CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 07/2013 07 July 2013
2013 Year C
1/7 Mon XIII T.O. [I]
(Just Dioc. TN: B. Antonio Rosmini m, † 1855)
January from 18.16 to 33; Ps 102, Mt 8.18 to 22
Jesus ordered him to switch to the other bank of 8.18 Mt
When you call me to some "cut" when you invite me to leave someone or something for you, then order me to "go to the other side". I know these steps you made it yourself, before me, and love the Father has not disappointed!
2/7 MAR XIII T.O. [I]
January from 19.15 to 29; Ps 25, Mt 8.23 to 27
His disciples followed Him Mt 8.23
Every day the circumstances invite us to make continuous decisions about who we want to follow: either Jesus or ourselves. Trusting in Jesus, we'll see how he is able to intervene. We will then exclaim, like the disciples: "Who is this man that even winds and sea obey him?"
3/7 Wed S. THOMAS, Ap. [P]
Eph 2.19 to 22, Ps 116, Jn 20:24-29
Do not be unbelieving, but believing! Jn 20.27
Thomas went from disbelief to joy of faith in the risen and living Jesus, when he places his hands in the wounds of Jesus, by fixing his eyes on the signs of his passion. We too can receive this gift ever contemplating the suffering that Jesus endured for us.
4/7 Thurs XIII T.O. [I]
(Mf: St. Elizabeth of Portugal, † 1336)
22.1 to 19 January, Ps 114, Mt 9,1-8
You have obeyed my voice, Gen. 22:18
Abraham obeyed the Lord even when asked to sacrifice his only son: that he was blessed by God for us, too, the loving obedience to God will always be a source of blessing.
5/7 Fri XIII T.O. [I]
(Mf: S. Antonio Maria Zaccaria, priest., † 1539)
January 23,1-4.19; 24,1-8.10.62-67; Ps 105;
9.9 to 13 m
Jesus said: "Follow me" Mt 9.9
In today's Gospel Jesus says in Matthew: "Follow me." "And he arose and followed him." Immediately after Jesus sat at the table in his house.
Here's what it's telling us the evangelist Matthew, following Jesus is to feed and quench the men of his presence: he is the bread from heaven for the life of the world.
6/7 Sat XIII T.O. [I]
(Mf: St. Maria Goretti, Verg. And mart., † 1902)
January 27,1-5.15-29; Ps 134, Mt 9.14 to 17
New wine in new wineskins Mt 9.17
Who received the grace of believing in Jesus is living a new life in loving obedience to him, is free from many human rules and always receptive hearing of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus, you are my life!
7/7 Sun XIV T.O. Year C [II]
Is 66.10 to 14; Ps 65; Gal 6.14 to 18;
Luke 10,1-12.17-20
Your names are written in Heaven Luke 10.20
Many people suffer from crises of identity and belonging. We Christians want to boast of belonging to God, to be in the hands of the one from which no one can snatch us, because the strongest of all. Our names are written in heaven, we are in his heart. Important is to obey Jesus and boast only of this, not so much to succeed in other things, the work of our hands. He will do of us his tools of his life.
8/7 Mon XIV T.O. [II]
January from 28.10 to 22; Ps 90, Mt 9.18 to 26
He took her hand and she arose, and 9.25 Mt
Seeing so many people around us spiritually dead, we are invited, by the mercy of God, to grow in faith in the life-giving power of Jesus through him all things were made and nothing exists without him. We learn to worship and glory of him as a source of life. With a prayer full of faith and love for these people present, because he takes her hand and give also to them his life.
9/7 MAR XIV T.O. [II]
(Mf: Saints Augustine Zhao Rong and c., Chinese martyrs, † 1648-1930; Just Dioc. TN: m: St. Pauline Visintainer, Verg., † 1942)
January from 32.23 to 33; Ps 16, Mt 9.32 to 38
The crowds were tired and exhausted 9.36 Mt
A monk, completed his humble service and hard, he threw himself in his cell, exhausted, at the feet of Jesus ... I often put my head between the knees of Jesus, fears, temptations, weariness, pain at his serene, silent and loving presence calm down.
Thank you, Jesus, you're still with us!
10/7 Wed XIV T.O. [II]
January from 41.55 to 57; 42,5-7.17-24; Ps 32;
Mt from 10.1 to 7
Proclaim that the kingdom of God is near 10.7 Mt
It is a command of Jesus to his disciples, therefore, is directed to every Christian. Living with love and respect for every person, announcing that the Kingdom of God is present. God is love, and his kingdom is realized by both large and small gestures of love!
