CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 12/2012 12 December 2012
YEAR B 2012
1 / 12 Sat XXXIV T.O. [II]
Rev 22.1-7, Ps 94, Lk 21.34-36
Be careful to yourself Lk 21.34
Thank you, Jesus, we urge you to be vigilant and to pray that we are not overwhelmed by the temptations that ruin our lives. Will we serve and expect it all the time.
2 / 12 Sun Ia T.A. Year C [I]
Jer 33.14 to 16, Sal 24; 1 Thess 3.12 to 4.2;
Luke 21,25-28.34-36
Watch at all times praying Lk 21.36
Prayer is a great help to be watchful, often, when I pray, I am helped to remember the commitments and services assigned to me and to live them with love.
3 / 12 Mon Ia T.A. [I]
(M: St. Francis Xavier, priest., † 1552)
Is 2.1 to 5, Ps 121, Mt from 8.5 to 11
Come and heal him 8.7 Mt
How you are good and available to assist, Jesus! You are the hope that does not disappoint those who humbly comes to you for help.
4 / 12 MAR Ia T.A. [I]
(Mf: St. John Damascene, priest. And dr., 749 †; Just dioceses. TN: m: St. John of Nepomuk de Tschiderer, Vesco., † 1860)
Is 11.1-10, Ps 71, Lk 10.21-24
On him will rest the spirit of the Lord Is 11.2
With this statement, Isaiah prophesies Jesus, and when we read the Gospels, we recognize that everything in him is really the Spirit of the Father, full of love and wisdom.
5 / 12 Wed Ia T.A. [I]
Is 25.6-10, Ps 22, Mt 15.29-37
I feel sorry for the crowd Mt 15.32
Jesus, you manifest God's love for every person who comes to you with confidence and enjoy that people follow you and recognize that your work is of God, have compassion for them and gave them, along with your disciples, the daily bread. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
6 / 12 Thurs Ia T.A. [I]
(Mf: St. Nicholas, Vesco., † 326)
Is 26.1-6, Ps 117, Mt 7,21.24-27
Trust always in the Lord Is 26.4
The prophet Isaiah urges us to have full confidence in the Father. He is our support safe, strong and loyal forever.
Thank you, O God, our peace and our salvation!
7 / 12 Fri Ia T.A. [I]
(M: Ambrose, Vesco. And dr., † 397)
Is 29.17 to 24, Sal 26; Mt 9,27-31
Let it be for you according to your faith Mt 9.29
Thank you, Jesus; you are the hope of salvation in every situation! You hear our cry for help, as you listened to the two ends. We just wonder if we really believe that you can rescue us!
Gen 3,9-15.20, Sal 97; Ef 1,3-6.11-12;
Lk 1:26-38
Rejoice, full of grace: the Lord is with you Luke 1:28
Mary, your joy will help me to accept with gratitude and joy the love that God the Father gives me in many ways. You, full of grace, you're the first sister and the first mother in the Church. In it, I enjoy the neighbourhood as your mother's attentive and helpful. You make me closer to the Sacraments and the Word make me careful of your Son, make my time full of love and you make me appreciate all the brothers.
9 / 12 Sun IIa T.A. Year C [II]
Bar 5.1 to 9; Ps 125; Phil 1,4-6.8-11; Lk 3.1 to 6
Every man shall see the salvation of God Lk 3.6
What does it mean "see the salvation? Understand better if we say, "You'll see the Savoir"! The Savoir of God is Jesus! This name just means "God saves." Each man will have peace and joy when you meet Jesus. Come, Lord Jesus, come not only for me but for my family, for my colleagues, my friends and my enemies! For all the light you want it to be the eyes and the peace of heart.
10/12 Mon IIa T.A. [II]
Is 35.1-10, Ps 84, Lk 5.17-26
Today we have seen wondrous things Lk 5.26
The greatest wonder of all wonder is not the healing of the paralytic, but the forgiveness of his sins. The recovery was only a demonstration of the reconciliation of man with God. This is a miracle of which I am a witness, not only, also a beneficiary. How many times you have forgiven me, Jesus!
Tues 11/12 IIa T.A. [II]
(Mf: St. Damasus, Pope, † 384)
Is 40.1-11, Ps 95, Mt 18.12-14
Raise your voice with strength Is 40.9
The prophet must raise their voices to proclaim the good intentions of God and God wants to save his people, he wants comfort, after he severely punished him. Now that he has repented, he must again cooperate with God to bring to all people the certainty of his love.
12/12 Wed IIa T.A. [II]
(Mf: Joan S. Fr De Chantal, rel, † 1641)
Is 40.25-31; Ps 102, Mt 11:28-30
Those who hope in the Lord ... Is run and not be weary 40.31
Put these words in the heart. Why do you care because you struggle, because I suffer from anxiety and despair and anguish? Did you forget your God? Have you forgotten that God is the Father? You moved away from him to refuse his hand? Do you think you could open your arms? Resume to hope in him ... and you will start to breathe again.
