CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 1/2012 01 January 2012
1 / 1 Sun Mother of God [P]
Nm 6.22 to 27, Ps 66, Gal 4:4-7, Lk 2.16-21
God sent his Son, born of woman Gal 4.4
Great indeed is the truth of faith that we celebrate today: Mary, Mother of God! How can God who is above all have a mother?
His love is so great that he wanted to be small, so come among us as a man through a woman, a mother.
It's nice to start a new year gazing with wonder Jesus, true God and true man, in the arms of his mother Mary.
2 / 1 Mon T.N. [P]
(M: Holy Basil M., 379 †, and Gregory N., 390 †, bishops and doctors)
1 John 2.22-28, Ps 97, Jn 1.19-28
Make straight the way of the Lord Jn 1.23
It's the call that John the Baptist addresses all those who ask to be baptized and brought into the life of God. It is essentially an exhortation to live in poverty, to let God enrich goods offered by the Messiah. John says: "Whoever has two coats give one to him who has none and he who has food do likewise." "Do not defraud, and be content with your wages", without 'getting by' at the expense of others. Only then can you prepare to live with Jesus and follow his path.
3 / 1 MAR T.N. [P]
(Mf: Holy Name of Jesus)
1 Jn 2.29 to 3.6, Ps 97, Jn 1.29-34
Whoever remain in Him doesn’t sin 1 John 3.6
I think, Jesus, whom you have never sinned, because you loved God, your Father, with all the heart, always doing his will. Help me to live like you, to be obedient son, for love of the Father in heaven who loves us so much and always. Thank you for your name, pronounced by my lips, it gives me strength in temptation.
4 / 1 Wed T.N. [P]
1 Jn 3.7-10, Ps 97, Jn 1.35-42
What are you looking for? Jn 1:38
The two disciples of John the Baptist was not so much aware of why they were following Jesus had to obey their master, who had given Jesus as he walked in the "Lamb of God." This picture reminded the lamb and the sin of the people sent to die in the desert, the lamb offered in sacrifice to the temple every day, and again, "the gentle lamb, led to the slaughter, which does not open his mouth." The two disciples did not yet know what to search: search him, Jesus, to know him!
5 / 1 Thurs T.N. [P]
1 John 3.11-21, Ps 99, Jn 1.43-51
Who does not love remains in death 1 John 3.14
It is true, when I cannot love God and men are sad, paralyzed, and my life is empty.
Jesus, in those moments take my hand and give me light and strength to live with faith and love where I am. Thank you, Jesus!
6 / 1 Fri EPIPHANY [P]
Is 60.1-6, Psalm 71, Ephesians 3.2-3a .5-6; Matthew 2:1-12
We have come to adore Matthew 2:2
I put myself today before Jesus to worship him, to open the treasures of my heart and give him everything that I wish: my health, my job, my reputation, my future, my worries and my little joys. He will fill me with his peace!
7 / 1 Sat T.N. [P]
(Mf: St. Raymond of Peñafort, sac., † 1275; Just dioceses. TN: mf: Valentine, Bishop.)
3.22 1 John 4:6; Ps 2, Mt 4,12-17.23-25
Do not believe every spirit 1Jn 4.1
Jesus, I have heard many times ideas and opinions that didn’t have you as an origin nor as an end. I followed them, but I suffered and I made suffer, I am sorry.
Come, Lord Jesus, enlighten my mind and my heart with your wisdom!
8 / 1 Sun Baptism of the Lord Year B [P]
Is 55.1-11; Is 12,2.4 b-6, 1 John 5.1-9, Mc 1.7 to 11
You are my Son, the beloved one Mk 1:11
Jesus, immerse yourself in the Jordan, you do like us and make us like you. With that now that "you" the Father also addressed to me, just as I allow myself to bring to you.
9 / 1 Mon Ia T.O. [I]
1 Sam 1.1-8, Ps 115; Mc 1.14-20
Follow me Mc 1.17
Lord Jesus, today you call me! I want to follow you: I'll move every step behind you, in the light of your love, of your word. I want to be truly your disciple, help me!
10 / 1 MAR Ia T.O. [I]
1 Sam 1.9-20, 1 Sam 2,1.4-8; Mk 1,21-28
What do you want from us, Jesus of Nazareth? Mc1, 24
How easily I am inclined to think that you, Jesus, do not have to meddle in my entire life and that I’m free to make all the choices I want. Don Divo Barsotti said, "Do you have your thoughts? You have your own opinion? ... You're not a Christian! So often, in my way of thinking, not a Christian, are not you, Jesus You came to get rid of this spirit that oppresses me, and I deny the true freedom. Thanks!
11 / 1 Wed Ia T.O. [I]
1 Sam 3,1-10.19-20; Ps 39, Mk 1.29-39
Speak, because your servant is listening 1Sam 3.9
Thank you, Father, you are a God who speaks to us! Today I will reserve to you, to you only, a part of my day: I’ll choose a quiet place and I’ll be at peace in your presence. I'm sure you're waiting to say to me a word that will do very well to my life!
