CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 10/2013 10 October 2013
YEAR 2013 C
1/10 ° XXVI MAR T.O. [II]
(M: St. Teresa of Jesus B., Verg. And dr., † 1897)
Zac from 8.20 to 23, Ps 86, Lk 9.51 to 56
He turned and rebuked them, Luke 9.55
Jesus cannot accept that his disciples foresee the punishment for those who do not welcome him. For them we must pray and offer his life, as he offered himself for the sinners. That's why he rebuked them, they have forgotten they were too far from God and deserving of punishment. Being merciful, however, binds us to the Father!
2/10 MAR Holy Guardian Angels (m) [P]
Eg from 23.20 to 23; Ps 90, Mt 18,1-5.10
Who will accept only one child in my name welcomes me 18.5 Mt
For the feast of our holy guardian angels, the liturgy offers us these words of Jesus he says that the angels of the little stand before the face of God, so nothing of our love or our contempt for them goes unnoticed. Every attention to children is seen by Jesus as attention to himself!
3/10 Thurs XXVI ° T.O. [II]
It 8,1-4.5-6.7-12; Ps 18, Lk 10,1-12
The joy of the Lord is our strength I 8.10
Nehemiah invites all people to rejoice because the day that you hear the Word of God, God is pleased and glad. Joy of God is our obedience to him, our willingness to do his will. And when God is pleased, we are brave, because we can count on him!
4/10 Fri S. FRANCIS of ASSISI, († 1226), patron of Italy [P]
Gal 6.14 to 18, Ps 15, Mt 11,25-30
Come to me, I will give you rest Matthew 11.28
Lord Jesus, come and stay with you. Today we are accompanied by the saint of Assisi, Francis. He was young carefree, disappointed and sick, he experienced that you are the source of life. He then used to bring many others to meet you. I'm coming to listen, to fill myself with the beauty of your face and stand on your promises.
5/10 ° Sat XXVI T.O. [II]
Bar 4,5-12.27-29; Psalm 68 and Luke 10.17-24
Everything was given to me by my Father Luke 10.22
Every parent is confident that the son who obeys, who listens, observes that the teachings that are given. So the Father is confident of his Son, Jesus. He entrusts all to him, He entrust him everybody, because Jesus loves as only he loves, and does nothing beyond love.
6/10 ° Sun XXVII T.O. Year C [III]
Ab 1.2 to 3, 2.2 to 4; Ps 94, 2 Tim 1,6-8.13-14, Luke 17.5-10
You also say: "We are useless servants" Luke 17.10
To say that one must be very humble, not only disinterested. I serve God because I want to be rewarded by him, but because my joy is to serve the Father, my Father. If his love is spread, and if I can be the instrument, this is really living, this is my greatest joy, because I pressed the beautiful and good will of God.
7/10 Mon XXVII ° T.O. [III]
(M: B. V. Maria del Rosario)
Thurs 1.1 - 2,1.11; sal: Thu 2,3-5.8; Lk 10:25-37 (or Acts 1:12-14; Cant. Luke 1:46-55, Luke 1,26-38)
Do this and you will live Lk 10.28
It is the introduction to the parable of the Good Samaritan. God love with all His heart and love your neighbour unconditionally. "'Do this and you will live”. To the ones who is unhappy, who is always sad, who is ill with boredom and those who complain about everything, nothing is to be said, indeed, nothing must to be said. Throw yourself in love, and life will be appreciated.
8/10 MAR XXVII ° T.O. [III]
Thurs 3:1-10; Ps 129, Lk 10,38-42
Sitting at the feet of the Lord, she heard his word Lk 10.39
Telling the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus urges us to love dedicating their time, effort, money, energy. Soon after, however, let us see that true love, what pleases God and is useful for men, it is independent from listening to his Word. Want to really love? Listen to Jesus; take the time to store his thoughts, and loving what you do not become pretentious and egotistical.
9/10 ° Wed XXVII T.O. [III]
(Mf: Sts Dionysius, Vesc., And Companions, martyrs, † sec. III, St. John Leonardi, priest., † 1609)
Thurs 4.1 to 11, Ps 85, Lk 11.1 to 4
You are a merciful God and of great love Thurs 4.2
Jonah realizes to have thoughts other than the one of God of the Word which he announced to a pagan people addicted to vices. He would have liked to see the punishment of the people, and instead realizes that God accepts the repentance and benefits of exercising mercy. God always surprises us: we just have to learn from him and not thinking of teaching him something. We will never be able to teach Him the love!
10/10 ° Thurs XXVII T.O. [III]
3.13 to 20 ml, Sal 1, Luke 11.5-13
Seek and you will find Luke 11.9
Are you, Jesus, who invites us not to despair in our necessities, but to continue to ask with perseverance and to turn with confidence to the Father. Before listening to our requests, the Father is waiting to see if we ourselves consider them important: in this case he does not become discouraged if we are not immediately fulfilled. In any case, as long as we are turned to Him, we become humble, generous, patient and full of the Holy Spirit!
