CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 02/2013 02 February 2013
YEAR C February 2013
1/2 Fri III ° T.O. [III]
b 10.32 to 39; Ps 36, Mk 4.26 to 34
The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed Mc 4.30 to 31
Jesus encourages us with this word, both personally and as a Christian community. He asks us to rely on our strength, but on one that bursts out of the Word of God. It is that Word that, guarded, prayed and loved, fulfils in us, albeit small, poor capacity and resources, the works of the Father.
So it was for the Saints who have gone before.
2/2 Sat Presentation of the Lord [P]
3.1 to 4 Ml (or b 2:14-18), Ps 23, Lk 2.22 to 40
My eyes have seen thy salvation, Luke 2.30
Have already passed forty days from the feast of the birth of Jesus Simeon, pious faithful of Israel, led by the Holy Spirit sees the baby Jesus the Messiah promised to the fathers since ancient times.
Thank you, Jesus, the gift you gave to me to recognize you as the Son of God. Thank you for the lasting joy that you have given me since, seriously, I tried to live your Gospel. With the freedom that I found myself in and that gave flavor and meaning to my life: to live in your love.
3/2 Sun IV T.O. Year C [IV]
Ger 1,4-5.17-19; Ps 70; 1 Cor 12.31 to 13.13 and Luke 4.21-30
Love never fails 1 Cor 13:8
St. Paul exhorts us to live in charity, that is, in accordance with the words of Jesus: "Love one another as I have loved you." This is what love endures for ever, as a treasure in heaven! At the end of life, this love is the only wealth we bring with us.
4/2 Mon IV ° T.O. [IV]
Heb 11.32 to 40; Ps 30, Mk 5.1 to 20
Everyone was amazed at 5.20 Mc
I remember when I was about to answer the call of Jesus, leaving everything, I had great fear. I felt a pain like I had a boulder on the heart. After having experienced the spiritual father, having prayed with him and call upon the Holy Name of Jesus, with great surprise I found myself delivered from this spirit.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, the power of your name that overcomes all resistance of our heart to make room for you.
5/2 MAR IV T.O. [IV]
(M: St. Agatha, Verg. And mart., † 250 approx)
Heb 12.1 to 4; Ps 21, Mk 5.21 to 43
It should be 'in peace and be healed of your disease Mk 5.34
It is likely that we too, because of our sin, we lose some bleeding for spiritual peace and joy of living. Jesus came as a doctor to cure people who approach him and touch him with humble faith and prayer.
Jesus, thank you for coming, you are the hope of healing all our diseases!
6/2 Wed IV T.O. [IV]
(M: Ss Paul Miki and Companions, martyrs, † 1597)
B 12,4-7.11-15; Ps 102; Mk 6:1-6
The Lord disciplines him whom he loves Heb 12.6
I have often heard it said: "For God hits me with so many misfortunes, while leaving alone the many who do not care about him?" The Father cares about the very eternal happiness of those who try to love him. To make our journey more secure and faster allowing disappointments, failures, sufferings ... He educates us to put our hope in him alone, the expectations of all good.
7/2 Thurs IV T.O. [IV]
B 12,18-19.21-24; Ps 47, Mk 6.7 to 13
Taken to send them out two by two Mk 6.7
In these words we see the spirit of obedience and unity that is required of disciples of Jesus, every Christian is what Jesus is made present in the world, because he is where two or three are gathered in his name.
8/2 Fri IV ° T.O. [IV]
(Mf: St. Girolamo Emiliani, † 1537, St. Josephine Bakhita, Verg., † 1947)
Heb 13.1 to 8; Ps 26, Mk 6.14 to 29
Jesus Christ the same yesterday and today and forever! Heb 13.8
The author of Hebrews says the words quoted after giving some holy exhortations. Such exhortations are by Jesus: he is the stable source of wisdom of God and his love, he still speaks to us and guides us through his ministers in his Church.
9/2 Sat IV T.O. [IV]
B 13,15-17.20-21; Ps 22, Mk 6.30 to 34
He saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them Mk 6.34
Jesus had a program with his apostles, but was ready to change when he saw the need for many other people who had submitted to them.
Thank you, Jesus, of your example and your compassion!
10/2 Fifth Sun T.O. Year C [I]
Is 6,1-2.3-8; Ps 137; 1 Cor 15.1 to 11; Luke 5:1-11
Will be catching men Lk 5.10
Jesus instructs Peter with these words to be his collaborator in the "fish", that is to save men from the sea in the world and give them his life.