12 / 1 Thurs Ia T.O. [I]
1 Sam 4.1-11, Ps 43, Mk 1.40-45
He had compassion of Him Mc 1.41
In Jesus, who stops in front of the leper, we see the compassion of God. Only God, in fact, could heal a leper, considered almost as dead. Jesus listens and accepts his prayer, answers and touches him. So he reveals himself as the Son of God
Thank you, Risen Lord, for the Church's sacraments, signs of your love, which touches us, forgiving, healing and giving us communion with you.
13 / 1 Fri Ia T.O. [I]
(Mf: St. Hilary, Vesco. And dr., † 367)
1 Sam 8,4-7.10-22; Ps 88, Mk 2:1-12
Jesus saw their faith ... Mark 2:5
How beautiful your eyes, Jesus, which search me and know me, know when I sit and when I get up! You really see how much I live for you, for you and with you! And yet, when you want, the Holy Spirit gives to those who are without light to see and to be built in you.
14 / 1 Sat Ia T.O.
1 Sam 9,1-4.10.17-19, 10.1, Ps 20, Mk 2.13-17
I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners Mc 2.17
Jesus came for sinners, for those who, while desiring it, cannot remain faithful to his love and his word. With these Jesus is ready to sit at the table. But those who consider themselves just for their "good" works, like the Pharisees, they think they need to be saved. Jesus is the Saviour of those who admit to being sinners.
15 / 1 Sun IIa T.O. Year B [II]
1 Sam 3,3-10.19, Sal 39; 1Cor 6,13-15.17-20, John 1.35-42
Behold the Lamb of God! Jn 1.36
Jesus, your love of the Father, your obedience, your sacrifice will make you the true lamb that washes all our sins!
We will live near you, you give yourself in your welcome in the sacraments of the Church, our sins will be removed gradually, and we can get closer to the Father, we will enjoy his love.
16 / 1 Mon IIa T.O. [II]
1 Sam 15.16-23, Ps 49, Mk 2.18-22
To obey is better than sacrifice, 1 Sam 15.22
Give up our will to do the will of God or that of a brother for the love of Jesus is a sacrifice pleasing to the Lord more than those we impose on us.
Jesus, help me, I want to learn from you!
17 / 1 MAR IIa T.O. [II]
(M: St. Anthony Abbot, † 356)
1 Sam 16.1-13, Ps 88, Mk 2.23-28
The man sees the appearance but the Lord sees the heart 1 Sam 16.7
When God chooses someone for his kingdom, he looks in his heart, if there is honesty, humility, love ... true, we are more careful, however, externality, so often, we are disappointed.
Come, Holy Spirit, you lead us in our choices!
18 / 1 Wed IIa T.O. [II]
START Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity 'CHRISTIAN
1 Sam 17,32-33.37.40-51; Ps 143; Mk 3:1-6
Go and shall the Lord be with you 1Sam17, 39
Saul blesses David. He experiences, and He make those around him to experience the healing presence of God in history. Mary also receives this blessing with you and we too have experienced the presence of God with men: Jesus! Every Sunday we receive this blessing: God knows what the Father wants to do great things with us!
19 / 1 Thurs IIa T.O. [II]
Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity
1 Sam 18.6-9, 19.1-7, Ps 55, Mk 3.7 to 12
The unclean spirits ... they shouted: "You are the Son of God!" Mk 3:11
Anyone can say in words that Jesus is the Son of God, even the devils. But he is revealing what God the Son can only be done with life. A humble and obedient life and moved by love tells the world: God is our Father!
20 / 1 Fri IIa T.O. [II]
Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity
(M: S. Fabian, pope and martyr., III † century, St. Sebastian, mart., † 304)
1 Sam 24.3-21, Ps 56, Mk 3:13-19
He called to him those he wanted Mc 3.13
Often we give too much importance to the good will of the people that depend on them and we only choose to go to Jesus to let themselves be formed by him: but God is that attracts and inspires the will and being in men. We bring before Jesus in prayer our brothers in need of him. Who knows that he, in his mercy, has mercy on them and conquer his love!
21 / 1 Sat IIa T.O. [II]
Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity
(M: S. Agnese, rod. And m, † 304) '
2 Sam 1,1-4.11-12.19.23-27, Ps 79, Mk 3.20-21
They said: He’s mad Mc 3.21
The way of life of Jesus and those who love him being united with him seems strange to those who do not believe, so Jesus and the apostles, after having received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, were considered to be "out of mind".
Holy Spirit, come upon the believers in Jesus, because they are so united and the world be helped to come to you!
