CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 04/2013 04 April 2013
April 2013 YEAR C
1/4 Mon ANGEL [P]
At 2,14.22-32; Ps 15, Mt from 28.8 to 15
Do not be afraid ...they will see me there. Mt 28.10
Risen Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene and another Mary. He tells them not to worry if they will suffer for proclaiming that He has risen. The invitation to be his messengers to tell his brothers that He is alive and waiting for them in Galilee. There, they too will see, touch him, talk and even eat with him, worship him.
(Mf: St. Francis of Paola, hermit, † 1507)
At 2.36-41, Ps 32, Jn 20:11-18
He turned and saw Jesus Jn 20.14
Your face, your presence is what I seek, Jesus! You have loved me and love me of true and pure love. Shall I meet you, oh Risen, shall I recognize and love you with all my heart!
3/4 Wed EASTER [P]
Acts 3:1-10, Psalm 104, Luke 24:13-35
Their eyes were opened and they recognized Luke 24.31
The risen Jesus is present wherever two or more are gathered for his love. The gift is to recognize that he is one who loves him living his word. I want to obey to you, Jesus, in faith, I know that you will open your eyes so that I can recognize where you are.
4/4 Thurs EASTER [P]
(Mf: St. Isidore, Vesc. And dr., † 636)
At 3.11 to 26; Ps 8, Luke 24.35-48
Look at my hands and my feet: that’s me Lk 24.39
Watching and adoring the wounds of the Passion of Jesus, we receive from him a more lively faith, like Thomas. Our eyes are healed from blindness and we can enjoy more and more the reality of his presence, to exclaim with wonder and joy, as the apostle: "My Lord and my God!"
5/4 VEN to EASTER [P]
(Mf: St. Vincent Ferrer, priest., † 1419)
At 4.1 to 12, Ps 117, Jn 21.1 to 14
Jesus said to them: "Come and eat" Jn 21.12
Jesus, risen and alive, is interested in how the lives of his disciples is nourished and tells them: "You have nothing to eat?" It also calls for their collaboration: "Bring some 'of the fish you just caught," therefore invites: "Come and eat!"
Jesus, you are the true bread given by the Father for the life of all those who expect their support from you!
At 4.13-21, Ps 117, 16.9 to 15 Mc
Hearing that he was alive ... we did not believe Mk 16.11
That's what has happened to most of us! For years we heard the announcement of the Resurrection of Jesus, in churches and various meetings, without understanding, as a word with elusive meaning. Afterwards, however, that the risen Jesus has opened the hearts and minds, touching them with his Spirit, then things have changed! We have received the "Good News" and receive strength to live it.
7/4 DOM "Divine Mercy" (after Easter) II TP Year C [P]
At 5.12-16, Ps 117, Rev. 1,9-11.12-13.17.19, Jn 20.19-31
Thomas was with them Jn 20.26
Probably Thomas, as the days passed, realized that the joy of his brothers was worthy of Faith. For this, eight days later, he looked good from missing the meeting of the disciples, so he could meet personally with the Lord.
Thank you, Jesus, the mercy that you had with Thomas. Through the mercy that you have with me in waiting for me to grow in your love. Thank you that you are ready to meet every Sunday.
8/4 Mon Annunciation of the Lord [P]
Is 7:10-14, Psalm 39, Hebrews 10.4 to 10; Lk 1,26-38
Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you Lk 1.28
It gives me great joy today's feast: the Father chose Mary, among all the virgins of Israel, to be mother of his Son.
Thank you, Jesus, the gift that you made me also to welcome you in my heart. Thanks for the joy that you share with me for the purity of your Mother. Thanks to today made great things with those who will repeat with Mary his "I am"!
9/4 ° T.P. Mar II [II]
Acts 4:32-37, Psalm 92, John 3.7 to 15
Whoever believes in him may have eternal life John 3:15
What is life eternal? Believing in the Risen Jesus, trusting him and his word. This gives meaning and fullness of life to every action and allows us to experience that communion with God. It is a mystery that Jesus reveals to the young and to those who already in the morning, opening his eyes, praise him and make every little thing, even the wash her face, as an act of love for him.
10/4 Wed II T.P. [II]
At 5.17-26, Ps 33, Jn 3.16 to 21
Who does the truth comes to light Jn 3.21
Nicodemus, in which Jesus is speaking, he experienced first word. From the "night" of fear of being judged poorly by colleagues in the Sanhedrin, rose gradually to declare friend and disciple of Jesus with Joseph of Arimathea then work to lay the lifeless body of Jesus in the tomb.
Thank you, Jesus, You are risen in the heart of Nicodemus and you want to resurrect in my!