Thank you, Jesus, who "caught" me away from the "sea" of thinking only of myself and think me the center of the world. Thanks to those you've used for this work of salvation. Here I am: if you want, you can send me too!
11/2 Mon V ° T.O. [I]
(Mf: B. V. Mary of Lourdes - 1858)
1.1 to 19 January; Ps 103; 6.53 to 56 Mc
The people immediately recognized him Mk 6.54
When Jesus comes down from the boat, people immediately recognize him. They identify Him and, more importantly, fails to recognize that he is making the signs of the Messiah, contrary to the disciples who "hardened heart". The crowd approached, therefore, with respect and love. Jesus warns him well and can distribute the donations with her love, caring and healing the sick that are placed before.
Today we thank the Immaculate Virgin of Lourdes for his intercession with the Father, the spiritual and physical healing of many sick people.
12/2 MAR fifth T.O. [I]
January from 1.20 to 2.4; Ps 8; 7.1 to 13 Mc
His heart is far from me Mk 7.6
Jesus quotes the prophet Isaiah to respond to the Pharisees who accuse him of violating the precepts of purifying their hands before meals. Embracing the opportunity to take them up and invite them to be more attentive to purity of heart and hands, the practice of the commandments that the main secondary rules.
Come, Holy Spirit, to form in us a clean heart, close to living simply and in truth the word of Jesus!
2.12 to 18 gl; Ps 50, 2 Corinthians 5.20 to 6.2;
Mt 6,1-6.16-18
Your Father who sees in secret will reward 6.6 Mt
You teach me, Jesus, with your life, to live under the gaze of the Father, to please him alone, at any time.
In this season of Lent, I want, with your help, give weight to practice in the eyes of the Father.
14/2 Thurs Ss CYRIL, († 859) and Methodius († 885), Patrons of Europe [P]
Is 52.7 to 10, Ps 116, Lk 10.1 to 9
The harvest is plentiful Luke 10.2
Thank you, Jesus, you have at heart the salvation of every man and as you see that just a few people look for salvation, you ask your disciples to pray to the Father so that He will send more men.
Here I’m. If you want, I'm here too: use me!
15/2 Fri after Ash [IV]
Is 58.1 to 9; Ps 50, Mt 9.14 to 15
Thy light break forth like the dawn Is 58.8
God the Father, who is love, warns and scolds her children and teaches us what is the fasting that expects us to live in charity towards all those in need. Then we will be a gift from God for all blessings, and we by him.
16/2 Sat after Ash [IV]
Is 58.9 to 14, Ps 85, Lk 5.27 to 32
Why do you eat and drink with sinners? Luke 5.30
Who does not love Jesus, does not understand his way of living, he does not accept and share. He has come to bring on the road that leads to the Father who was lost on other roads. He is the good shepherd who goes in search of the lost sheep and celebrates when it finds it and can take home!
17/2 ° T.Q. The Sun Year C [I]
Dt 26.4 to 10; Ps 90, Rom 10.8 to 13; Luke 4:1-13
Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert Lk 4.1
How is it that Jesus was led into the wilderness after his baptism? Did he need to show the purity of his love of the Father? It is the experience that the people had lived! In it, however, had repeatedly complained and rebelled. Jesus, however, has proven to be really the Son, even in the test period of fasting and temptation.
18/2 ° The Mon T.Q. [I]
Lv 9,1-2.11-18; Ps 18, Mt 25,31-46
I was a stranger and you welcomed me Mt 25.35
These words of Jesus are not easy to accommodate those who do not know, but, exercising faith in Jesus, you can. He gives us light and strength to love each person, as did he and all his saints.
O Holy Spirit, help us!
19/2 ° T.Q. Mar I [I]
Is 55.10 to 11; Ps 33, Mt from 6.7 to 15
Thy kingdom come Mt 6.10
This is what Jesus calls us to ask the Father in prayer that he taught us. It is a longing that often makes the Father. One of these Sundays I saw it too: some families have gathered to participate in the s. Mass in the afternoon, the parents found themselves still to hear the word of God and confront it, even the children have spent at least half an hour to pray together and sing thanks to God, Father, your kingdom come!
20/2 ° The Wed T.Q. [I]
Thurs 3:1-10; Ps 50, Lk 11.29 to 32
Here there is a greater than Jonah Luke 11.32
Jesus, you're bigger than all the prophets, and thou art the only-begotten Son of God, you make us know God as Father, as love.
