OMELIE / Omelie EN
01 nov 2022 01/11/2022 – All Saints
01/11/2022 – All Saints
Reading 1 REV 7,2-4.9-14 Psalm 23 Reading 2 1JN3, 1-3 Gospel MT 5,1-12
This feast finds its core meaning in Jesus’ words: “Whoever serves me, the Father will honor”. If those who have served Jesus are honoured by the Father, we will honour them too. We can find an example in their love and their service, we receive joy because they are honoured by the Father. They are our brethren, and therefore the whole family derives joy from their wonderful situation. They are members of Christ’s body, they are the members which make shine the most the light that the three disciples have admired on the «holy mountain», nay, the light which was shining on the risen Lord’s face.
The life of these brethren of ours is all summarised in the words Jesus says on the mountain in front of the crowds. They are the poor in spirit, the meek, they who mourn, they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, the clean of heart, the merciful, the peacemakers. These words of Jesus’ help us to see why their life has been and continues to be pleasing to God, not only that, why it continues to be a gift, an enrichment not only of the Church, but of the whole humanity. On the other hand, their life makes us understand the true meaning of Jesus’ words. They have lived the Word, and the Word is given us from them as a way of living followed by men. They truly are the letter Saint Paul is telling us about, God’s letter which can be understood by everyone, even by illiterate people.
I enjoy their presence in the Church; I, who stable in my spiritual life, are consoled by their faithfulness, are inspired by their dedication to testify the presence and the truth of Jesus. By their poverty and obedience I am helped to take seriously Jesus’ teachings and to see that I too can welcome them and live them. By their humility and purity of feelings and thoughts I too am helped to be happy of the love Jesus pours on me, without looking for it among men. By their patience and I am pushed and receive strength to be patient and pay attention first of all to myself, so it may be not enter me the spirit of condemnation of others, but only the strength to help Jesus carry, as the man from Cyrene, the cross of the sins of the brethren.
With them I experience the Father’s love, who sees us and wants us as His «beloved children». As children we can feel the joy to belong to Him and to belong to one another. With this joy of children we are also witnesses for the Son, the centre of the heavenly congregation, hope of all men come into the world at God’s will.
To be witnesses of Jesus is the gift God gives us so our life has boundless meaning and value. Truly are blessed those who are Jesus’ witnesses: those who are aware of it fill with blessings their life and the Church’s.
Many Christians cannot experience the joy of the faith because they do not know how to be witnesses for Jesus.
Many Christians cannot see the meaning of their life, their solitude, their sufferings, their efforts, because they do not take into account the possibility of being witnesses for Jesus.
Many Christians are slaves of the blasphemous behaviours and words, which shock the meek and even more the followers of other religions, because they do not give themselves the goal of being witnesses for Jesus. Being witnesses for Jesus is the gift of the Holy Spirit, the goal of the holy sacraments, the goal of the efforts we make towards being faithful to the gospel and our calling of disciples of the Lord.
Let us serve Jesus too, by becoming witnesses of His presence, His truth, His cross, and we will be honoured by the Father together with all of those in which His holiness shines!
Thank you, Lord Jesus, who let your light shine on the face of brethren of ours!
Thank you, because in men like us you have made your Word grow, to show the mercy and the compassion of the Father!
Thank you, because you keep us in their communion through your Holy Spirit!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
- Kalender für das laufende Jahr
- Kleinschriften
- Kleinschriften „Fünf Gerstenbrote“
- Einleitung
- Übriggebliebene Stücke
- Abbà
- Befreiungsgebet
- Vater unser - Band 1
- Vater unser - Band 2
- Vater unser - Band 3
- Wie der Tau
- Die Psalmen
- Siebzig mal sieben mal
- Die Hingabe
- Notizen von Vigilius, dem heiligen Bischof von Trient
- Ich gehe zur Messe
- Glaube und Leben
- Du bist mein Sohn
- Er nannte sie Apostel
- Sie fordern Zeichen, sie suchen Weisheit
- Kalender 2008-2011