CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
01 feb 2024 02 February 2024
English translation: Febbraio 2024
1/2 Thursday 4th Week in Ordinary Time [IV]
1 Kng 2:1-4.10-12; Ps: 1 Chron 29:10-12; Mk 6:7-13
They proclaimed that all should repent Mk 6:12
A strong invitation, for everyone. Repent? The disciples must proclaim this to everyone. Those who do not want to live in vain will change their direction, turn their gaze to Jesus, and allow themselves to be illuminated and instructed by him. Those who live according to their own opinions, excluding Jesus, will remain selfish and sow suffering.
2/2 Friday Presentation of the Lord Year C [P]
Mal 3:1-4; optional Heb 2:14-18; Ps 24; Lk 2:22-40
Mary and Joseph brought the child to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord Lk 2:22
Jesus enters the temple that Herod was building. He is a child, he must be carried in the arms of his parents, but he is already the one who saves his people and all nations. He is the true temple of God! Simeon and Anna tell this to everyone: those who want to be saved must not just enter the temple rebuilt by Herod, but must encounter that child.
3/2 Saturday 4th Week in Ordinary Time [IV]
(Memorial: St. Blaise, bishop and martyr, † 4th century; St. Oscar, bishop, † 865)
1 Kng 3:4-13; Ps 118; Mk 6:30-34
They were like sheep without a shepherd Mk 6:34
Sheep without a shepherd do not know what to do, where to go to eat, they cannot defend themselves. That is how those people were: no one taught them to obey God, no one told them that God loved them and that they too could live in the same love of the Father. That is why they attracted the compassion of Jesus.
4/2 Sunday 5th Week in Ordinary Time Year B [I]
Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Ps 146; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39
They said to him, "Everyone is looking for you" Mk 1:37
Why are they looking for him? Jesus senses it. They are looking for him because they know that he loves, and therefore they want to be loved by him. But Jesus also wants them to learn how to love and live the new life, the divine life.
5/2 Monday 5th Week in Ordinary Time [I]
(Memorial: St. Agatha, Virgin and Martyr, † ca. 250)
1 Kng 8:1-7, 9-13; Ps 131; Mk 6:53-56
The people immediately recognized him Mk 6:54
People who love are easily recognized. Therefore, everyone recognizes Jesus, they recognize him as the one who uplifts, heals, gives hope, and saves.
6/2 Tuesday 5th Week in Ordinary Time [I]
(Memorial: St. Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs, † 1597)
1 Kng 8:22-23, 27-30; Ps 83; Mk 7:1-13
Thus making void the word of God Mk 7:13
Jesus can also rebuke. Every teaching of his tells us how we should live, but also how we should not behave. Man can act like a performer, but it's not the case with God. We can't pretend to live his Word while cultivating our own interests: he knows.
7/2 Wednesday 5th Week of Ordinary Time [I]
1 Kng 10:1-10; Ps 36; Mk 7:14-23
Blessed be the Lord, your God, who has delighted in you 1 Kng 10:9
The Queen of Sheba compliments Solomon for the beauty of his house and the wisdom in his reign. Even though she is a pagan, she recognizes that wisdom, order, and beauty come from God. Therefore, the admiration of man is not complete and true unless he blesses God.
8/2 Thursday 5th Week of Ordinary Time [I]
(Memorial: St. Jerome Emiliani, † 1537; St. Josephine Bakhita, virgin, † 1947)
1 Kng 11:4-13; Ps 105; Mk 7:24-30
She went and threw herself at his feet Mk 7:25
She is a woman whose daughter "was possessed by an unclean spirit." The daughter suffered, but the mother suffered even more due to the hopeless situation. Who can intervene to heal this suffering? The only hope for that woman is Jesus: she has seen that he has familiarity with God!
9/2 Friday 5th Week of Ordinary Time [I]
1 Kng 11:29-32; 2:19; Ps 80; Mk 7:31-37
He has done everything well Mk 7:37
The deaf-mute is now able to hear and communicate. He can even sing praises to God and repeat His words. Now he is a whole person, whereas before he could only be considered cursed: yes, because he was prevented from hearing the Word of God and sharing it with others.
10/2 Saturday 5th Week of Ordinary Time [I]
(Memorial: St. Scholastica, Virgin, † 542
1 Kng 12:26-32;13:33-34; Ps 105; Mk 8:1-10
After blessing them, he ordered that these too should be distributed Mk 8:7
Even the little fish are blessed. The love of God distributed by Jesus is complete. He doesn't just give bread!