11/4 Thurs II T.P. [II]
(M: St. Stanislaus, Vesc. And mart., † 1079)
At 5.27-33, Ps 33, Jn 3.31 to 36
He gives the Spirit Jn 3.34
I think, Jesus, you're full of the Holy Spirit: every word of yours contains Him. I want to stay with you, listen and obey with love and thanks that you are there!
12/4 Fri II T.P. [II]
At 5.34-42, Ps 26, Jn 6.1 to 15
A large crowd followed him Jn 6.2
Jesus, you are the one to which all men need to have a free heart and serene, fulfilled expectations in the most real and essential, able to face any adversity with strength and peace. Thank you that you are there: I want to be with you!
13/4 ° Sat II T.P. [II]
(Mf: St. Martin I, pope and mart., † 655)
At 6.1 to 7; Ps 32, Jn 6.16 to 21
They saw Jesus walking on the sea and they were afraid Jn 6.19
To the disciples it was dark, both for now and the situation of incomprehension and incredulity toward inner Seeing Jesus walking on the approaching storm at sea was like being in front of a work of God, to God himself: "they were afraid ".
Thank you, Jesus, in this episode, your prophecy of the resurrection, because he had conquered death and sin, because you have defeated also in me the fear of God!
14/4 III Sun T.P. Year C [III]
At 5,27-32.40-41; Ps 29; Rev 5.11-14, Jn 21.1 to 19
That night they caught nothing Jn 21.3
This word expresses well the "nights" that sometimes we live in the Church: disappointments, failures, darkness ... Staying united around our shepherd, we shall see Jesus, for he who is faithful, will not fail to come among us with his light, he does not abandon his Bride!
15/4 ° Mon III T.P. [III]
At 6.8 to 15, Ps 118, Jn 6.22 to 29
Give yourself to do for food that endures for eternal life Jn 6.27
Thank you, Jesus, guide us to be attentive to the spiritual life rather than for the material. Your food is to do the will of the Father, help us feed on this food that really satisfies!
16/4 MAR III T.P. [III]
At 7.51 to 8.1, Ps 30, Jn 6.30 to 35
My Father gives you the bread from heaven Jn 6.32
We humans, by nature, seek to procure a living, somehow we try to fill every need we feel. Jesus tells us that Heavenly Father gives us a bread that satisfies every expectation and that this bread is he, O Jesus perfect gift, I want you and I want to welcome you!
17/4 Wed III T.P. [III]
At 8.1 to 8; Ps 65, Jn 6.35 to 40
I will raise him on the last day Jn 6.40
I believe in you, Jesus, my Savior, because of your love that makes me live peaceful, thanks for your words that is light and strength in my way, thanks for your promise of resurrection!
18/4 Thurs III T.P. [III]
At 8.26-40, Ps 65, Jn 6.44 to 51
All will be taught by God Jn 6.45
That's why sometimes we feel, and with real joy, a deep communion with people we have never seen before: we feel that they love Jesus, like us, live with him! It is the Father who works in them and in us is the same Spirit who gives us the intimate, new life.
19/4 Fri III T.P. [III]
At 9.1 to 20, Ps 116, Jn 6.52 to 59
He got up and was baptized Acts 9.18
It speaks of S. Paul, converted by Jesus and persecuted the Christians. Jesus instructed his disciples to heal him of his blindness and inspired him to baptize him, then Paul served the Lord with all your heart and with all your strength.
20/4 Sat III T.P. [III]
At 9.31-42, Ps 115, Jn 6.60 to 69
And 'the Spirit who gives life Jn 6.63
Thank you, Jesus, whom we remember today that, without the help of the Holy Spirit, we can do nothing good, only with his help we may obey it with love and live, like you, as children of God the Father.
21/4 Sun IV T.P. Year C [IV]
At 13,14.43-52; Ps 99, Rev 7,9.14-17;
Jn 10.27-30
I and the Father are one Jn 10.30
The unity of love and life with the Father, Jesus, is your joy! And this joy the gifts to me also that, weak and sinful, I come to you with confidence. This joy anyone, ever, will take it away, because no one can snatch it away; keeps me strong your hand, which leads to the sign of your love forever! Alleluia!
22/4 IV Mon T.P. [IV]
Acts 11:1-18; Ps 41-42, Jn 10.1 to 10
I am the door Jn 10.9
Even as a child I felt that the only thing to look for is eternal life, heaven ... With my efforts, however,I could not anything! When, through your disciples, I knew thee, Jesus, I had the certainty that you'd bring me into the bosom of the Father, despite my weakness, failure, sin: you, the "gate", the sure way. Alleluia!
