OMELIE / Omelie EN
09 apr 2023 09/04/2023 – Easter Sunday – year A
09/04/2023 – Easter Sunday – year A
Reading 1 ACTS 10,34.37-43 Psalm 117 Reading 2 COL 3,1-4 Gospel JN 20,1-9
How glorious is celebrating Easter!
After having witnessed the rejection of Jesus by men, we can see instead how God welcomes Him and gives Him the possibility to live a new life, a mysterious, but very real, presence. The world is still divided before Him, however today the divisions steady themselves. The guards and the council pretend they have not seen or known anything. They are prioritising their justification and the money. We are not afraid, we can see how God behaves, who rewards His Son by taking Him out of death and giving Him a new existence, a truly new life.
Here we are, we are decisively holding on to Him. We let ourselves be reminded of everything He has done and has said, because today His actions and His words receive new value, final, eternal.
Jesus has risen: nobody understood and nobody believed Him when He had predicted it. Now we know that everything is true, and become true also all the other teachings, those He has given us on the Sundays of this year’s Lent.
It is true that He is life: they who have Him in their heart, live truly (He called Lazarus back to life).
It is true that He is light: they who love and listen to Him know where they are from, and they see clearly their path and the meaning of each experience (He opened the eyes of the man born blind).
It is true that He is the water which quenches every thirst of the human heart (He gave the true water to the Samaritans).
It is true that He is the Son of God we need to listen to, obey, the Son who allows us to know the Father and His love (the Father spoke on the mountain).
It is true that He is the Victory over every evil power which destroys the man: today His victory is fully obtained (He expelled Satan from His path).
We sing our hallelujah, because we are loved and we became capable of love!
We do not know what resurrecting and resurrection mean, we do not know, but we see and listen to the risen Jesus, who does not die anymore. By living with Him we too take part in His new life. It is a life in which forgiveness received and granted exists, in which fraternal love rules, in which we can experience communion with Him and with everyone who welcome Him. It is a life in which there is also joy, which before we could not even imagine or dream of.
Jesus has truly risen, Hallelujah!
In primo piano
OMELIE / Omelie EN
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