11/7 Thurs S. BENEDICT, († 547), patron of Europe [P]
Pr from 2.1 to 9; Ps 33, Mt 19.27-29
He will inherit eternal life Mt 19.29
Thank you, Jesus! When, with your help, we leave everything to follow you, we receive much more: you give us your divine life, peace and true freedom, ability to love. S. Benedict is a shining example followed you faithfully and you did it become a true master of life and holy.
12/7 Fri XIV T.O. [II]
(Just Dioc. TN: m: Ss Ermagora Vesc. Diac and Fortunato., Martyrs)
January 46,1-7.28-30; Ps 36, Mt 10.16-23
It’s the Spirit of your Father speaking through you Mt 10.20
When we try to love Jesus with all your heart and with all our strength, we also encounter some form of persecution. Jesus invites us today to not worry about how to defend ourselves, because it is the Holy Spirit to guide us what to say or do. Thank you, Jesus, your example and light and strength of your Holy Spirit!
13/7 Sat XIV T.O. [II]
(Mf: S. Henry, † 1024)
49.29 to 33 January, from 50.15 to 26, Ps 104, Mt 10.24-33
Do not be afraid of them Mt 10.26
We suffer from various fears and worries about losing or ruining our lives. Clutching to Jesus, to have him as a frequent reference point of the heart and mind, we can see how the memory of his presence frees us from fear, or helps us to endure for his sake, obtaining great fruit.
14/7 Sun XV T.O. Year C [III]
Dt 30.10 to 14; Ps 18; Col 1:15-20, Lk 10:25-37
Do this and you will live Lk 10.28
Putting the first and most important commandment, "Thou shalt love the Lord your God with all your heart ..." is, says Jesus, the path to safer and more abundant life: "You will live." Those who have experience it not only confirm the truth in there, but they can exclaim: "I received much more than what I expected!"
15/7 Mon XV T.O. [III]
(M: St. Bonaventure, Vesc. And dr., † 1274)
Ex 1,8-14.22; Ps 123, Mt 10.34 to 11.1
He who receives you, receives me, Mt 10.40
The disciple, simply receiving Jesus, brings life and blessing in the world. Whoever receives and enjoys the disciple of the Lord's blessing extends and strengthens the peace in his environment, because to love the disciple is to make a concrete and living love for the Master. With your love I want your loving disciples and thus being in communion with you, Jesus!
16/7 MAR XV T.O. [III]
(Mf: BV Mary of Mount Carmel)
Eg from 2.1 to 15; Ps 68, Mt 11.20-24
And she had compassion Ex 2.6
The daughter of Pharaoh saw Moses, small and alone, abandoned, crying in the basket among the reeds, and had compassion. We put small and poor in the eyes of the Father, who sees us, because nothing escapes his gaze. He has compassion on his poor children and provides them with much love.
17/7 Wed XV T.O. [III]
Ex 3,1-6.9-12; Ps 102, Mt 11.25-27
Revealed them to little Matthew 11.25
The humble, who recognizes themselves in need of him, God reveals his love and his thoughts of love, like a father to his children. Thank you, Jesus you are the first of these little ones! Help us to be ourselves.
18/7 Thurs XV T.O. [III]
Eg 3.13 to 20; Ps 104, Mt 11:28-30
You will find rest for your souls Mt 11.29
Dear brothers, we repeat today, these words of Jesus: "Learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart and you will find rest for your souls." Who knows that Jesus, in His mercy, does give us a new heart, recreated from him, filled with the feelings of humility and meekness!
19/7 Fri XV T.O. [III]
Eg 11.10 to 12.14; Ps 115, Mt from 12.1 to 8
There is one greater than the temple 12.6 Mt
Jesus teaches us that, over and above any rule or law in the life of the Church and society, he is there, in relationship with him is born and grows in us the love, as the most important law, the foundation of every rule. Thank you, Jesus, in you we find light, peace and true freedom for our lives!
20/7 Sat XV T.O. [III]
(Mf: St. Apollinaris, Vesc. And mart., II sec.)
Eg from 12.37 to 42; Ps 135, Mt 12.14-21
In his name the nations will hope Mt 12.21
Jesus, I have great joy when I see that your love and your salvation is for everyone, for all people, for people who still do not know and for those that do not count in the eyes of men ... We, your church, we want say to every man: Jesus loves you! Live with joy!
21/7 Sun XVI T.O. Year C [IV]
18.1 to 10 January; Ps 14; Col 1.24 to 28; Lk 10,38-42
Of one thing we need Lk 10.42
What Jesus is telling Martha, he says also to me. All the things, that I think are important and necessary, are less important and less need of his love, the same love that he has for me and one with which I can correspond. I respond to his love listening to his Word and then living it!