Thank you, Lord Jesus: those who listen to you and obey you lack nothing.
11/2 Sunday 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B [II]
Lev 13:1-2, 44-46; Ps 31; 1 Cor 10:31-11:1; Mk 1:40-45
If you choose, you can make me clean Mk 1:40
The leper begs Jesus. Who else could he have approached to ask for healing and purification? Everyone else, including powerful men, drive lepers away, they don't want to encounter them, they can't bear to see them. Only Jesus is different, only Jesus has a love that purifies and saves.
12/2 Monday 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time [II]
Jm 1:1-11; Ps 118; Mk 8:11-13
Let endurance have its full effect, so that you may be mature and complete, lacking in nothing Jm 1:4
Saint James begins his letter in an unexpected way: "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind." Trials exercise our patience, and patience makes us like the Son of God, who suffered for love, to fully embody his equality with God.
13/2 Tuesday 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time [II]
Jm 1:12-18; Ps 93; Mk 8:14-21
Do you not yet understand? Mark 8:21
The disciples of Jesus are like me. I understand material things, but seeing in them the signs of spiritual realities is a difficult task. If Jesus himself doesn't help me, I cannot succeed.
Thank you, Jesus, for your questions, even though they sometimes sound like reproach.
14/2 Ash Wednesday
Joel 2:12-18; Ps 50; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing Mt 6:3
A common desire is to know everything. Even more common is the desire for others to know nothing about us. Jesus assures us that our Father sees everything, even in secret, but doesn't disclose it to anyone. He respects us and appreciates us allowing ourselves to be seen by Him alone with humility, so as not to feed pride within us.
15/2 Thursday after Ash Wednesday [IV]
Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1; Lk 9:22-25
Let him take up his cross daily and follow me Lk 9:23
We have just begun Lent. Jesus welcomes our company and invites us to join him on the path he is walking. We cannot teach him anything, and that is a grace, for only his eyes have the light to see the way.
16/2 Friday after Ash Wednesday [IV]
Is 58:1-9; Ps 50; Mt 9:14-15
Cry aloud, do not hold back! Lift up your voice like a trumpet, and announce to my people their transgression. Is 58:1f
The prophet is tasked with reproving the people who seek to enjoy the benefits of God without doing anything to listen and obey Him. Those who play games with God cannot be heard by Him. Let us prepare ourselves to seriously listen to the voice of Jesus.
17/2 Saturday after Ash Wednesday [IV]
(Memorial: Seven Founders of the Servite Order)
Is 58:9-14; Ps 85; Lk 5:27-32
Then you shall take delight in the Lord Is 58:14
The promises of the Lord are comforting and beautiful. To whom are they addressed? To those who obey Him, who love the poor and afflicted, who are generous and attentive to the least among them. They are truly doing the work of God, who is known by all as the God of love and peace.
18/2 First Sunday of Lent,
Year B [I]
Gen 9:8-15; Ps 24; 1 Pt 3:18-22;
Mk 1:12-15
Repent and believe in the Gospel Mk 1:15
Jesus continues the preaching of John the Baptist. John called for repentance, and Jesus also presents the need for inner change. It is as if He is saying, "Do not live in sadness, I am here now. You can rejoice because God loves you and pours out His love upon the whole world."
19/2 Monday First Week of Lent [I]
Lev 19:1-2, 11-18; Ps 18; Mt 25:31-46
You shall not take vengence
Lev 19:18
The God of Moses gives His servant a series of instructions. If they are put into practice, the people will live a happy and peaceful life, have strength to face their enemies, and will be secure in the land. One of these instructions is: Do not take vengeance or hold a grudge, meaning, do not be guided by evil or multiply it; instead, always hold fast to the goodness of God.
20/2 Tuesday First Week of Lent [I]
Is 55:10-11; Ps 33; Mt 6:7-15
Do not lead us into temptation Mt 6:13
Jesus is teaching his disciples how to pray. The disciples know that there are temptations that lead to evil, and they know they are not wise enough to recognize them, nor strong enough to overcome them. They will ask the Father for the necessary help to remain faithful.