11/10 ° Fri XXVII T.O. [III]
1.13 to 15 gl; 2:1-2; Ps 9, Luke 11.15-26
It has come the kingdom of God Luke 11.20
Jesus speaks to those who, although do not want to receive him as Messiah, they accuse him of working miracles through the power of Satan. He shows that this statement is an impossible contradiction. His gestures of love for men are a sign of the presence among them of the Father, the sign of the beginning of the reign, and then the arrival of the King sent by God!
12/10 ° Sat XXVII T.O. [III]
4.12 to 21 gl; Ps 96, Lk 11:27-28
You know that I am the Lord your God Joel 4.17
O God, our Father, I know you are my God! I know that nobody has a wisest word of your nor a greater love. I trust in you, believe in you, I welcome your words and your commands, for You are the Lord. Tell me more, I'll listen! I will listen to Jesus, the Word of your love.
13/10 ° Sun XXVIII T.O. Year C [IV]
2Kings 5.14 to 17, Ps 97, 2 Tim 2.8 to 13; Lk 17:11-19
They worshiped Jesus Lk 17.16
It is the leper who, along with nine others, we have seen healed. He returned to Jesus to thank him. Acknowledges that he was loved, recognizes that Jesus has done for him a divine act, because only God can make life a dead man - in fact, leprosy was considered a death, - acknowledges that he owes everything to him. The thanks should always be in my mouth and a constant attitude of adoration, because I owe it all to Jesus.
14/10 ° Mon XXVIII T.O. [IV]
(Mf: St. Callistus I, pope and mart., † 222)
Rom 1.1 to 7; Ps 97, Lk 11.29 to 32
Grace to you and peace from God our Father Rom 1.7
So St. Paul greets the Christians of Rome, starting to write them a long letter. With these few words he sums up all the good wishes for them. Grace is communion with God, enjoying his love and his kindness, peace is the part of his property, to share his ability to love all people, young and old, friends and enemies. That I want for you, and I thank you too if you ask me!
15/10 MAR XXVIII ° T.O. [IV]
(M: St. Teresa of Avila, Vesc. And dr., † 1582)
Rm 1.16 to 25, Ps 18, Lk 11.37 to 41
For you all I will be pure Lk 11.41
"Give alms of what's in it and for you everything will be clean." With these words Jesus ends the debate on ritual purity. Everything is purified by love, because love comes from God and comes to him. Everything is done for free love and for love of God purifies us from evil, brings us closer to the Father and makes us welcome him!
16/10 ° Wed XXVIII T.O. [IV]
(Mf: St. Hedwig, relig., † 1243, S. Margherita M Alacoque, Verg., † 1690)
Rom 2.1 to 11; Ps 61, Lk 11.42 to 46
God does not make preferences among persons Rm 2.11
St. Paul wants to convince us not to judge anyone. Every man belongs to God and he alone has the duty and ability to judge properly, making the trial a true act of love. And God is no different when you think of the Jews and of the pagans. Nobody is able to buy gifts or other forms of pressure. I must live to be his always liked, especially with mercy.
17/10 Thurs XXVIII ° T.O. [IV]
(M: St. Ignatius of Antioch, Vesc. And mart., † 115 approx)
Rm 3.21 to 30; Ps 129, Lk 11.47 to 54
The man is justified by faith Rom 3.28
This statement is very important and it is important to understand it. St. Paul wants to say, especially to the Jews, that they are pleasing to God, not for the fact that they fast twice a week or so because we are circumcised or observe the ritual cleansings. God does not despise these acts, but appreciates those who believe in him, and whoever welcomes the one He sent, Jesus Christ. If who accepts Jesus is a pagan, God justifies that by considering him a true believer.
18/10 Fri S. Luke, Ev. [P]
2 Tim 4.10-17, Ps 144, Lk 10.1 to 9
Go, behold, I send you as lambs among wolves Luke 10.3
Every morning one of my brothers addresses to us these words. During the day we will be careful to live meekness and humility of Jesus, his patience and his faithfulness to the Father, no matter who we meet. Even with those who use violent tones or biting responses, we will be assured that we proclaim the goodness of God!
19/10 ° Sat XXVIII T.O. [IV]
(Mf: Saints John of Brebeuf, Isaac Jogues, priests, and Companion Martyrs sec. XVII, St. Paul of the Cross, priest., † 1775)
Rm 4,13.16-18; Ps 104, Lk 12.8 to 12
The Holy Spirit will teach you what you should say Lk 12.12
How many times we must prepare for difficult situations, to meet people who may have great influence on our lives! We worry, we let us panic, we prepare the words ... Jesus offers another solution: to trust the Holy Spirit! He is able to suggest the best words at the right time. I trust the Holy Spirit!
20/10 ° Sun XXIX T.O. Year C [I]
Eg from 17.8 to 13; Ps 120; 2 Tim 3.14 to 4.2; Lk 18,1-8
He told a parable about the need to always pray Luke 18.1
We often think that we pray enough. But Jesus says that we should pray always. It is necessary and useful for us to be always in the heart of the Father, under the influence of his love, animated by his Holy Spirit. You must receive life from God, and therefore must always be united with him!