13/12 Thurs IIa T.A. [II]
(M: St Lucia, rod. And mart., Ca 404 †)
Is 41.13 to 20, Psalms 144, Matthew 11.11-15
Fear not, I'll come to the aid Is 41.13
Thank you, my God, your words of encouragement. You are always present, especially when I'm sad and downcast. You are the God who created everything, and you're with me, how can I be afraid?
14/12 Fri IIa T.A. [II]
(M: St John of the Cross, priest. And dr., † 1591)
Is 48.17-19; Sal 1, 11.16 to 19 Mt
To who can I compare this generation? Mt 11.16
Jesus complains. He is aware of being among people who did not want to trust, even though John the Baptist had testified. Those who are not humble don’t even let God to help them: for they do not recognize those whom God has sent for their salvation.
15/12 Sat IIa T.A. [II]
Sir 48,1-4.9-11, Ps 79, Mt 17.10-13
Yes, and Elijah will restore all things Mt 17.11
The prophet Elijah is the prophet of pure faith and courage to profess it in the cost of living. He has restored faith in the people of Israel when the king had allowed idolatry. There is still need of Elijah, we need the strength of his faith and his courage. Accept yourself the spirit in your life!
16/12 Sun IIIa T.A. Year C [III]
Sof from 3.14 to 18; Is 12.2-6, 4.4 to 7 Phil, Luke 3.10-18
Teacher, what shall we do? Lk 3.12
John the Baptist is questioned. And he responds with freedom. To welcome the Messiah you must prepare your heart free from selfishness, the tendency to exploit others. Exercise humility and generosity, attention to the suffering, and obedience to authority. If we do not have interests to defend, we can follow Jesus
Mon 17/12 Top Christmas novena [P]
Gen 49,2.8-10, Sal 71; Mt from 1.1 to 17
It will not be removed the sceptre from Judah Gen 49.10
Judah is the son that Jacob blessed to bring to fruition the promise of salvation. His descend will to reign forever. For Jesus is the tribe of Judah, and he is instructed by God to lead people and to bring together those who believe in one people. His kingdom belongs to those who want, who wants salvation for himself and peace for all.
18/12 Tues before Christmas [P]
Jer 23.5-8, Ps 71, Mt 1.18-24
Do not fear to take Mary, your wife Mt 18.20
St. Joseph receives word of encouragement from the angel of God, and he believes in his house and takes the Virgin pregnant. Today I feel good to think these words as addressed to me: I'll take Mary into my house, and she will be my mother and sister, I love you more than anyone else, helping them to accept and love his Son Jesus.
19/12 Wed before Christmas [P]
Jud 13,2-7.24-25, Ps 70, Lk 1:5-25
Your prayer is heard Luke 1.13
When is the prayer answered? Matta el Meskin, an Egyptian abbot, died a few years ago. He used to say that prayer is real when it is heard, and answered after praying when we are more generous, joyful, patient, carriers of peace, faithful, gentle and attentive. If the fruit of the Spirit came to us, it is a sign that we were heard.
20/12 Thurs before Christmas [P]
Is 7.10 to 14, Ps 23, Lk 1:26-38
Rejoice, full of grace Luke 1:28
Who can help us better prepare for the birth of Jesus is no doubt his mother, Mary. Today we hear the words of the invitation to joy. Great is the joy of Mary, because God uses her own to offer to the world the greatest gift and most beautiful. We too are in the deepest joy when God can use us for some his efforts on behalf of sinners.
21/12 Fri before Christmas [P]
(Comm.: St. Peter Canisius, priest. And dr., † 1597)
Ct 2.8-14 opp.: Sof 3.14 to 18, Ps 32, Lk 1:39-45
Blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Luke 1:42
Elizabeth expresses the double joy of meeting Mary and to have at home, through her, the Son of God.
We, too, Mary, you say: "Blessed are you for the fruit of thy womb, blessing of all peoples. With you we rejoice and let us guide you to love her son, who brings since few weeks in you! "
22/12 Sat before Christmas [P]
1 Sam 1.24 to 28; Sal: 1 Sam 2,1.4-8, Luke 1:46-55
I let the Lord require 1Sam 1.28
Anna, mother of Samuel, enjoy offering the son, got for miracle, to the service of God. A mother cannot have greater honour than to see his son serving the Lord, live for him, being an instrument of his love for men!
23/12 Sun IV T.A. Year C [IV]
Mic 5.2 to 5 (Heb. 1-4), Ps 79, Heb 10:5-10; Luke 1.39-48
My soul magnifies the Lord, Luke 1.46
We are close to the big feast: we prepare ourselves to it, not with the distractions of the trade, but rather with this prayer that the Mother of Jesus today suggests. We place our happiness in him who comes to save our lives!