23/4 MAR IV T.P. [IV]
(Mf: St. George, Tue., † AC 303, St. Adalbert, Vesc. And mart., † 997)
At 11.19-26, Ps 86, Jn 10.22-30
The hand of the Lord was with them, Acts 11.21
When our activity is the blessing of the Lord, our toil bear good fruit. Here is an opportunity where I have experienced. I wanted to do a repair, but while this was only my own, I could not. When asked a brother if he should do it, he told me yes, the repair did well.
Jesus, I try to be in unity with the brothers before you act!
24/4 Wed IV T.P. [IV]
(Mf: St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen, † 1622)
At 12.24 to 13.5; Ps 66, Jn 12.44-50
I came into the world as light Jn 12.46
Really, Jesus, you are light you just come from the bosom of the Father, you alone give us the ability to see his love, even the hidden facts in the darkest of our lives! And when we "see" the Father, when we experience, in the depths of his love, we are satisfied, we have peace! Alleluia!
25/4 Thurs S. MARCO, Ev. [P]
1 Peter 5.5-14, Ps 88, Mk 16.15-20
Who does not believe will be condemned Mk 16.16
Thank you, Lord Jesus, why have you donated to meet: only then I began to love life, to feel light, happy.
For the writings and the intercession of St. Mark the Evangelist, every man, believing in you, can find freedom and peace!
26/4 Fri IV T.P. [IV]
At 13.26-33, Ps 2, Jn 14.1-6
You are my Son, today I have begotten At 13.33
S. Paul, for talking about Jesus to the Jews in the synagogue at Antioch in Pisidia, he quotes the Psalms. The words in Psalm 2: in it God speaks to the Son, to be king of all peoples. He has risen from the dead; he gives real peace in the forgiveness of sins.
27/4 Sat IV T.P. [IV]
At 13.44-52, Ps 97, Jn 14.7 to 14
I'm going to the Father John 14.12
Once I was amazed to read that the apostles, after that a cloud took Jesus out of their sight, they returned to the temple ... They felt the joy in my heart this certainty: their Master, who had loved them, comprehended, defended, was now forever the right hand of the Father, ie, He had the power of God to give man life, forgiveness, salvation, peace. Alleluia!
28/4 Sun V ° T.P. Year C [I]
At 14.21-27, Ps 144, Rev. 21.1 to 5, Jn 13.31-33rd .34-35
I give you a new commandment Jn 13.34
Your commandment, Jesus came as a very bright "newness" in my life! The moment, for your mercy, I met you, I started realizing how little worth in your eyes my "religion", my quest for human perfection, with the anxieties, fears, wasted efforts that accompanied thou, however, you liked open our hearts to simply love, but true, for the brother. Thank you, Jesus! Alleluia!
29/4 Mon S. Catherine of Siena, († 1380), patron saint of Italy and Europe [P]
1 Jn 1.5 to 2.2, Ps 102, Mt 11,25-30
Come to me Mt 11.28
The Christian life is a going to Jesus. Approaching him to love him with all our heart, our eyes are lit up and begin to know: we know him as a husband, full of affection and tenderness. Surrendering to his will, his arms, he can enjoy the flavour and a foretaste of eternal life.
30/4 MAR fifth T.P. [I]
(Mf: St. Pius V, Pope, † 1572; Just Dioc. TN: m: S. Massenza)
At 14.19-28, Ps 144, Jn 14.27-31
I give you my peace Jn 14.27
The peace that you give us, Jesus is the true peace: a peace that nothing, not even death, can disturb! This peace, in fact, is based on you, Lord of heaven and earth, who, for love of us, have experienced death, and after this, the new life given to you forever from the love of the Father.
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
- 01/02/202402 February 2024
- 01/03/202403 March 2024
- 01/04/202404 April 2024
- 01/05/202405 May 2024
- 01/06/202406 June 2024
- 01/07/202407 July 2024
- 01/08/202408 August 2024
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- 01/10/202410 October 2024
- 01/11/202411 November 2024
- 01/01/202501 January 2024 COPIA
- Kalender für das laufende Jahr
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- Kleinschriften „Fünf Gerstenbrote“
- Einleitung
- Übriggebliebene Stücke
- Abbà
- Befreiungsgebet
- Vater unser - Band 1
- Vater unser - Band 2
- Vater unser - Band 3
- Wie der Tau
- Die Psalmen
- Siebzig mal sieben mal
- Die Hingabe
- Notizen von Vigilius, dem heiligen Bischof von Trient
- Ich gehe zur Messe
- Glaube und Leben
- Du bist mein Sohn
- Er nannte sie Apostel
- Sie fordern Zeichen, sie suchen Weisheit
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