21/10 ° Mon XXIX T.O. [I]
Rm 4.20 to 25; Psalm: Luke 1.69-75, Luke 12.13-21
Stay away from all covetousness Lk 12.15
We have many desires in my heart. These desires, if addressed to the things that pass, can arouse in us envy, greed for money or simply meet some of our passions. They are the evil desires, so powerful as to make us make choices without thinking clearly. They make us forget that our life is short, and above all prevent us from leaving it in God's hands!
22/10 MAR XXIX ° T.O. [I]
Rm 5,12.15.17-19.20-21; Ps 39, Lk 12.35 to 38
All have sinned Rom 5.12
We are all sinners; we are all far from being able to love as our heavenly Father. We're on the road started by Adam, the one way that brings away from God. To return to enjoy the warmth of the house of the Father and to share his love we need to Jesus. He, by drawing us to Him on the cross, He gives us back to the Father!
23/10 ° Wed XXIX T.O. [I]
(Mf: St. John of Capistrano, priest., † 1456)
Rm 6.12 to 18; Ps 123, Lk 12.39 to 48
To whom was entrusted with much, much more will be required Lk 12.48
Peter wanted to know if the teacher was talking to him too. Jesus makes it clear that his words apply to everyone. Indeed, just Peter and other disciples, which was revealed the mystery of the kingdom of heaven, have great responsibility. We pray today for those who have important roles in the Church and in society.
24/10 ° Thurs XXIX T.O. [I]
(Mf: St. Anthony Mary Claret, Vesc., † 1870)
Rm 6.19 to 23; Sal 1, Luke 12.49-53
Yield your members servants to righteousness for sanctification Rm 6.19
Our whole body must participate to make the will of God, to be instruments of his love. Each of our faculty will be at the service of God; all our actions to the glory of Jesus, our every move will show the grace of the Holy Spirit! We venerate the body of the saints precisely because it served to prove to God and to love us!
25/10 ° Fri XXIX T.O. [I]
Rm 7.18 to 25, Psalm 118, Luke 12.54-59
When I want to do right, evil lies close at Rm 7.21
St. Paul has noticed how the man is weak and fragile. We grow beautiful intentions of holiness, but we are not able to persevere. There are many temptations that distract us from our holy desires. We really need to pray, and pray without getting tired!
26/10 ° Sat XXIX T.O. [I]
Rom 8.1 to 11; Ps 23, Lk 13.1 to 9
Unless you repent you will perish in the same way Luke 13.5
The death of those who do not accept Jesus is a disgrace, just like the violent deaths of those killed or those who remain buried under the rubble. Convert! We entrust your life to God, obey him, and let his love for all that we ask. Then our death will become the embrace of the Father.
27/10 ° Sun XXX T.O. Year C [II]
Sir 35,12-14.16-18 (15-17.20-22);
Ps 33, 2 Tim 4,6-8.16-18; Luke 18:9-14
O God, have mercy on me a sinner Lk 18.13
Have mercy on me. I am miserable and poor, I am unable to love you as you deserve, and to love your children as you teach us. Have mercy upon me: give me your forgiveness and above all, increase in me the ability to love you and to love the others.
28/10 Mon Sts Simon and Jude, App [P]
Eph 2.19 to 22, Ps 18, Lk 6.12 to 19
He spent all night praying to God Luke 6.12
Jesus prays at night. How is Jesus' prayer? The evangelist does not tell us. We must ask the Lord himself. And he lets us find out from the Psalms, which were part of his prayer, and then give the answer to the disciples when ask about it. Jesus' first offering to the Father: "Behold, I come, O God, to do your will!"
29/10 MAR XXX ° T.O. [II]
Rm 8.18 to 25, Ps 125, Lk 13.18 to 21
If we hope for what we do not see, with perseverance we wait for it Rm 8.25
We await the fulfilment of the promises of God. To us, that follow Jesus, he has promised salvation and eternal life. We continue to wait. Certainly, God wants to speak. Even if now we have yet to suffer and tribulations, that we go through continuously, we are confident that the moment of our prize will come!
30/10 ° Wed XXX T.O. [II]
Rm 8.26 to 30, Ps 12, Lk 13.22 to 30
We do not know how to pray so convenient Rm 8.26
St. Paul is speaking of the mystery of the redemption of our body and the gift of being adopted children of God. He himself does not know how to express the Father's desire to participate to this grace. He knows, however, that the Holy Spirit in us is already presenting it to him, although we cannot find the right words.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, pray in me than independently from my will.
31/10 ° Thurs XXX T.O. [II]
Rm 8.31 to 39; Ps 108, Lk 13.31 to 35
The time will come when you will say: "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord" Luke 13.35
Jesus is weeping over Jerusalem, because, due to the leaders, the plan of the Father to convey his love to his people is frustrated. The Father had sent the prophets and at last his Son, who also is going to be rejected and killed by the leaders themselves. Jesus, however, also knows that also they can only with Him enjoy the peace of heart, the one peace that only He, the true King of Israel, can give. Then they too will join those cheering: "Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord"!
In primo piano
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