Mon 24/12 Christmas Eve [P]
2 Sam 7,1-5.8-12.14.16, Ps 88, Lk 1.67-79
He has raised up for us a mighty Saviour Luke 1.69
This is the prayer of Zacharias, extremely happy for the birth of his son, but even more because his child is a promise and prophecy of the savoir of all. The savoir, who will be born tomorrow, is powerful, capable of defeating the enemy of mankind. His power will be exercised and He will manifest himself in love!
Tues 25/12 Birth of the Lord [P]
Midnight Mass: Is 9.1 to 6, Ps 95; Tt 2.11 to 14, Luke 2.1-14
Mass of the day: Is 52.7-10, Psalm 97, Hebrews 1.1 to 6; Jn 1:1-18
The Word became flesh and dwelt among us John 1:14
Baby Jesus, you're here with us! You are really with us, poor sinners! We are not able to welcome you with dignity: of course with us ... you feel disoriented. You start to suffer as soon as you see our self-interest, and we, instead, we will enjoy your love, which pours into our hearts so that our relations will change and a smile on our faces will shine.
Wed 26/12 St. Stephen, the first martyr [P]
At 6.8 to 10, from 7.54 to 59, Ps 30, Mt 10.17-22
You will be hated by everyone because of my name Mt 10.22
The coming of Jesus is not the coming of the character of a fable. Who receives it, changes his life, and a changed life is perceived as a punishment for those who want to continue in their selfishness. Those who accept Jesus, then, is persecuted: do not wonder for that! Stephen was even killed, as many Christians today. Are you ready to witness your Lord?
27/12 Thurs S. JOHN, ap. and iv. [P]
1 Jn 1:1-4; Ps 96, Jn 20.2-8
He saw and believed Jn 20:8
The apostle John seems to have been the first to believe that Jesus is risen and to pledge their lives to him. Loved him and felt he was the incarnation of God - Love. Even his name has this meaning: "God is merciful, God is love"!
Fri 28/12 Holy Martyrs INNOCENTI [P]
1 Jn 1.5 to 2.2, Ps 123, Mt 2.13-18
God is light and in him there is no darkness 1 John 1.5
The children killed by Herod are made witnesses to the coming of Jesus as king and savoir. This is why we worship them, even if the children were unaware that their violent death bore witness to the king expected from all over the world.
Sat 29/12 V of the Eighth Day [P]
(Comm.: Thomas S. Becker, Vesco. And mart., † 1170)
1 Jn 2.3-11, Ps 95, Lk 2.22-35
He is here for the fall and rise of many Lk 2:34
Simeon took well, from the Scriptures, the value of the promised coming of the Son of God. The prophets, in fact, insist that he who comes will save those who have loved, but it will be condemnation for those who want to live according to their whims, which are their idols.
30/12 Sun S. Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Year C [P]
1 Sam 1,20-22.24-28; Ps 83, 1 John 3,1-2.21-24; Lk 2:41-52
Do not you know that I must care about the things of my Father? Luke 2:49
Jesus, kid, almost reproaches her parents for their concern. Manifest them what they already know: they, however, do not even know what it means for them to respect the freedom of the child. They feel responsible for him in a world where the dangers are daily and strong.
Mary and Joseph, give your wisdom and your sense of responsibility to the parents of today!
31/12 Mon VII of the Eighth Day [P]
(Comm.: St. Sylvester I, Pope, † 335)
1 John 2.18-21, Ps 95, Jn 1:1-18
He came to his Jn 1:11
We end the year with this word that assures us not to be alone, not to be abandoned to our poverty and disability. It is with us the Son of God, and in him God is with us. We live with him, giving full faith and continuous gratitude. Our thanks are pleased to him and it helps us much. To say thanks, it helps us not to be folded up for ourselves and to notice of his gaze, which takes us along the passage of time.
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
- 01/03/202403 March 2024
- 01/04/202404 April 2024
- 01/05/202405 May 2024
- 01/06/202406 June 2024
- 01/07/202407 July 2024
- 01/08/202408 August 2024
- 01/09/202409 September 2024
- 01/10/202410 October 2024
- 01/11/202411 November 2024
- 01/01/202501 January 2024 COPIA
- Kalender für das laufende Jahr
- Kleinschriften
- Kleinschriften „Fünf Gerstenbrote“
- Einleitung
- Übriggebliebene Stücke
- AbbÃ
- Befreiungsgebet
- Vater unser - Band 1
- Vater unser - Band 2
- Vater unser - Band 3
- Wie der Tau
- Die Psalmen
- Siebzig mal sieben mal
- Die Hingabe
- Notizen von Vigilius, dem heiligen Bischof von Trient
- Ich gehe zur Messe
- Glaube und Leben
- Du bist mein Sohn
- Er nannte sie Apostel
- Sie fordern Zeichen, sie suchen Weisheit
- Kalender 2008-2011