CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
Calender 09/2013 09 September 2013
YEAR 2013 C
1/9 Sun XXII T.O. Year C [II]
Sir 3, 17-20.28-29 (19-21.30-31);
Psalm 67, Hebrews 12,18-19.22-24 and Luke 14,1.7-14
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted Lk 14.11
He who humbles and he exalts, here is the Lord! Even humbling the Lord loves us: corrects us, in fact, reminds us of the truth that he is God and we are his creatures: he alone is good, we receive everything from him! If we live in this truth, if we live humbly, enjoy wellness, peace, joy! Who makes us "great" is the Lord!
2/9 Mon XXII T.O. [II]
1Th 4.13 to 18; Ps 95, Lk 4:16-30
Jesus came to Nazareth, where he grew Luke 4.16
Jesus brings to his countrymen the witness of the lived Word of God, and this provides him with hostility: in their hearts, though amazed at the words, lacked humility. Who is not humble does not recognize the signs of God's presence.
3/9 MAR XXII T.O. [II]
(M: St. Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor., † 604)
1Th 5,1-6.9-11; Ps 26, Lk 4.31 to 37
You, brothers, are not in darkness 1Th 5.4
And for this, says the Apostle to the Christians, do not fear the coming of the Lord's Day. Even today, in the face of clear signs that this world is destined to pass, the Christian feels important only one thing: making more and more solid unity with Jesus who, through obedience to His word abides in him, has the light of life.
4/9 Wed XXII T.O. [II]
With 1.1 to 8; Ps 51, Lk 4.38 to 44
Crowds sought him, he was joined by Luke 4.42
Jesus, I try all those who suffer, those who feel that life escapes, and those who realize that they can not hope for anything from men. They seek you because they know that you can fill every gap in their affection, intelligence and peace. I've found you, Jesus, because that will give me your friendship always!
5/9 Thurs XXII T.O. [II]
With 1.9 to 14; Ps 97; Luke 5:1-11
At your word I will let down the nets Lk 5.5
As for you, Jesus, tell me, even through those who represent you, I want to live with faith, I know that I will not be disappointed and you'll experience the wonders of your love.
6/9 Fri XXII T.O. [II]
Col 1:15-20, Ps 99, Lk 5.33 to 39
Jesus is the image of the invisible God Colossians 1:15
That expression of Saint Paul is very rich. Jesus lets us see the face of God. He himself is its reflection, the mirror, or more: he himself is God and enables us to meet and enjoy all the love of the Father. He himself had told his disciples: "Whoever sees me sees the Father"!
Jesus, I fix my eyes on your face and I find myself changed.
7/9 Sat XXII T.O. [II]
With 1.21 to 23, Ps 53, Lk 6.1 to 5
Why do you do on the sabbath day that which is not lawful? Lk 6.2
The question is asked by the Pharisees to the disciples of Jesus, hungry, rubbed their ears of corn to eat the beans. Jesus replied that, before the law of the Sabbath to be observed, there is love due to each person. The law of the Sabbath, in fact, is nothing more than attention to man's need to rest and get back again and again in the hands of God who wants his own good.
8/9 Sun XXIII T.O. Year C [III]
Sap from 9.13 to 18; Ps 89;
9-10.12-17 Fm, Luke 14.25-33
Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me, can not be my disciple Luke 14.27
I saw many people living very uncomfortable, because they did not accept their situation, always complaining. We learn from Jesus to accept ourselves and others, and bring up our cross. We'll see how he brightens our days filling our lives with his peace.
9/9 Mon XXIII T.O. [III]
(Mf: St. Peter Claver, priest., † 1654)
With 1.24 to 2.3, Ps 61, Lk 6.6 to 11
They watched to see whether he would heal on the Sabbath Lk 6.7
Jesus, you live a new holy life; thou art the Father of Mercy! Those who still live in selfishness or the spirit of domination, not accept you know, seeing that you attract to you with all your love and tearing men to those who dominate them, try to eliminate you. But you continue your obedience to the Father without fear.
With 2.6 to 15; Ps 144, Lk 6.12 to 19
Jesus went up the mountain to pray Luke 6.12
Jesus went up the mountain to pray, was to choose the twelve apostles, so he needed to light by the Father.
Being with God in prayer, we learn to surrender to him that everything can and direct the whole world. Still, remaining in the hands of him who loves us - even this is prayer! - We arrive in the evening still full of energy, helping the brothers with the wisdom that comes from the Father.
