temptation to leave the faith, to strengthen whoever is feeling the temptation to adhere to the ways of the world instead of obeying Your holy word.
Come to enlighten the elders' mind not to let themselves to be discouraged by the poor attention the world is giving them.
Come to convert me, to turn me towards Jesus, to save me from temptations and from shallowness.
The Holy Spirit, as Saint Paul says, from inside us makes its voice heard to the Father Himself, and brings Him the true prayer. In this way it makes us true people, true children, knowing to be loved by God as children of His, and happy therefore to call Him Father!
Today we renew our desire that the Pentecost will keep happening, that the fire of the Spirit will keep to enkindle the world and prophetic tongues to announce God's love that has been shown in Jesus! And this desire will become constant prayer in our heart.
We thank the father also because the Spirit, which He is giving us, is making us saints, is filling us with joy, is letting us enjoy already here the feast of the communion full and never-ending that we will enjoy in heaven with all the saints!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
- Kalender f羹r das laufende Jahr
- Kleinschriften
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- Einleitung
- briggebliebene St羹cke
- Abb
- Befreiungsgebet
- Vater unser - Band 1
- Vater unser - Band 2
- Vater unser - Band 3
- Wie der Tau
- Die Psalmen
- Siebzig mal sieben mal
- Die Hingabe
- Notizen von Vigilius, dem heiligen Bischof von Trient
- Ich gehe zur Messe
- Glaube und Leben
- Du bist mein Sohn
- Er nannte sie Apostel
- Sie fordern Zeichen, sie suchen Weisheit
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