22/7 Mon S. Mary Magdalene (m) [P]
3.1 to 4 ct opp. 2 Cor 5.14 to 17, Ps 62, Jn 20,1-2.11-18
The love of Christ urges us 2Cor 5.14
This word shown in your day, S. Mary Magdalene, makes us think about your experience with the risen Jesus. That morning you were looking for him: you thought him dead, even stolen ...: in need of you, of your tears, and your ointments. Instead, he was there, standing, and called you by name. He is up for every initiative: with his love he makes you her, he gives life and joy to you and a mission in his kingdom!
23/7 MAR S. BRIDGET, († 1373) religious, patron of Europe [P]
Gal 2.19 to 20; Ps 33, Jn 15:1-8
Without me, you can do nothing Jn 15.5
Man is free and can do many things, but what edifies and gives peace to his heart and to those who come to is the grace that only receives the Lord Jesus, for this I seek above all to be united with him.
Thank you, Jesus, you're there!
S. Bridget, whom you loved so much suffering Jesus, intercede for the nations of Europe!
24/7 Wed XVI T.O. [IV]
(Mf: St. Charbel Makhlouf, sac., † 1898)
Ex 16,1-5.9-15; Ps 77, Mt from 13.1 to 9
He who has ears, let him hear 13.9 Mt
The profound listening to the word of Jesus is a gift offered to the poor: it can be donated when he has primacy of our hearts! This, in fact, is a sign that we love him and allows him to manifest himself to us by making us like him.
St. Charbel, Hermit of Lebanon, is an example of humility in his heart because Jesus reigned in his heart!
25/7 Thurs S. JAMES, Ap. [P]
2 Cor 4.7 to 15, Ps 125, Mt 20.20-28
Among you it will not be like that 20.26 Mt
The mother of the apostles James and John approaches, with them, to Jesus, asking him to let them sit at his right and his left in his kingdom. All those, however, who come to Jesus and listen to him, like the two disciples are transformed and healed by the tendency to excel. Receive light and truth by Jesus; pass from the research of their own greatness in the service of the true good of man: give him life that God lives forever.
26/7 Fri XVI T.O. [IV]
(M: Saints Joachim and Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Eg from 20.1 to 17, Ps 18, Mt 13.18-23
I am the Lord thy God Exodus 20.2
That God who, ever since Abraham, began to be known, it is manifested in its fullness in Jesus: he is a God who loves like a father, is the one who gave us life and takes care of us, leading us on the way which leads to full joy. I am pleased with you, Jesus, light of truth! And today, in your grandparents, saints Joachim and Anna, I say thanks to all of pious, faithful, holy Israel, which gave you to us!
27/7 Sat XVI T.O. [IV]
Ex 24:3-8, Ps 49, Mt 13,24-30
The wheat into my barn Mt 13.30
That corn was grown with difficulty, between the weeds; it had known the Lord's hand, which kept it in tenderness. Now the angels are placing it carefully in the "breadbasket" of his Lord, the feast of communion, peace and joy without end!
28/7 Sun seventeenth T.O. Year C [I]
January from 18.20 to 32; Ps 137; With 2.12 to 14;
Lk 11:1-13
To him who knocks it will be open Lk 11.10
With what joy, Jesus proclaimed, and now even proclaims that God is Dad. Dad knows our frail, who wants to assist us in our needs! He tells us something very important about the prayer: what the Father mostly cares is the Holy Spirit and who receives it, brings in the heart the eternal life.
29/7 Mon S. Marta (m) [P]
1 Jn 4.7-16, Ps 33, Jn 11.19-27 opp. Lk 10,38-42
A woman named Martha welcomed him Lk 10.38
What a joy it was for you, S. Martha welcoming Jesus! It is the same joy that he gives each of us, when we receive him in S.Eucaristia, or when we welcome with active love for his word.
Jesus, you are always the preferred host of my heart!
30/7 MAR seventeenth T.O. [I]
(Mf: S. Pietro Crisologo, Vesc. And dr., † 450)
Eg from 33.7 to 11; 34,5-9.28; Ps 102, Mt 13.36-43
The Lord is full of love and fidelity Ex 34.6
God appears to Moses before giving him the Ten Commandments to all people. Jesus, then, will reveal that God is father, is love. This knowledge leads us to trust him, obey him willingly and thank him heartily.
31/7 Wed seventeenth T.O. [I]
(M: St. Ignatius of Loyola, priest., † 1556)
Eg from 34.29 to 35; Ps 98, Mt 13.44-46
Sells all he has and buys that field Mt 13.44
The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field: a man finds him ... and then, full of joy, sells everything he owns and buys that field. When God makes himself known, reveals himself to someone in his beauty, led him to desire, to want to be possessed with all heart. We pray earnestly and vehemently,
in his mercy so he may do today this great gift to someone
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
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