11/9 Wed XXIII T.O. [III]
With 3.1 to 11; Ps 144, Lk 6.20 to 26
Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God Luke 6.20
Those who humbly recognizes his own limitations and feels in need of aid of the brethren, receive peace of mind. He has the joy of experiencing the love of Jesus and the heavenly Father. We could say that he is enjoying a little paradise!
12/9 Thurs XXIII T.O. [III]
(Mf: Name of Mary)
With 3.12 to 17, Ps 150, Lk 6.27 to 38
Put on love Col 3.14
Charity is love that is in the heart of God for all men: the love of father and mother.
O Holy Spirit, help us to express in our lives that love to every person and every situation!
13/9 Fri XXIII T.O. [III]
(M: St John Chrysostom, Vesc. And dr., † 407)
1 Tim 1,1-2.12-14; Ps 15, Lk 6.39 to 42
Can a blind person guide another blind person? Luke 6.39
Jesus, enlighten my eyes and burns my heart, because they can see how you see and love as you love! Will I be able to comfort and give real help to our brothers, without judging them? Thank you, Lord Jesus!
21.4 to 9 nm opp. Phil 2:6-11, Ps 77, Jn 3.13 to 17
Whoever believes in him should not perish Jn 3.16
Good Father, you gave us your son Jesus to save us and he did not refuse the cross. Help us to welcome him with love and living faith! Our lives will be joy for you and give you glory, and will be useful to all.
15/9 Sun XXIVème T.O. Year C [IV]
Ex 32,7-11.13-14; Ps 50, 1 Tim 1.12 to 17, Luke 15.1-32
Father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee, I am no longer worthy to be called your son Luke 15.18-19
These words express the conversion of heart and humility of a wayward son and bring joy to his father for his return. In fact, Jesus says: "There is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents".
Thank you, Jesus, for giving me the grace to repent!
16/9 Mon XXIVème T.O. [IV]
(M: Holy Martyrs Cornelius, Pope † 253 and Cyprian, Vesc., † 258)
1 Tim 2.1 to 8; Ps 27, Lk 7.1 to 10
Not even in Israel have I found such faith Lk 7.9
Jesus is pleased with the strong faith found in a pagan centurion and tells the crowd that follows him.
Jesus, I want to confide fully in you in every situation!
17/9 MAR XXIVème T.O. [IV]
(Mf: St. Robert Bellarmine, Vesc. And dr., † 1621)
1 Tim 3:1-13; Ps 100, Lk 7.11 to 17
Do not cry Lk 7.13
In these words Jesus embodies all the compassion of his heart to a widow who bore his only son to the grave. Thank you, Jesus, you look with love and have compassion for our suffering! Your Word comforts us and gives us life.
18/9 Wed XXIVème T.O. [IV]
1 Tim 3.14-16, Ps 110, Lk 7.31 to 35
To whom can I compare the people of this generation? Luke 7.31
Jesus can not be happy with those whose hearts are hard and can not recognize his love and the one of his disciples.
Help me, Holy Spirit, to see signs of God's love and to give him thanks!
19/9 Thurs XXIVème T.O. [IV]
(Mf: S. Gennaro, Vesc. And mart., † sec. IV)
1 Tim 4.12-16, Ps 110, Lk 7:36-50
Take heed to yourself 1 Tim 4.16
S. Paul, who reflects the life of Jesus, directs to me and to you, today, these healthy words.
I wish to be vigilant to do the will of Jesus and live in his love, his peace and his joy.
20/9 Fri XXIVème T.O. [IV]
(M: St Andrew Kim, priest. And Co., martyrs, † 1839-1866; Just Dioc. TN: mf: B. Adelpreto, Vesc., † 1172))
1 Tim 6.2 to 12; Ps 48, Lk 8:1-3
Fight the good, fight of faith, 1 Tim 6.12
Faith assures us that we have a Father who loves us and we want to love like him. The "good fight", which originates from this faith, is the daily commitment, sustained by the grace of the Lord, to overcome selfishness, pride, distrust which never stops peeping in our hearts. If we are not ready to intervene, these passions sow in us and around us, chaos and discord, grief and disease. Clutching to you, Jesus, we will win: we get the love and peace of your kingdom.
21/9 Sat S. Matthew, Ap. and Ev. [P]
Eph 4,1-7.11-13; Ps 18, Mt from 9.9 to 13
I desire mercy and not sacrifice Mt 9.13
Jesus welcomes sinners and eats with them: for this is criticized by those who are proud of their religious zeal. He points out that the true zeal is manifested in mercy toward those who are far from God in order to bring them back to him.