22 / 1 Sun IIIa T.O. Year B [III]
Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity
Thurs 3,1-5.10, Ps 24, 1 Cor 7.29 to 31, from 1.14 to 20 Mc
Repent and believe the gospel Mark 1:15
Jesus urges them to change their mentality. The promise of the Messiah was fulfilled in fact: there is no more to wait, because the King of the Kingdom of God is so close as to be already in our midst. He thus invites us to base our lives on his person and his Word. We pray that the Church continues to proclaim the gospel and that will end soon the scandal of division, which weakens his testimony. Indeed, the world believes in Jesus when he sees that his disciples love one another.
23 / 1 Mon IIIa T.O. [III]
Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity
2 Sam 5,1-7.10, Ps 88, Mk 3.22-30
The Lord, God of armies, was with him, 2 Sam 5.10
David had just conquered the fortress of Jerusalem occupied by the Jebusites. This company seemed impossible, so that the Jebusites said that "the blind and the lame" would be enough to defend it. This fact may stimulate us to continue to pray for the unity of Christians, though this seems like a dream: nothing is impossible to "God Almighty" that is in our midst.
24 / 1 MAR IIIa T.O. [III]
Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity
(M: St. Francis de Sales, Vesco. And dr., † 1622)
2 Sam 6.12 to 15, 17-19, Ps 23, Mk 3.31-35
Around him sat a crowd Mc 3.31
The crowd that now regularly gathers around Jesus is the Church brothers and sisters of every language, race and nation, who live together in the Name of Jesus, listen to him and serve him. To them it is more prominent family ties, but the fulfilment of God's will. We’ll ask to Jesus that his blood continues to soak its churches, those long-standing and more recent ones, and enliven them to be "a thing together"!
25 / 1 Wed CONVERSION S. PAUL Ap. [P]
END Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity of Christians
At 22.3 to 16 (Opp.: At 9.1 to 22), Ps 116, Mk 16.15-18
Who does not believe will be condemned Mark 16:16
Today we commemorate the conversion of St. Paul. He, as Jesus reminds us that there are no words or our deeds that we may obtain eternal life. Orient our minds, our hearts and our will to the will of God and his person is the safe way to enter into eternal life and find salvation.
26 / 1 Thurs IIIa T.O. [III]
(M: Sts Timothy and Titus, bishops, 1 sec.)
2 Sam 7,18-19.24-29; Ps 131; 4.21 to 25 Mc
If anyone has ears to hear then should listen Mc 4.23
Jesus invites us to listen with "ears" of the heart his word, because it can make us move forward on its way. And even though many do not want it to be proclaimed and seek to silence those who proclaims, it is worthy of being proclaimed "rooftop" through it all will have the opportunity to experience the Love of God
27 / 1 Fri IIIa T.O. [III]
(Mf: St. Angela Merici, rod., † 1540)
2 Sam 11,1-4.5-10.13-17, Ps 50, Mk 4.26-34
It is the smallest of all seeds on earth Mc 4.31
Jesus speaks of the mustard seed which, despite being the smallest of all seeds, it becomes bigger than many other plants in the garden. To Jesus loved ones the smallness and simplicity, because it is in them that manifests the power of God, says St. Paul. This was true also for the holy today that catechizing few girls, with his order, became teacher of generations of young people.
To Jesus takes two or three are gathered in his name, as a family or brotherhood, because his kingdom is spread with fruit.
28 / 1 Sat IIIa T.O. [III]
(M: St. Thomas Aquinas, priest. And dr., † 1274)
2 Sam 12,1-7.10-17, Ps 50, Mk 4.35-41
They were terrified Mc 4.41
At the time of my first encounter with Jesus, he spoke out loud in my life. I had joy and amazement I recognized that it could be just him, God with us, to break free from despair and put love in my heart. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
29 / 1 Sun IVa T.O. Year B [IV]
Dt 18.15-20, Ps 94, 1 Cor 7.32 to 35; Mk 1,21-28
Jesus, entered the synagogue on the Sabbath, taught Mc 1.21
Jesus enters into the life and time of his people and of man to bring light, peace and salvation. Joseph Freinademetz did the same, entering into the life and time of the Chinese to bring the message of salvation. I too and we are all called to enter into the life and time of our neighbour to bring Jesus, salvation!
30 / 1 Mon IVa T.O. [IV]
2 Sam 15,13-14.30, 16.5 to 13, Ps 3, 5.1 to 20 Mc
He was meeting a man with an unclean spirit Mc 5.2
In the face of Jesus feel unclean spirits are discovered, they are uncomfortable, they must flee. Thank you, Lord, you came among us men, sent by the Father to deliver us from every unclean spirit and give us your Holy Spirit! We will try to be near you with joy and obedience to your word!
31 / 1 MAR IVa T.O. [IV]
(M: St John Bosco, priest., † 1888)
2 Sam 18,9-10.14.24-25.30-19,4, Ps 85, Mk 5.21-43
The child is not dead but sleeping Mc 5.39
At this word of Jesus, many have scoffed. But he is the only one who sees clearly the reality: death is nothing else other than a sleep from which He one day we will wake up..
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
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