21/2 Wednesday First Week of Lent [I]
(Optional memorial: Saint Peter Damian, bishop and doctor † 1072)
Jon 3:1-10; Ps 50; Lk 11:29-32
"They believed God; they proclaimed a fast" - Jonah 3:5
The pagans of Nineveh listen to the prophet of God. It is Jonah, a not so exemplary prophet, disobedient and lacking in mercy. However, they understand that the call to conversion comes from God. They listen and are saved!
22/2 Thursday Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, Apostle
1 Pt 5:1-4; Ps 22; Mt 16:13-19
You are the Christ, the Son of the living God Mt 16:15
We celebrate an important mystery: Jesus has given Peter the authority to teach the whole Church. This means that a man has the authority of God for us! He is a man who stands out for the certainty and precision of his faith in Jesus.
23/2 Friday First Week of Lent [I]
(Commemoration of St. Polycarp, bishop and martyr, † 155)
Ez 18:21-28; Ps 129; Mt 5:20-26
He shall surely live and not die Ez 18:21
Those who convert abandon the path of selfishness and begin to listen to our Father who is in heaven. Those who convert receive life from Him.
24/2 Saturday First Week of Lent [I]
Dt 26:16-19; Ps 118; Mt 5:43-48
You shall be a people holy to the Lord Dt 26:19
Even today, the Lord urges us to listen to Him, to obey Him, to live in His wisdom. It is the only true, holy, and beautiful way, the path of life.
25/2 Second Sunday of Lent - Year B [II]
Gen 22:1-2,9,10-13,15-18; Ps 115; Rom 8:31-34; Mk 9:2-10
They no longer saw anyone with them, but only Jesus
Mk 9:8
On this second Sunday of Lent, let us fix our gaze on Jesus. He is the radiant, and divine words resonate in Him. Moses and Elijah have proclaimed Him, and now they see Him. The disciples will always be dazzled by Him alone, and His voice will replace that of all the prophets.
26/2 Monday Second Week of Lent [II]
Dan 9:4-10; Ps 78; Lk 6:36-38
Be merciful Lk 6:36
Jesus continues to speak to us about the Father, and in doing so, he makes us aware that our true life and the happiness we seek are found in resembling Him. If we do not live His merciful love, we cannot call ourselves His children.
27/2 Tuesday Second Week of Lent [II]
Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 49; Mt 23:1-12
If you persist, you will be devoured by the sword Is 1:20
The prophets continue to exhort the people to listen to God, to imitate Him in love, and to overcome their selfishness. Those who live in this way have the certainty of a future of peace, but those who refuse will have no hope.
28/2 Wednesday Second Week of Lent [II]
Jer 18:18-20; Ps 30; Mt 20:17-28
The Son of Man came not to be served Mt 20:28
Jesus reveals himself to the disciples. They struggle to accept that he is different from them, from us! It is not He who needs to learn, but we who always need to convert, to re-orient ourselves towards Him. Let us fix our gaze on him carefully: He lives the true life of man, as God has desired it, in order to participate in divine life.
29/2 Thursday Second Week of Lent [II]
Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1; Lk 16:19-31
Cursed is the one who trusts in man Jer 17:5
The language of the prophets is not always sweet and tender. Sometimes they use strong words because they know that rebellious children also need the whip. God's love can also use strong and heavy ways, otherwise we remain asleep and let ourselves be deceived.
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
- 01/03/202403 March 2024
- 01/04/202404 April 2024
- 01/05/202405 May 2024
- 01/06/202406 June 2024
- 01/07/202407 July 2024
- 01/08/202408 August 2024
- 01/09/202409 September 2024
- 01/10/202410 October 2024
- 01/11/202411 November 2024
- 01/01/202501 January 2024 COPIA
- Kalender für das laufende Jahr
- Kleinschriften
- Kleinschriften „Fünf Gerstenbrote“
- Einleitung
- Übriggebliebene Stücke
- Abbà
- Befreiungsgebet
- Vater unser - Band 1
- Vater unser - Band 2
- Vater unser - Band 3
- Wie der Tau
- Die Psalmen
- Siebzig mal sieben mal
- Die Hingabe
- Notizen von Vigilius, dem heiligen Bischof von Trient
- Ich gehe zur Messe
- Glaube und Leben
- Du bist mein Sohn
- Er nannte sie Apostel
- Sie fordern Zeichen, sie suchen Weisheit
- Kalender 2008-2011