S. Matthew, you have received mercy, pray for us!
22/9 Sun XXV ° T.O. Year C [I]
8.4 to 7 am; Ps 112; 1 Tim 2.1 to 8, Luke 16.1-13
No servant can serve two masters Lk 16.13
We Christians have to deal with the "master" who has so much power in this world: money. With the help of the Holy Spirit we seek that this "prince" is at the service of the Father, who is love: yes, the riches are destined to love! Holy Spirit, guide us! He put with joy that we know in the hands of the Father of our assets, because they are the source of life for our brothers!
23/9 Mon XXV ° T.O. [I]
(M: St. Pio of Pietrelcina, religious, † 1968)
Esd 1.1 to 6, Ps 125, Lk 8.16 to 18
Be careful therefore on how you hear Luke 8.18
Thank you, Jesus, for your example! You have always heard the words of the Father with love, to live them.
I want to be obedient to your word to let them shine in everyday life!
24/9 MAR XXV ° T.O. [I]
Esd 6,7-8.12.14-20; Ps 121, Lk 8.19 to 21
Your mother and Your brothers are standing outside, desiring to see Luke 8.20
There is a selfish way of wanting Jesus and a way of expressing instead the love for him. When we go to Jesus to listen to him and live his word, he feels loved and he welcomes us with joy. We will make sure that Jesus did not try to get something from him, but to give him our lives.
25/9 Wed XXV ° T.O. [I]
Esd 9.5 to 9; Psalm: Tb from 13.2 to 5; Luke 9:1-6
Take nothing for the journey Luke 9.3
Who is sent on a mission from Jesus, he is urged to attend only to follow his instructions and to trust the Father in everything. It will experience the beauty and efficiency of the providence and will bring forth good fruit. Thank you, Jesus, of your guidance!
26/9 Thurs XXV ° T.O. [I]
(Mf: Saints Cosmas and Damian, martyrs, sec. IV)
Ag 1.1 to 8; Ps 149, Lk 9.7 to 9
Reflect well on your behaviour! Ag 1.5
These words are an invitation to see if our actions are according the will of God or not. From the fruits that are born in us we will acknowledge it. Peace, joy, love, loyalty, patience, self control ... are the fruits of the Holy Spirit!
27/9 Fri XXV ° T.O. [I]
(M: St. Vincent de 'Paul, sac., † 1660)
Ag 1.15 to 2.9, Ps 42, Lk 9.18 to 22
The crowds, who do they say that I am? Luke 9.18
Jesus, thank you for the special care that your disciples, to train them as your employees, this occurs if they are attentive to people they encounter and the voice of the Holy Spirit.
28/9 Sat XXV ° T.O. [I]
(Mf: St. Wenceslas, Tue., † 935; Blessed Lorenzo Ruiz and Companions, martyrs, 1633-1637 †)
Zech 2,5-9.14-15; Psalm: Jer 31,10-12.13, Lk 9.43 to 45
Everyone was amazed at all the things he did Luke 9.43
Jesus, you've done everything with kindness, love all your work was, you were noted, but also despised by the great fact that you have to suffer because of their envy and hardness of heart.
You are my Lord and Master!
29/9 ° Sun XXVI T.O. Year C [II]
Am 6,1.4-7; Ps 145; 1 Tim 6.11 to 16;
Lk 16:19-31
Abraham replied: "They have Moses and the prophets: let them hear them." Lk 16.29
Jesus puts on the lips of Abraham this sentence: from it we understand what importance he attaches to the Sacred Scripture, in comparison miracles, apparitions and visions are a small thing. The Word, however, which is given to us today by the Church, has power, if accepted and lived, to get us even now in eternal life, that life of love and fulfillment that is the very life of God.
30/9 Mon XXVI ° T.O. [II]
(M: St. Jerome, priest. And dr., † 420)
8.1 to 8 Zec, Ps 101, Lk 9.46 to 50
Who is not against you is for you Luke 9.50
Jesus, you know how to see the work of the Holy Spirit outside of your church. Today gives us a criterion of discernment to see what you see. Thanks to help us having an open heart to your work, which exceeds our schemes.
In primo piano
CALENDARIO / Calendario Cinquepani EN
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- Vater unser - Band 2
- Vater unser - Band 3
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- Die Psalmen
- Siebzig mal sieben mal
- Die Hingabe
- Notizen von Vigilius, dem heiligen Bischof von Trient
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