I want to listen to you first of all, put my full trust in you. Thank you are there!
21/2 ° Thurs I T.Q. [I]
(Comm: St. Peter Damian, Vesc. And dr., † 1072)
East 4.17; Ps 137, Mt from 7.7 to 12
Knock and the door will be opened to 7.7 Mt
I want to knock on your heart, O Father, in this time of Lent, to receive your Spirit. Grant me not to judge or condemn anyone, to distribute your wisdom in those instances that you have prepared, to join your Son Jesus to give you pain, humiliation, misunderstanding and diseases.
22/2 Fri CHAIR S. PETER, Ap. [P]
1pt 5.1 to 4; Ps 22, Mt 16.13-19
Tend the flock of God ... as pleasing to God 1 Peter 5.2
To God the Father certainly like the way Jesus leads his people. He is the good shepherd, meek and humble of heart, came to serve up to a total sacrifice of his life in obedience.
23/2 ° I Sat T.Q. [I]
(Comm: St. Polycarp, Vesc. And mart., † 155)
Dt 26.16 to 19; Ps 118, Mt 5.43 to 48
Love your enemies Mt 5.44
Thank you, Jesus; You are the light and strength for a new life! Looking at you and with your grace, we will be able to live in love toward all, even to those who have offended us.
24/2 Sun II T.Q. Year C [II]
January 15,5-12.17-18; Ps 26; Phil from 3.17 to 4.1;
Lk 9.28 to 36
Jesus remained alone Luke 9.36
Moses and Elijah are back in the glory of God, the radiant light that was emanating from the face of Jesus and had made her white robes, is gone, the cloud that had enveloped the three apostles, has vanished, and her voice: "Listen to him "has been engraved in their hearts. Now remains only Jesus: he is the fulfillment of the law and prophecy, he will guide us to pass from this world to the Father!
25/2 Mon II T.Q. [II]
Dn 9.4 to 10; Ps 78, Lk 6.36 to 38
Give and you shall receive Lk 6.38
Thank you, Jesus, your words of love, full of wisdom is truth that gives peace. You gave yourself to us, help us to do likewise, for the glory of Your Father!
26/2 ° T.Q. Mar II [II]
Is 1,10.16-20; Ps 49, Mt from 23.1 to 12
Whoever humbles himself will be exalted Mt 23.12
Thank you, Jesus, the divine status because you've lowered our human condition, you become the servant of all! Help us to be simple and faithful children of the Father, brothers all, just like you!
27/2 Wed II T.Q. [II]
Jer 18.18-20, Ps 30, Mt 20.17-28
For you it will not be like that 20.26 Mt
The new style of life that Jesus teaches and communicates is what every mom and dad Christian lives and teaches - so at least it should be! - Their children: use each other with love, without pretensions, selfishness, taxation.
Thank you, Jesus, who gives us the Holy Spirit to enable us to a life so beautiful!
28/2 Thurs II T.Q. [II]
Jer 17.5 to 10; Sal 1, Lk 16:19-31
I, Yahweh, search the heart; test the motives, to give each person what his conduct and his actions deserve. Jer 17.10
Thank you, good Father, because we deeply know that nothing is hidden from you! Thank you because you want our heart to be pure, like yours and that’s why you try it and purify it according to thy loving and sublime wisdom.
Let’s us make open up our heart and mind in every situation!
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
- 01/03/202403 March 2024
- 01/04/202404 April 2024
- 01/05/202405 May 2024
- 01/06/202406 June 2024
- 01/07/202407 July 2024
- 01/08/202408 August 2024
- 01/09/202409 September 2024
- 01/10/202410 October 2024
- 01/11/202411 November 2024
- 01/01/202501 January 2024 COPIA
- Kalender für das laufende Jahr
- Kleinschriften
- Kleinschriften „Fünf Gerstenbrote“
- Einleitung
- Übriggebliebene Stücke
- Abbà
- Befreiungsgebet
- Vater unser - Band 1
- Vater unser - Band 2
- Vater unser - Band 3
- Wie der Tau
- Die Psalmen
- Siebzig mal sieben mal
- Die Hingabe
- Notizen von Vigilius, dem heiligen Bischof von Trient
- Ich gehe zur Messe
- Glaube und Leben
- Du bist mein Sohn
- Er nannte sie Apostel
- Sie fordern Zeichen, sie suchen Weisheit
- Kalender 2008-2011